The objective of this homework is to develop a custom “stock market” web-server to:
• Understand the use of multiple detached threads.
• Understand the use of sleep-wake up approach using std::unique_lock
and std::condition_variable.
• Understand the use of synchronization constructs with object-oriented design
• Continue to gain experience with HTTP protocol and working with sockets.
• Demonstrate expertise with straightforward string processing.
• Continue to gain familiarity with automated functional testing.
• Do not use global variables. Using shared variables in a namespace is fine.
Grading Rubric:
The program submitted for this homework must pass necessary base
case test(s) in order to qualify for earning any score at all.
Programs that do not meet base case requirements will be assigned
zero score!
Program that do not compile, have a method longer than 25 lines, or
just some skeleton code will be assigned zero score.
• 5 points: Reserved overall structure, organization, conciseness, documentation, variablenames, etc. in the next page. If your methods are not concise points will be deducted.
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• -1 Points: for each warning generated by the compiler (warnings are most likely sources
of errors in C++ programs)
NOTE: Violating CSE programming style guidelines is a compiler error! Your program should
not have any style violations.
Starter code
A short starter code is supplied in homework8.cpp to streamline testing. You are also
supplied with a Stock.h file (do not modify it) to encapsulate information pertaining to a
stock. This stock market is similar to the Bank problem in the previous homework. So, you may
reuse code from previous homework and exercises as you see fit.
For testing, a custom client is supplied in stock_client.cpp along with input text files.
You should not be modifying the stock_client.cpp or the supplied input text files. You
are expected to separately compile and run this program for testing your custom web-server as
shown further below.
Despite all the testing, it still takes a human to review a program to decide if a program is
correctly multithreaded. Hence, the even if your program passes all the tests in the CODE
plug-in it could still be incorrectly multithreaded. Consequently, double-check your
solution to ensure you are correctly multithreading your program in order to earn full
points for this homework.
The responses from your server should be in the following standard HTTP format, with each
HTTP header lines only terminated with a “\r\n”. The message at the end of the headers does
not have any newline characters.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: StockServer
Content-Length: 36
Connection: Close
Content-Type: text/plain
Stock msft created with balance = 10
Note: The Content-Length corresponds to the length of the message in the HTTP response.
The message should not have any newline characters in it.
In this homework, you are expected to develop a simple multithreaded stock market web-server
that operates using standard HTTP requests and responses. The stock market consists of a
collection of stocks stored as an unordered_map, with the stock’s name as the key. You are
supplied with a Stock.h file that contains the definition for a Stock class. Each stock is
identified by a unique name (a std::string). Each stock has a balance field that indicates
number of available stocks.
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Your stock market web-server is expected operate as follows:
1. The server should be developed using the supplied runServer (see starter code) as the
top-level method. This method should loop forever and accept connections from webclients.
2. For each connection, it must use a separate detached thread for processing the request
from the user. Each request will be a standard HTTP GET request in the form (with each
line terminated with a “\r\n”):
GET /TransactionInfo HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4000
Connection: close
Where, TransactionInfo is a HTTP-query string in the form:
“trans=cmd&stock=StockName&amount=amt”. The cmd indicates type of
operation to perform. The stock and amount information are optional. The expected
operation and responses (or outputs) for each command is shown below.
Note: The commands below assume that stock name is 0x01. However, the name can be
different/vary. So do not hardcode stock name to 0x01.
TransactionInfo (all
on 1 line)
Description of required operation Expected msg from
server in HTTP response
A request that is not
one of the 4 below
Browsers may make additional requests
(e.g., for facicon.ico). You should
handle those correctly.
Invalid request
Add stock (to unordered_map) with
balance=amount if stock with same
name does not exist.
Note: Stock creation requests will be
performed in single-threaded mode only
by stock_client.cpp.
Stock 0x01 created
with balance = 10 or
Stock 0x01 already
Subtract specified amount from stock’s
balance, if stock exists. Optional
feature: If sufficient balance is
unavailable, wait until stocks are sold.
Stock 0x01’s balance
updated or
Stock not found
Add specified amount to stock’s
balance, if stock exists.
Stock 0x01’s balance
updated or
Stock not found
Return stock’s balance, if stock exists. Balance for stock
0x01 = 24
Stock not found
Note: The message “Stock not found” is returned if the specified stock name does not
exist (in the unordered_map stockMap). The response is always in the format shown
earlier but the specific message in the response will vary as shown above.
Multithreading Notes
• The web-server must use 1 detached thread per client connection
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• Don’t forget to read (and ignore) request headers from the client. Otherwise your server
will not operate correctly with the web-browser or any standard web-clients.
• Note that, stock creation requests will be performed in single-threaded mode only by
stock_client.cpp. However, rest of the operations will be performed in multithreaded
• Ensure you appropriately lock & unlock each Stock prior to operating on it to avoid race
• Do not perform I/O in the critical section. Keep critical sections as short as possible.
