CSCI3230 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Written Assignment 3


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I. Questions
(a) Short Answer Questions [15 marks]
i. In binary classification, the confusion matrix consists of four elements
which are True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative (TN) and
False Negative (FN). What does each mean? [4 marks]
ii. Explain what is generalization and specialization in the logical
formulation of learning. [4 marks]
iii. What is overfitting in supervised learning? Discuss the Ockham’s Razor
principle and how it relates to overfitting. [7 marks]
CSCI3230, Fall 2020, Written Assignment 3 2
(b) Decision Tree [35 marks]
There is a smart phone evaluation database in arff format as follows:
@RELATION smart phone evaluation
@ATTRIBUTE, price, {high, med, low}
@ATTRIBUTE, performance, {high, med, low}
@ATTRIBUTE, stability, {high, med, low}
@ATTRIBUTE, size, {small, big}
@ATTRIBUTE, service, {limited, fair, good}
@ATTRIBUTE, class, {normal, good}
high, high, high, big, fair, good
high, low, high, small, limited, normal
high, low, low, small, limited, normal
med, high, med, big, fair, normal
low, med, high, small, fair, good
high, low, low, big, fair, normal
low, med, med, small, limited, good
low, low, high, big, fair, good
low, med, med, big, good, good
high, med, med, small, limited, normal
i. Suppose the training set contains P “good” examples and N “normal”
examples. An attribute A divides the whole data set E into subset E1,…Ev
according to its values, where A can have distinct values. Suppose each
subset Ei has Pi “good” examples and Ni “normal” examples. Write down the
definition of Entropy and the equation to compute the Information Gain for
attribute A. [8 marks]
ii. What attribute will you use to construct the root node of the decision tree?
Why? [12 marks]
iii. Build and draw the decision tree. [15 marks]
CSCI3230, Fall 2020, Written Assignment 3 3
(c) Logic [50 marks]
i. Convert the following sentences from Horn Clause Form to Conjunctive
Normal Form (CNF) and prove that Kate is happy (i.e. Happy(Kate)) by
Resolution. Show your substitution of variables clearly.
Any student who can pass the computer exam and win a prize is happy.
Any student who enjoys study or is lucky can pass all the exams.
Kate does not enjoy study but she is lucky.
Any lucky student can win a prize.
Based on the above descriptions, we have:
�1: ���� �, �������� ∧ ��� �, ����� ⇒ ����� � .
�2: ����� � ∨ ����� � ⇒ ���� �, � .
�3: ����� � ⇒ ��� �, ����� .
�1: ¬ �����(����).
�2: �����(����). [25 marks]
ii. Express each of the following statements (i to vi) as First Order Logic
sentences using the symbols below (together with x,∃,¬,∧,∨,⇒) :
Symbol Meaning
British(x) x is British
Malaysian(x) x is Malaysian
MainDish(x) x is main dish
Like(x,y) x likes y
Golden(x) x looks golden
EggFriedRice(x) x is egg fried rice
Fruity(x) x is fruity
[25 marks]
1) Roger is either British or Malaysian but not both.
2) Pizza and Pasta are main dishes that look golden.
3) British people do not like any main dish which is fruity.
4) A main dish which looks golden and is not fruity can be egg fried rice.
5) If Roger likes fruity egg fried rice, then Roger is not British.
CSCI3230, Fall 2020, Written Assignment 3 4
II. Assignment Submission
You MUST complete this assignment by using any one of the computer text editors
(e.g. MS Word, WordPad, iWork Pages… etc.) and then save the document to PDF
format with A4 printable page size. Scan version of the hand written work is NOT
accepted. Hand drawn Decision Tree is Allowed for assignment 3 submission.
Please limit the file size of the PDF file less than 1MB.
You MUST submit the PDF file to the submission system on our course homepage
(within CUHK network), otherwise, we will NOT mark your assignment.
III. Important Points
You MUST STRICTLY follow these points:
a. You MUST strictly follow the submission guidelines.
b. Remember to type your FULL NAME, STUDENT ID on the assignment.
c. Late submission will NOT be entertained according to our submission system
d. Plagiarism will be seriously punished.
IV. Late Submission
According to the course homepage, late submission will lead to marks deduction.
No. of Days Late Marks Deduction
1 10%
2 30%
3 60%
4 or above 100%