CSE 222/505 – Homework 07


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Q1: Create directed acyclic graph have random weight (v=10, e=20), plot this graph using
plot_graph function. Prove that using is_undirected and is_acyclic_graph functions. Then run
shortest_path function on this graph, use least 3 different label pair (shortest_path(g,v1,v2),
shortest_path(g,v3,v4), ……)
Q2: Create undirected and acyclic graph have no weight (v=15), plot this graph using plot_graph
function. Prove that using is_undirected and is_acyclic_graph functions. Then run is_connected
function on this graph, use least 3 different label pair ( is_connected(g,v1,v2),
is_connected(g,v3,v4), ……)
Q3: Create undirected and cyclic graph have no weight (v=10), plot this graph using plot_graph
function. Prove that using is_undirected and is_acyclic_graph functions. Then run
DepthFirstSearch and BreathFirstSearch functions on text book and plot spanning trees.
Q4: This answer of this question should be only 1 page. Explain what is the differencies of BFS
and DFS. (usage areas, advantages, …). Consider the undirected graph below which is
represented by its adjacency matrix.
a. Run the DFS algorithm starting from vertex 1, and draw the DFS tree.
b. Run the BFS algorithm starting from vertex 1, and draw the BFS tree.
Function – is_connected
● Input – g, a graph object; v1, a vertex label in g; v2, a vertex label in g.
● Output – TRUE if there is a path from v1 to v2 in g, FALSE if not.
● Description – Determine if there is any path between vertex v1 and vertex v2 in graph g. If
v1 or v2 are not in g then throw an error.
Function – shortest_path
● Input – g, graph object; v1, a vertex label in g; v2, a vertex label in g.
● Output – path, a vector of the names of vertices that make up the shortest path, in order.
If there is no path between the vertices then return an empty vector; distance, total
weight of path.
● Description – Find the shortest path from vertex v1 to vertex v2 using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Note that there may not be a unique solution for any given graph, you are only required
to return one path.
Function – is_undirected
● Input – g, a graph object.
● Output – TRUE if g is undirected, FALSE if not.
● Description – Check if the graph object is undirected, this is true if all directed edges have
a complementary directed edge with the same weight in the opposite direction.
Function – is_acyclic_graph
● Input – g, a graph object.
● Output – TRUE if g is undirected, FALSE if not.
● Description -The graph may or may not have cycles. To check do a graph traversal (BFS
or DFS).
Function – plot_graph
● Input – g, a graph object
● Output – plot showing all vertices (labeled) and edges.
● Description – This function should be able to take any graph object and produce a
reasonably attractive visual representation of that graph. Your algorithm should make use
edge weights to layout the distance between vertices.
Book Student source code:
● Obey OOP principles and clean code standarts.
● Write a main and maintest for each function
● Your submission is studentnumber.zip and include following files:
● o intelliJ project file
○ Q1 folder
○ Q2 folder
○ Q3 folder
● o Report.pdf
● o Javadoc
● The report must be in format “ReportFormat_hw7”
● For contact and questions “fesirci@gtu.edu.tr”