
CSE 110 – Lab 4

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This lab is for practicing the switch statement, do-while, while and for loops.
Use the following Coding Guidelines:
• When declaring a variable, you usually want to initialize it.
• Use white space to make your program more readable.
• Use comments after the ending brace of classes, methods, and blocks to identify to which block it
Assignments Documentation:
At the beginning of each programming assignment you must have a comment block with the
following information:
// AUTHOR: (Put your name here)
// SPECIFICATION: This program is for practicing the switch statement, do-while,
while and for loops.
// Using a while loop calculate the sum of integers
from 1 to n.
// Using a for loop find the factorial of n.
// LAB LETTER: (Put your Lab Letter here)
Getting Started
Create a class called Lab4. Use the same setup for setting up your class and main method as you did
for the previous assignments. Be sure to name your file
Please replace //–> with the correct program to finish the task according to the corresponding
Please replace ??? with the correct program to enable the program to run as required.
// Import required java utility Scanner package
import java.util.Scanner;
// Declare class (Lab4)
public class Lab4
// Write the main method
public static void main(String[] args)
// Declare Constant integers SUM = 1, FACTORIAL = 2, FACTORS = 3, QUIT = 4.
final int SUM= 1;
final int FACTORIAL = 2;
// Create an integer variable named choice.
// Create a Scanner object (you may need to import the class)
// Create a do-while loop that exits only when the user chooses quit
(choice = QUIT)
// Have the do-statement here
// Print the following options:
// “This program does the following:”
// “1. Sum of numbers from 1 to n”
// “2. Factorial of n”
// “3. Factors of n”
// “4. Quit”
// “Please choose an option ”
// Read the value the user enters and store it in an integer
// Create a switch statement with as input for the 3 cases
switch(???) {
// case SUM:
case SUM:
// Ask the user to enter a number,
System.out.print(“\nPlease enter a number n: “);
// Take user input and put it into the variable
// Define 2 integer variables and and
initialize them to 0
// Use a while loop to calculate the sum of numbers
from 1 to n
// Add the while-statement with the condition that
variable is less than
// increment variable;
// Calculate the by adding to
sum = sum + count;
// Print the answer saying, ‘Sum of numbers from 1 – ‘
‘ is ‘
// exit from the switch with a break statement, what
happens if you don’t use one?
// case FACTORIAL:
case ???:
// Ask the user to enter a number,
System.out.print(“\nPlease enter a number n: “);
// Take user input and put it into the variable
// Compute the factorial of
// Declare an long (integer) variable and
initialize it to 1
// Use a for loop to calculate the factorial of n
// Write a for loop with an integer variable and
initialize it to ,
// condition that greater than 1, increment by 1
for(int i= num; i > 1 ; i–){
// write the expression = *
//Print the answer saying,’Factorial of’ ‘is’
// exit from the switch with a break statement.
// Ask the user to enter a number,
System.out.print(“\nPlease enter a number n: “);
// Take user input and put it into the variable
// Write a loop to find which numbers are the factors of

// Hint: The loop should terminate after iterating upto

// Print the a statement saying,’Factors of’ ‘are’
// if(num%i) == 0, then I is a factor (Here we check if
the number is divisible by i)
// Print the numbers with two spaces
case QUIT:
// Print ‘Your choice was , Quitting the program,
Have a good day!’
// exit from the switch with a break statement
// default:
// Print ‘Incorrect choice, ‘ ‘ Please choose
// Close the switch statement
//Close the do-while loop with a condition is not equal to

This program does the following:
1. Sum of numbers from 1 to n
2. Factorial of n
3. Factors of n
4. Quit
Please choose an option
Please enter an integer n:
Sum of numbers from 1 – 10 is 55
This program does the following:
1. Sum of numbers from 1 to n
2. Factorial of n
3. Factors of n
4. Quit
Please choose an option
Please enter an integer n:
Factorial of number 20 is 21c3677c82b40000
This program does the following:
1. Sum of numbers from 1 to n
2. Factorial of n
3. Factors of n
4. Quit
Please choose an option
Please enter an integer n:
Factors of number 65 are
1 5 13 65
This program does the following:
1. Sum of numbers from 1 to n
2. Factorial of n
3. Factors of n
4. Quit
Please choose an option
Incorrect choice, 8 Please choose again
This program does the following:
1. Sum of numbers from 1 to n
2. Factorial of n
3. Factors of n
4. Quit
Please choose an option
Your choice was , Quitting the program, Have a good day!