CSCI3230 Prolog Programming Assignment – Pentago


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Pentago is a two-player board game played on a 6×6 board, which is divided into four 3×3
sub-boards (or quadrants). This game is similar to tic-tac-toe. One player owns the red
playing pieces (i.e. the red marbles) and the other one owns the black playing pieces (i.e.
the black marbles). In each turn, one player places one of his/her marbles on the board
and rotates a quadrant by 90 degrees. The goal of this game is to create a vertical,
horizontal or diagonal row of five marbles.
In this assignment, you are required to implement a simple Pentago player program,
which can help you win the game.
In this assignment, you are required to implement two important Prolog predicates:
The first one “threatening” calculates the number of threats (introduced later) that the
CurrentPlayer makes for his/her opponent. The second one “pentago_ai” finds the best
move for the CurrentPlayer given the current board. Some related predicates can be
defined and used in your program to support the inference of “threatening” and
Board Representation
Pentago is a two-player (say Black player vs. Red player) board game. As shown in figure 1,
the 6×6 board has 36 positions for the players to put their marbles on. There are 4
quadrants on the board which are labelled as top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottomright, respectively. These quadrants can be rotated separately (figure 2).
Figure 1. An empty 6×6 board with 3×3 sub-boards
Figure 2. An example for a rotation of 90 degrees on the bottom-right quadrant in anticlockwise.
The holes on the 6×6 board are represented using a rectangular grid. Each position is
labelled as shown in figure 3. A position can only be in either one of the three states:
1. Occupied by a black marble
2. Occupied by a red marble
3. Unoccupied (i.e. no marble put on it)
We will use board(BlackL,RedL) to represent a board state. BlackL is a list in
Prolog and stores the positions occupied by black marbles; RedL is a list in Prolog and
stores the positions occupied by red marbles. The unoccupied positions can be inferred
from them. For example, board([],[]) represents the empty board in figure 1.
board([4,9,21,26], [5,12,22,36]) represents the board in figure 4.
Game Flow
The goal of this game is to create a vertical, horizontal or diagonal row of five marbles in
your chosen color. The game starts with an empty board. The players take turns during the
game. In each turn, the player is required to make the following two actions:
1. Marble placement: Place a marble of the chosen color on an unoccupied position
2. Quadrant rotation: Rotate a quadrant by 90 degrees either in anti-clockwise or
clockwise direction
Figure 3. Coordinates of each position in
the board
Figure 4. A position can only be in one of
the three states.
The game ends when any player creates a vertical, horizontal or diagonal row of five
marbles of the same color (either before or after the quadrant rotation in their move).
Looking at the board in the ending state, the player wins if he/she owns five marbles of
the same color in a row. As listed in the Appendix, there are in total 32 ways to place the
five marbles in a row on an empty board. Some winning cases are shown in figure 5. Note
that it is possible for the two players to win this game at the same time (figure 5c). It is a
draw when neither of the two players could make five marbles of the same color in a row
at last. Under this ending condition, since marble placement never prevents the current
player from winning but quadrant rotation can (figure 5d, if Black player rotates top-right
quadrant before putting a black marble, Red player wins.), we assume that the player will
always place a marble before quadrant rotation. A move is a structure in Prolog:
Position refers to the place where the new marble will be put on the existing board,
Direction refers to the direction of rotation of a quadrant, {anti-clockwise, clockwise}
Quadrant refers to the 4 possible quadrants, {top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottomright}
Figure 5. (a) Five black marbles in a vertical row. (b) Five red marbles in a diagonal row.
(c) Five black marbles in a diagonal row and at the same time five red marbles in a
horizontal row. (d) Nobody wins at the moment.
This section describes the Prolog predicate
a b
c d
As listed in the Appendix, there are only 32 ways to place the five marbles in a row on an
empty board. We call each of these ways as a winning row. The current state of the board
is stored in variable Board, which is represented as structure board(BlackL,RedL).
CurrentPlayer is threatened when any of the winning rows is filled with exactly 4
opponent’s marbles with 1 empty slot, which we call each of them as a threatening row.
From the perspective of the CurrentPlayer, the degree of the threat is defined as the
number of threatening rows produced on a board by the opponent and is stored in
ThreatsCount. Referred to figure 6, the number of threatening rows with respect to
Black player is 3, i.e. [1,8,15,22,29], [8,15,22,29,36] and [5,11,17,23,29]. The number of
threatening rows with respect to Red player is 0 (i.e. not threatened). The more
threatening rows you create for your opponent, the higher the chance of winning. In your
turn, the less threatening rows you encounter, the higher the chance of winning.
