This homework assignment will give you additional practice classes and objects as you implement the child’s card
game known as War, along with two variants of the game detailed below. Review the simple rules at the following
website if you are unfamiliar with the game: (card game). Note that Aces have
will have the highest rank in our versions of the game.
Getting Started
Visit Piazza and download the “bare bones” file onto your computer, as well as
homework5 Open in PyCharm and fill in the following information at the top:
1. your first and last name as they appear in Blackboard
2. your Net ID (e.g., jsmith)
3. your Stony Brook ID # (e.g., 111999999)
4. the course number (CSE 101)
5. the assignment name and number (Homework #5)
Do not, under any circumstances, change the names of the functions or their argument lists. The grading software
will be looking for exactly those functions provided in
Submit your final file to Blackboard by the due date and time. Late work will not be graded.
Code that crashes and cannot be graded will earn no credit. It is your responsibility to test your code by running
it through and by creating your own test cases.
Throughout this assignment you will be using the following Card and Player classes, which are available in
the file war
class Card:
def __init__(self, rank, suit):
self._rank = rank
self._suit = suit
class Player:
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def __init__(self, player_num, score, cards):
self._player_num = player_num
self._score = score
self._cards = cards
We see that a Card object is defined by its rank and suit attributes, and a Player object is defined by its ID
number, score and card list attributes.
Part I: Create Deck of Cards (10 points)
Write a function create deck() that creates and returns a list of 52 Card objects in the order specified
below. The function takes no arguments. A Card has a rank in the range 0 through 12 and a suite in the range 0
through 3. A card showing a 2 is represented by ID #0, 3 is represented by ID #1, …, 10 is represented by ID #8;
and the Jack, Queen, King and Ace are represented by 9, 10, 11 and 12, respectively:
Rank Number Assigned
2 0
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 4
7 5
8 6
9 7
10 8
J 9
Q 10
K 11
A 12
Suits are assigned ID numbers as follows:
Suit Number Assigned
For example, a Card that represents the Queen of Clubs will have 0 for its suit attribute and 10 for its rank
The create deck() constructs and returns a list of 52 Card objects. The cards are returned in the following
• all of the Clubs in the order 2 through Ace, followed by
• all of the Spades in the order 2 through Ace, followed by
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• all of the Diamonds in the order 2 through Ace, followed by
• all of the Hearts in the order 2 through Ace.
Part II: Deal the Cards (10 points)
Complete the function deal cards(), which takes one argument, deck, is a list Cards objects (but not
necessarily exactly 52 cards). The objects in deck might appear in any random (shuffled) order. The function
creates and returns (as a tuple) two Player objects with the following values:
• player num: 1 or 2, as appropriate
• score: 0
• cards: the empty list
The function appends alternating Card objects from deck to the cards attribute of each Player object. More
1. Player 1 receives the Card object at deck[0].
2. Player 2 receives the Card object at deck[1].
3. Player 1 receives the Card object at deck[2].
4. Player 2 receives the Card object at deck[3].
and so on, for all the cards in deck.
Part III: Play One Round (20 points)
Complete the function play normal round(), which takes twos arguments, in this order:
1. player1: a Player object that represents Player #1
2. player2: a Player object that represents Player #2
Each Player object has equal number of Card objects in its cards attribute. The function draws cards from
each player’s hand (use the draw card() method in the Player class) until a player wins the round or the
players run out of cards. Here is an example of how you might have Player #1 draw a card:
player1_card = player1.draw_card()
If, on the first draw, the rank of Player #1’s card is greater than the rank of Player #2’s card, then Player #1 wins
the round and the function returns the tuple (1, 2), where 1 indicates Player #1 and 2 indicates the points won
by the player. The function also adds 2 to player1. score. As in the real War card game, Player #1 earns
2 points because he “wins” two cards: his own, as well as Player #2’s card. The cards are discarded and are
not added to either player’s card list. Similarly, if the rank of Player #2’s card is greater than the rank of Player
#1’s card, then Player #2 wins the round and the function returns the tuple (2, 2). The function also adds 2 to
player2. score. Here is an example:
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Player 1 drew A♣
Player 2 drew 8♥
Player 1 won the round, scoring 2 points.