• All changes to a stock must be completed before sending response to client.
Basic Testing
Run your web-browser, in the debugger to help troubleshoot issues. Next, you can test your webserver using the following URLs, after changing the port number:
Functional testing
A custom multithreaded test client is supplied along with this homework for testing your server.
You will need to compile the tester program from a terminal once as shown below:
$ g++ -g -Wall -std=c++14 stock_client.cpp -o stock_client -lboost_system -lpthread
Base case [6 points] — Will be strictly enforced
The base case tests require the server to operate correctly in single threaded mode. The base case
is relatively simple string processing. To add new stock entries, you can use the following simple
std::string stock = “msft”;
sm::stockMap[stock].name = stock;
sm::stockMap[stock].balance = 10;
The base case testing should be conducted as shown below, assuming your server is listening on
port 6000.
$ ./stock_client base_case_req.txt 6000
Note: On correct operation, the client generates the following output:
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Testing completed.
Optional Feature: Simple multithreading case [6 points]
Once the base case is operating correctly, multithreading is relatively straightforward using
detached threads. See prior exercises or lecture videos for working with detached threads. Ensure
you lock/unlock the mutex with a given stock to maximize concurrency without race conditions.
In this feature, you are guaranteed that a stock will always have sufficient balance when
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buying a stock. The multithreading testing should be conducted as shown below, assuming your
server is listening on port 6000.
$ ./stock_client mt_test_req.txt 6000
Note: On correct operation, the client will generate the following output:
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Finished block #1 testing phase.
Finished block #2 testing phase.
Finished block #3 testing phase.
Finished block #4 testing phase.
Finished block #4 testing phase.
Testing completed.
Optional Feature: Multithreading + wait, when insufficient balance [6 points]
Unlike in the previous case, this feature expects you to handle situations where a stock’s balance
is insufficient – i.e., the client wants to buy 100 stocks, but the balance is only 50. If this
situation occurs, the thread must use a sleep-wake up solution (using the condition variable
associated with the stock) to wait until sufficient balance is available to fulfil the buy request.
This optional feature can be tested as shown below, assuming your server is listening on port
$ ./stock_client mt_wait_test_req.txt 6000
Note: On correct operation, the client will generate the following output:
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Finished block #1 testing phase.
Finished block #2 testing phase.
Finished block #3 testing phase.
Finished block #4 testing phase.
Finished block #4 testing phase.
Testing completed.
Optional Feature: Limit maximum number of detached threads [7 points]
Points will be assigned for this feature only if the above 3 features are operating correctly! In the
previous multithreading features the maximum number of detached threads were not limited (to
keep the problem simple). Unlimited threading leaves the server highly susceptible to Denial-ofService (DOS) attacks, which is a big cybersecurity issue. Hence, in this feature you are required
to limit the maximum number of detached threads to be fewer than the maxThreads parameter
to the runServer method using a Sleep-Wake-up approach.
Here are a couple of tips to implement this feature:
1. Add an atomic variable (within the sm namespace) to count number of threads. Increment
and decrement this variable appropriately.
2. Add a condition variable (within the sm namespace). In runServer method wait until
the number of detached threads is fewer than maxThreads.
This optional feature can be tested as follows. First, run your server in NetBeans with
command-line arguments 6000 3 – i.e.,
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$ ./homework5 6000 3
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Next, from a separate terminal run the stock_client as:
$ ./stock_client mt_wait_test_req.txt 6000
Note: On correct operation, the client will generate the following output:
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Finished block #1 testing phase.
Finished block #2 testing phase.
Finished block #3 testing phase.
Finished block #4 testing phase.
Expected thread count matched (2)
Finished block #5 testing phase.
Expected thread count matched (2)
Finished block #6 testing phase.
Expected thread count matched (1)
Finished block #7 testing phase.
Finished block #8 testing phase.
Finished block #9 testing phase.
Expected thread count matched (4)
Finished block #10 testing phase.
Expected thread count matched (7)
Testing completed.
Note: This feature is not really testable and requires manual code review. Hence, on Canvas, the
results from this test will appear to fail and that is ok.
Submit to Canvas
This homework assignment must be turned-in electronically via Canvas. Ensure your C++ source
files are named appropriately. Ensure your program compiles (without any warnings or style
errors) successfully. Ensure you have tested operations of your program as indicated. Once you
have tested your implementation, upload the following onto Canvas:
Ø The 1 C++ source file named with the convention you modified for this homework.
Ensure your source file is named with the convention MUID_homework8.cpp, where
MUID is your Miami University Unique ID (e.g., raodm_homework8.cpp).
Upload all the necessary C++ source files to onto Canvas independently. Do not submit
zip/7zip/tar/gzip files. Upload each file independently.