Figure 6. Coordinates of each position in the board.
On Choosing the Best Move
In this assignment, we will implement a greedy strategy in the Pentagon AI program on
choosing the best move(s) by using the predicate:
Your program will search the states of the board one step ahead (e.g. Black player’s
turn ! Red player’s turn). The choice of the move by CurrentPlayer is stored in
BestMove as a move structure. We denote the two turns as Tn and Tn+1 respectively,
hence three layers of board states searching. Assume it is CurrentPlayer’s turn.
The goal of CurrentPlayer is to win this game as soon as possible given the current
board state Board. CurrentPlayer always executes a winning move if it exists in turn
Tn. Otherwise, CurrentPlayer player will think one turn ahead and prevent the rational
opponent from winning in turn Tn+1 unless both players win at the same time. The
opponent will try his/her best to win the game and threaten CurrentPlayer.
CurrentPlayer prefers a draw to a loss and will choose any move as BestMove if he/
she must lose the game.
When neither of players wins after turn Tn+1 ends, CurrentPlayer player will reduce
threats made by the opponent as much as possible. How to count the threats has been
discussed in the previous section. After deciding the BestMove, it will be executed and
will give a new board NextBoard. The partial search tree formed by your program is
shown in figure 7.
Note that if the player can only win by placing a marble without a quadrant rotation, the
program should produce a NextBoard containing five marbles in a row. Only the
Position of BestMove will be checked in this case while Direction and Quadrant
will be ignored.
Figure 7. Search tree by the AI program.
Example 1
?- threatening(board([3,4,9,10,21,26,27,33],
S = 3.
?- threatening(board([3,4,9,10,21,26,27,33],
S = 0.
Example 2
Note that the solution for this problem may not be unique.
?- pentago_ai(board([2,4,10,16,21,26,27],
BestMove = move(34,anti-clockwise,bottom-right).
NextBoard = board([2,4,10,16,21,26,27],[5,8,12,15,22,29,36]).
More Examples
For simplicity, one of the best moves is shown here.
BestMove = move(36, clockwise, top-left)
BestMove = move(11, anti-clockwise, top-right)
BestMove = move(21, anti-clockwise, top-right)
Marking Scheme
In the marking, we will use SWI-Prolog version 5.10.4. There will be ten test cases
(five for “threatening” and five for “pentago_ai”) and each case contributes 10% of
the total marks of the assignment. You can find old versions of SWI-Prolog here
You should submit a single file through our online submission
system, e.g. if your student ID is 1301234567, the filename should be Please limit the file size to be less than 1MB. You can submit
multiple times (before the deadline), and the final grade will be the highest mark
of all the submissions for this assignment. Make sure that you have removed all
the unrelated predicates or statements in your .pl file before submission. Also,
make ensure that your program can return the results for all the test cases in 1 minute in
our machine. If your program fails to do so, zero mark will be given.
Late submission will lead to marks deduction which is subject to the following
penalty scheme.
Number of Days Late Marks Deduction
1 10%
2 30%
3 60%
Plagiarism will be seriously punished.
1. Study predicate for sets.
2. Be careful on the minimax procedure.
3. Do not perform exhaustive search and early stop is necessary.
4. Use
to optimize your program.
Extension of the assignment
This part is for students who are interested in extending the current program after
submitting a workable version of your assignment. You may modify the program so as to
make it into real Pentago player program. You may also use alpha-beta pruning technique
in choosing the best moves.
Rules of Pentago:
Reference manual of SWI-Prolog:
32 ways to make Iive marbles in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row
4 or more 100%
[1,7,13,19,25] [5,11,17,23,29] [8,9,10,11,12] [13,14,15,16,17]
[1,2,3,4,5] [5,10,15,20,25] [8,15,22,29,36] [14,15,16,17,18]
[1,8,15,22,29] [6,12,18,24,30] [9,15,21,27,33] [19,20,21,22,23]
[2,8,14,20,26] [6,11,16,21,26] [10,16,22,28,34] [20,21,22,23,24]
[2,3,4,5,6] [7,13,19,25,31] [11,17,23,29,35] [25,26,27,28,29]
[2,9,16,23,30] [7,8,9,10,11] [11,16,21,26,31] [26,27,28,29,30]
[3,9,15,21,27] [7,14,21,28,35] [12,18,24,30,36] [31,32,33,34,35]
[4,10,16,22,28] [8,14,20,26,32] [12,17,22,27,32] [32,33,34,35,36]
Have fun!