If the two cards have the same rank, then we have a war! The function draws another card from each player’s hand
(if any). Cards are continually drawn until the players run out of cards or one player wins the war by drawing a
card of higher rank than the other player. Each draw of the cards earns the eventual winner 2 additional points.
Here is an example:
Player 1 drew 10♥
Player 2 drew 10♦
Player 1 drew 2♣
Player 2 drew 2♦
Player 1 drew 5♣
Player 2 drew Q♥
Player 2 won the round, scoring 6 points.
For the above example, the function would return (2, 6) and would update the value of player2. score
If the two players start a war and then run out of cards, the round is considered a tie. In this case the function
returns the tuple (0, 0).
Part IV: Determine the Winner (10 points)
Complete the function check game winner(), which takes the following arguments, in this order:
1. player1: a Player object that represents Player #1
2. player2: a Player object that represents Player #2
The function returns 1 if Player #1 has the higher score, 2 if Player #2 has the higher score, or 0 if the two players
have the same score.
Part V: War Variant #1: Suit Rank (20 points)
Complete the function play with suits(), which takes two arguments, in this order:
1. player1: a Player object that represents Player #1
2. player2: a Player object that represents Player #2
This function provides an alternate form of gameplay to the rules implemented in the play normal round()
function. Rather than decide the winner using card ranks, the winner is decided using suits:
1. Hearts beat Spades and Diamonds
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2. Spades beat Diamonds and Clubs
3. Diamonds beat Clubs
4. Clubs beat Hearts
Here’s an example:
Player 1 drew 6♣
Player 2 drew 2♠
Player 2 won the round, scoring 2 points.
Wars are now caused when two cards of the same suit are drawn, as in the example below:
Player 1 drew Q♣
Player 2 drew 8♣
Player 1 drew K♣
Player 2 drew 9♣
Player 1 drew A♠
Player 2 drew 8♦
Player 1 won the round, scoring 6 points.
If the two players start a war and then run out of cards, the round is considered a tie. In this case the function
returns the tuple (0, 0).
Hint: recall that each suit is represented using an ID number (see the suits dictionary in the war
file). You can these numbers to compare the suit properties of two Card objects.
Part VI: War Variant #2: Scouting (30 points)
Complete the function play with scouts(), which takes two arguments, in this order:
1. player1: a Player object that represents Player #1
2. player2: a Player object that represents Player #2
This function provides an alternate form of gameplay to the rules implemented in the play normal round()
function. Play proceeds as in normal gameplay except when a player draws a card of rank 5 or lower (i.e., 2, 3,
4 or 5). In such cases, if the player has at least one more card in his hand, the player scouts by drawing a second
card from his hand. The combined value of the first card played and the scouted card is the value used in the battle
(with J = 11, Q = 12, K = 13, A = 14). If the player is unable to draw a second card (because he has run out of
cards), then the round simply continues as normal. Here is an example:
Player 1 drew 9♣
Player 2 drew 5♥
Player 2 drew K♠
Player 2 won the round, scoring 3 points.
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Player #1’s 9 of Clubs is valued at 9, whereas Player #2’s 5 and King together are valued at 18 (18 = 5 + 13).
Therefore, Player #2 wins the round. Since 3 total cards were draw this round, the winner earns 3 points.
Below’s an example where scouting the next card did not help Player #1, and he lost an extra card:
Player 1 drew 2♦
Player 1 drew 7♦
Player 2 drew Q♦
Player 2 won the round, scoring 3 points.
It is possible that scouting a card can cause one or more Wars to break out. The Wars themselves might cause
additional scouting to happen:
Player 1 drew Q♥
Player 2 drew 4♥
Player 2 drew 8♥
Player 1 drew 7♣
Player 2 drew 3♠
Player 2 drew K♥
Player 2 won the round, scoring 6 points.
If the two players start a war and then one (or both) runs out of cards, the round is considered a tie. In this case
the function returns the tuple (0, 0).
How to Submit Your Work for Grading
To submit your .py file for grading:
1. Login to Blackboard and locate the course account for CSE 101.
2. Click on “Assignments” in the left-hand menu and find the link for this assignment.
3. Click on the link for this assignment.
4. Click the “Browse My Computer” button and locate the .py file you wish to submit. Submit only that one
.py file.
5. Click the “Submit” button to submit your work for grading.
Oops, I messed up and I need to resubmit a file!
No worries! Just follow the above directions again. We will grade only your last submission.
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