
CSCI 570 Homework 2

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1. In the SGM building at USC Viterbi, there is a need to schedule a series
of n classes on a day with varying start and end times. Each class is
represented by an interval [start time, end time], where start time is
the time when the class begins and end time is when it concludes. Each
class requires the exclusive use of a lecture hall.

(a) To optimize resource allocation, devise an algorithm using binary
heap(s) to determine the minimum number of lecture halls needed to
accommodate all the classes without any class overlapping in scheduling. (7 points)
(b) Analyze and state its worst-case time complexity in terms of n. (3

2. The Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science at USC Viterbi is
working on a project to compile research papers from various departments
and institutes across USC. Each department maintains a sorted list of
its own research papers by publication date, and the USC researchers
need to combine all these lists to create a comprehensive catalog sorted
by publication date.

With limited computing resources on hand, they
are facing a tight deadline. To address this challenge, they are seeking
the fastest algorithm to merge these sorted lists efficiently, taking into
account the total number of research papers (m) and the number of
departments (n).

(a) Devise an algorithm using concepts of binary heap(s). (7 points)
(b) Analyze and state its worst-case time complexity in terms of m and
n. (3 points)

3. In an interstellar odyssey, a spaceship embarks on a journey from a celestial origin to a distant target star, equipped with an initial fuel capacity
of ’currentFuel’ units. Along the cosmic highway, there are space
refueling stations represented as an array of ’spaceStations’, each
defined as [distanceToStationFromOrigin, fuelCapacity]. There
are ’n’ space stations between the celestial origin and the target star.

The objective is to determine the minimum number of refueling stops
required for the spaceship to reach the target star, which is located
’targetDistance’ light-years away. The spaceship consumes one unit of
fuel per light-year traveled. Upon encountering a space station, it can refuel completely by transferring all available ’fuelCapacity’ units from
the station.

The challenge is to calculate the ’refuelStops’ needed for a
successful voyage to the target star or return -1 if reaching the destination
remains unattainable with the available fuel resources.

(a) Devise an algorithm using concepts of binary heap(s). (7 points)
(b) Analyze and state its worst-case time complexity in terms of n. (3

4. You are tasked with performing operations on binomial min-heaps using
a sequence of numbers.

Follow the steps below:
(a) Create a binomial min-heap H1 by inserting the following numbers
from left to right: 3, 1, 13, 9, 11, 5, 7, 15. (2 points)
(b) Perform one deleteMin() operation on H1 to obtain H2. (2 points)
(c) Create another binomial min-heap H3 by inserting the following numbers from left to right: 8, 12, 4, 2. (2 points)
(d) Merge H2 and H3 to form a new binomial heap, H4. (2 points)

(e) Perform two deleteMin() operations on H4 to obtain H5. (2 points)

Note: It is optional to show the intermediate steps in your submission.
Only the five final binomial heaps (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5) will be
considered for grading. So, please ensure that you clearly illustrate your
final binomial heaps (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5). You can use online
tools like for drawing these heaps.

5. If we have a k-th order binomial tree (Bk), which is formed by joining two
Bk−1 trees, then when we remove the root of this k-th order binomial tree,
it results in k binomial trees of smaller orders. Prove by mathematical
induction. (10 points)

6. Given a weighted undirected graph with all distinct edge costs. Design
an algorithm that runs in O(V + E) to determine if a particular edge e
is contained in the minimum spanning tree of the graph. Pseudocode is
not required, and you can use common graph algorithms such as DFS,
BFS, and Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms as subroutines without
further explanation. You are not required to prove the correctness of
your algorithm. (10 points)

7. Given a weighted undirected graph with all distinct edge costs and E =
V + 10. Design an algorithm that outputs the minimum spanning tree of
the graph and runs in O(V ). Pseudocode is not required, and you can use
common graph algorithms such as DFS, BFS, and Minimum Spanning
Tree Algorithms as subroutines without further explanation. You are not
required to prove the correctness of your algorithm. (10 points)

8. There are N people with the i-th person’s weight being wi
. A boat can
carry at most two people under the max weight limit of M ≥ maxi wi
Design a greedy algorithm that finds the minimum number of boats that
can carry all N people. Pseudocode is not required, and you can assume
the weights are sorted. Use mathematical induction to prove that your
algorithm is correct. (10 points)

9. Given N > 1 integer arrays with each array having at most M numbers,
you are asked to select two numbers from two distinct arrays. Your
goal is to find the maximum difference between the two selected numbers
among all possible choices.

Provide an algorithm that finds it in O(NM)
time. Pseudocode is not required, and you can use common operations
for arrays, such as min and max, without further explanation. Prove that
your algorithm is correct. You may find proof by contradiction helpful
when proving the correctness. (10 points)

10. There are N cities (city 1, to city N) and some flights between these
cities. Specifically, there is a direct flight from every city i to city 2i (no
direct flight from city 2i to city i) and another direct flight from every
city i to city i−1 (no direct flight from city i−1 to city i).

Given integers
a and b, determine if there exists a sequence of flights starting from city
a to city b. If so, find the minimum number of flights required to fly from
city a to city b. For example, when N = 10, a = 3, and b = 9, the answer
is 4 and the corresponding flights are 3 → 6 → 5 → 10 → 9. You are not
required to prove the correctness of your algorithm. (10 points)