CSE-483: Mobile Robotics Assignment-2 solution


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• This assignment is designed to get you familiar with epipolar geometry and visual odometry.
• Code can be written in Python or C++ only. OpenCV or any equivalent library can be used for image
input & output, and where ever specified. Make sure your code is modular since you might be reusing
them for future assignments.

• Submit your code files and a report (or as a single Jupyter notebook if you wish) as a zip file, named as
〈team id〉 assignment2.zip.
• The report should include all outputs and results and a description of your approach. It should also briefly
describe what each member worked on. The scoring will be primarily based on the report.

• Refer to the late days policy and plagiarism policy in the course information document.
• Start early! This assignment may take fairly long.

Q1) Epipolar lines and Epipoles

You’ve been given two images of the same scene, taken from different view-points. The fundamental
matrix (F) that encodes their relative geometry and a subset of the corresponding points in both the
images that were used to estimate F are provided as well.

Recall that given a point in one image, its corresponding location in the other image can be found to be
along a line viz. the epipolar line. a) For the points in the first image, plot their corresponding epipolar
lines in the second image as shown. Repeat this for the first image. The convention for F we follow is
T F x = 0, where x0 is the location of the point in the second (right) image.

Figure 1: Epipolar lines drawn using the fundamental matrix for both the views.
Recall that the epipolar lines must all converge to their respective epipoles. But the epipoles here seem
to lie outside the image. (b) How can you compute the locations of these epipoles without using these
lines? Report the locations.

Q2) Feature-based Visual Odometry

Visual odometry (VO) is the process of recovering the egomotion (in other words, the trajectory) of an
agent using only the input of a camera or a system of cameras attached to the agent. This is a wellstudied problem in robotic vision and is a critical part of many applications such as mars rovers, and
self-driving cars for localization. You will be implementing a basic monocular visual odometry algorithm
in this part of the assignment.

To begin with, download all the required files from [here]. It contains a sequence of images from the
KITTI dataset. The ground truth pose of each frame (in row-major order) and the camera parameters
are provided as well.

Figure 2: libviso, a popular open-source visual odometry library. In red is the ground truth trajectory,
in blue is the estimated trajectory.

We will now go through the procedure step-by-step.

The following is an overview of the entire algorithm,
1. Find corresponding features between frames Ik, Ik−1.
2. Using these feature correspondences, estimate the essential matrix between the two images within
a RANSAC scheme.

3. Decompose this essential matrix to obtain the relative rotation Rk and translation tk, and form
the transformation Tk.
4. Scale the translation tk with the absolute or relative scale.

5. Concatenate the relative transformation by computing Ck = Ck−1Tk, where Ck−1 is the previous
pose of the camera in the world frame.
6. Repeat steps 1 − 5 for the remaining pairs of frames.

The main task in VO is to compute the relative transformations Tk from each pair of images Ik and Ik−1
and then to concatenate these transformations to recover the full trajectory C0:n of the camera, where
n is the total number of images. C0 is taken to be the origin i.e. the world frame.

There are two broad
approaches to compute the relative motion Tk: appearance-based (or direct) methods, which use the
intensity information of all the pixels in the two input images, and feature-based methods, which only
use salient and repeatable features extracted and tracked across the images. You will be implementing
a feature-based method.

For every new image Ik, the first step consists of detecting and matching 2D features with those from
the previous frame. These 2D features (or simply keypoints) are locations in the image which we can
reliably find in multiple images and possibly match them. To detect these keypoints use the following
OpenCV code.
detector = cv2.SIFT()
keypoints = detector.detect(img1)
pts1 = np.array([x.pt for x in keypoints], dtype=np.float32)

SIFT (scale invariant feature detector) is one of many feature detectors, which applies a difference-ofGaussian (DoG) operator on the entire image, followed by a nonmaxima supression on its output to
detect the features. It achieves scale invariance by applying the detector on lower-scale and upper-scale
versions of the image. You are not expected to know all the details of SIFT here.

Every detected keypoint is then associated with a description of the neighborhood it belongs to, which
is called a descriptor. These descriptors are then used for searching for corresponding features in other
images based on a similarity measure.

An alternative way to independently finding features in all candidate images and then matching them is
to use a detect-then-track approach. Features are detected in the first image, and then tracked over the
next set of images. For this, use OpenCV’s Lukas-Kanade tracker.
pts2, status = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img1,img2,pts1)
pts1 = pts1[status == 1]
pts2 = pts2[status == 1]

The function computes the location of the points from the first image in the second image, by computing
their ’optical flow’, or simply their apparent motion. This optical flow is computed by applying the
Lukas-Kande algorithm, an algorithm that uses spatial and temporal image gradients to compute the
motion of the points (hence their locations).

It also makes the assumption that nearby point have the
same motion. Note that some features will eventually move out of the field-of-view, and tracks will be
lost, so make sure to detect new features when the number of features goes below a threshold (say, 150).

As mentioned earlier, the main task is motion computation. Using these feature correspondences, implement the 8-point algorithm for fundamental matrix estimation. Implement it inside a RANSAC scheme
to get rid of any outliers, as explained in class.

Then, compute the essential matrix, and decompose it
to the relative R and t using cv2.recoverPose(E, points1, points2, K, R, t[, mask]). Note that
the function returns the R and t of the first camera with respect to the second, and not the other way
around (The joys of working in robotics :’)).

Now, you might recall that the absolute scale of the translation cannot be computed from just two images.
The above function only returns the direction of t, as a unit vector. Use the ground truth translation
to get the absolute scale, and multiply your unit translation with this scale. Then concatenate your
transformations, and repeat for the next pair of frames to recover the full absolute trajectory.

• A .txt file containing the estimated poses, provided in the same format as the ground truth file.
• A plot of the estimated trajectory along with the ground truth trajectory. Also report the obtained
trajectory error. Use [EVO] for this.
pip install evo –upgrade –no-binary evo
evo ape kitti ground-truth.txt your-result.txt -va –plot –plot mode xz
• Comment on the performance of your algorithm. Where does it work well, where does it fail, and
why? If you want to test it on more sequences, ask!
• [Bonus] Describe other ways to compute the absolute scale.
Further reading
• Scaramuzza, D., Fraundorfer, F. (2011). Visual odometry [tutorial]. IEEE robotics & automation
magazine, 18(4), 80-92.