CSE 320 HW #4


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1 Introduction
The goal of this homework is to practice writing multithreaded code. It will
also expose you to the concepts of synchronization using semaphores to access
shared data structures. You need to implement three small programs, modify
your previous homework to use threads, and build a new program. As usual,
we highly recommend spending some time thinking about your code. You may
want to design your code first, think about possible corner cases, and probably
even write it down on a piece of paper. It may significantly reduce the amount
of time that you may spend on writing the code itself.
The homework is structured as follows: Part I consists of readings, Part II is
three short programming exercises to practice thread creation and semaphores,
Part III is modifying your previous homework, and Part IV is a bigger programming exercise with threads.
2 Part I
For this homework, it is crucial to start early and read the textbook. You
should read Chapter 12 from the textbook and corresponding man pages for
the functions used in this homework. The web-links below point to the material
that may be helpful for this assignment. The second and the third reference, you
should be able to access the PDF files for free if you are using the university’s
A Parallel Quicksort Algorithm
We also recommend to go over the readings about locking/synchronization/threads:
Mutex versus Spinlock
3 Part II
In this part, you need to implement three small programs that will get you
started with writing multithreaded code and give you some practice with using
In the first program, you need to build an application that should print
Nth Fibonacci number using separate thread. The program should be called
hw4 progfib and N should be obtained from the command line arguments. In
this program you need to create a new thread using pthread create() function
and find Nth Fibonacci number using that thread. As before, print only the
resulting number to the output. To run a program that prints fourth Fibonacci,
one will type the following in the terminal:
$ make progfib
$ ./hw4_progfib 4
In the second program, you need to write an application that will count the
number of occurrences of numbers zero, one, and two in some arrays. You will be
given three files with following names: “file1.dat”, “file2.dat”, and “file3.dat”.
Each file will contain two lines. The first line contains a number N. The
second line contains N space-separated numbers. Your task is to create three
threads such that each thread will handle one and only one of the files. Each
thread should count the number of occurrences of numbers zero, one, and two
on the second line and increment global counters. For storing that information
you need to create a global data structure called number counter. Thus, each
thread will share the same data structure and should modify that data structure
within the thread function body. You need to print only three space-separated
numbers to the output that represent the number of occurrences of numbers
zero, one, and two respectively. To run that second program, one will type the
following in the terminal:
$ make progcnt
$ ./hw4_progcnt
In the third program, you need to implement Parallel Quicksort algorithm
using pthreads. Your program should start with reading the file. The file name
is given as the command-line argument. That file contains two lines: the first
line contains number N and the second line contains N space-separated numbers. Your program should sort numbers from the second line using the parallel
quicksort algorithm and print the result as a sorted sequence of space-separated
numbers. To run the third program that sorts numbers stored in the file with
name “filename.dat”, one will type the following in the terminal:
$ make progqsort
$ ./hw4_progqsort filename.dat
4 Part III
We have discussed what are some reasons to choose a multithread approach
versus a multiprocess approach. However, it is also interesting to see the difference from the programming perspective. In this part, you need to modify
your previous homework #3. As you may recall, we had fork() to create new
processes. In this programming exercise instead of creating new processes, you
will need to create new threads to serve the same purposes. Thus, your goal
is to re-write part of your homework #3 but instead of using fork() and creating new processes, now you need to use pthread create() and create new
threads. You need to re-implement the following commands from the previous
• List of commands:
– help (this stays same)
– hire X
– list
– fire TID
– fireall
– exit
Hint: You may want to read about pthread detach() function.
5 Part IV
In this part, you need to write a bigger program called museum overseer that
will imitate a simple garbage collector that runs in a separate thread. Now let’s
phrase that in terms of art!
In the beautiful city of New Stony Brook, there are five art museums. In this
city, there are many people who enjoy going to art museums on a daily basis.
Every morning all of the museums open their door to the public and in each
of the museums there will be one person who opened it and we consider that
person as the first visitor. Usually, art museums close in the evening, but in the
city of New Stony Brook, an art museum cannot close if there is at least one
visitor. However, once it is evening and there are no visitors in the art museum,
it can close its doors. And now your goal is to make sure that eventually all
museums are closed.
Now let’s discuss some internals of this program. First, you need to create
some data structure that will represent art museums and will keep a count of
the number of visitors in each museum. That data structure should be called
museum ds. Then you need to implement several functions:
• visitor in(int N). This function imitates that a visitor entered museum
number N.
• visitor out(int N). This function imitates that a visitor left museum
number N.
• museum info(). This function prints information about the current state
of the museums. More information about this function will be provided
• museum close(int N). This function imitates closing museum number N.
• museum clean(). This function kicks out all visitors from all museums if
there are any, closes all museums, and frees all the memory.
museum info(). This function should print information about the current
state of each museum in the following form:
For example, if museum number five has four visitors, then the respective line
for that museum will look as “5:4:OPEN”. The museum can either be “OPEN”
or “CLOSED”.
Now, once all those functions are implemented, we finally can proceed to our
version of the garbage collector. You need to implement a shell that supports
the following commands:
• in N X. This command adds X more visitors to the museum N.
• out N X. This command removes X visitors from the museum N.
• info. This command prints information about the current state of the
museums in the format described earlier.
• start. This command starts the garbage collector.
• exit. This command exits the program.
The “in N X” command should create X threads where each thread will call
visitor in(int N) to modify number of visitors at an art museum number N.
You need to use for-loop to create these threads and you should not join your
threads within that for-loop.
The “out N X” command should create X threads where each thread will
call visitor out(int N) to modify number of visitors at an art museum number N. You need to use for-loop to create these threads and you should not join
your threads within that for-loop.
The “info” command should create a thread that will internally call the
museum info() function to print the information about the current state of the
Finally, the start command should create a thread that will check every three seconds if there are open art museums with zero visitors. If there
is such an art museum then that thread should close that art museum using
museum close(int N) function.
Don’t forget to call museum clean() before exiting your program.
6 Notes and Requirements
No zombies. No memory leaks. No crashes.
You need to create a Makefile that will allow us to compile your code and
put the documentation for your programs into README file. The documentation should be written in such way, that a person who will read it should be
able to understand how to compile/run your program, what it is about, and
high-level details about your implementation.
Your code should be thread-safe. We will use many threads during testing
of your code to verify the correctness of your submission.
You need to follow the provided specification, especially the required names
for executable files and data structures. Failing to do so may result in a severe
penalty for the homework grade even if the difference is just one symbol.
If you are asked for some output then you need to print only what was asked
and nothing else. You should create a function called cse320 print(char*
msg) that you need to use for any required output. The body of that function
may be modified during grading.
7 Submission
Please click on the link below that will set up a repository for you for this
homework. In case, it will take more than a few minutes please contact me so
I can set up the repository for you manually.
8 Extra Credit I
For this extra credit, you need to implement the following parallel algorithms
using pthreads and report runtime performance gain/loss with varying number
of threads:
• Parallel Mergesort,
• Parallel Samplesort,
• Parallel partitioning,
• Parallel matrix multiplication, and
• Parallel algorithm of your choice.
As before, you need to demonstrate your extra credit work in-person before
the last lecture of this semester.
9 Extra Credit II
For this extra credit, you need to implement three versions of second program
in the Part II using different types of synchronization mechanisms:
• pthread mutex t mutexes,
• sem t semaphores, and
• pthread spinlock t spinlocks.
You also need to measure running time for your program while varying input
size and make a write up to report your findings.
As before, you need to demonstrate your extra credit work in-person before
the last lecture of this semester.