CSCI 5410 (Serverless Data Processing) Assignment 3


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This assignment will help you learn a key concept related to Cloud computing through a
literature study. In addition, by implementing a simple Serverless application, you will get
practical experience of function-as-a-service application building.
Plagiarism Policy:
• This assignment is an individual task. Collaboration of any type amounts to a
violation of the academic integrity policy and will be reported to the AIO.
• Content cannot be copied verbatim from any source(s). Please understand the
concept and write in your own words. In addition, cite the actual source. Failing to
do so will be considered as plagiarism and/or cheating.
• The Dalhousie Academic Integrity policy applies to all material submitted as part of
this course. Please understand the policy, which is available at:
Assignment Rubric – based on the discussion board rubric (McKinney, 2018)
Excellent (25%) Proficient (15%) Marginal (5%) Unacceptable (0%) Problem # where
All required tasks
are completed
highlights tasks
However, missed
some tasks in
between, which
created a
Some tasks are
completed, which
are disjoint in
Incorrect and
Part A
Part B
Correctness All parts of the
given tasks are
Most of the given
tasks are correct
However, some
portions need minor
Most of the given
tasks are incorrect.
The submission
requires major
Incorrect and
Part A
Part B
Novelty The submission
contains novel
contribution in key
segments, which is
a clear indication
of application
The submission
lacks novel
contributions. There
are some evidence of
novelty, however, it
is not significant
The submission
does not contain
However, there is
an evidence of
some effort.
There is no novelty Part A
Part B
Fall 2022
Clarity The written or
materials, and
provide a clear
picture of the
concept and
highlights the
The written or
graphical materials,
and developed
applications do not
show clear picture of
the concept. There is
room for
The written or
graphical materials,
and developed
applications fail to
prove the clarity.
knowledge is
Failed to prove the
clarity. Need proper
knowledge to perform
the tasks.
Part A
Part B
McKinney, B. (2018). The impact of program-wide discussion board grading rubrics on students’ and faculty satisfaction. Online
Learning, 22(2), 289-299.
This assignment has 2 parts. Part A is application development. Part B is related to
background literature study.
Part A.Build an event-driven serverless application using AWS Lambda.
In this assignment, you need to use AWS Lex, DynamoDb, and Lambda Functions.
take screenshots at every step and submit as part of the PDF:
a. This task can be developed and tested from AWS console and/or command line. If
you have time and the required skills then you can also create web application,
but this is not a requirement for the assignment.
b. Create a custom chatbot [BotProfAppointment] using AWS Lex, which can be used
to book office hours (E.g., booking office hours to meet a professor)
c. Create anpther custom chatbot [BotStdLookup] using AWS Lex, which can be used
to verify student’s identity (E.g., if a valid student is trying to access the system)
d. BotStdLookup:
1) The bot has one intent to perform student verification
2) Valid student information is present in DynamoDb [ID, Name, Email]
3) If the user submits utterances in Lex, the BotStdLookup bot should ask the
user to enter name and email as prompts
4) Then a Lambda function is invoked, which communicates with DynamoDb
to retrieve records to perform the user’s name and Email verification
5) Then bot concludes the communication
e. BotProfAppointment:
1) This is the second bot, which has intent to book professor’s appointment
2) Based on prompts provided by the bot, the user provides date and time
3) Once the entry matches the slots the bot fulfills the intent.
f. Test your two bot applications, database, and lambda function with test cases and
provide screenshots.
Fall 2022
Part A – Submission requirement:
Submit screenshots of every steps. Please do not exclude any steps. Include all
screenshots as part of a PDF file. In addition, provide the program/scripts as part of the PDF
file. Include citation, such as documentation you followed, materials you read etc.
Furthermore, upload the code on gitlab.
Part B.
W. Eiers, G. Sankaran, A. Li, E. O’Mahony, B. Prince and T. Bultan, “Quantifying Permissiveness of
Access Control Policies,” 2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE), 2022, pp. 1805-1817, doi: 10.1145/3510003.3510233.

As a part of this assignment, your job is to read the paper, and write one-page summary
on the key points that are discussed in this paper. In addition, you need to write your
views on this topic.
Hint: To write the views, you can use concepts that are discussed in the paper, in the 5410
class lectures, and the limitations of the published material that you discovered while
reading the paper.
Part B – Submission requirement:
A PDF file with the summary of the paper, and your views. You need to cite all the
materials that you have referred including the given paper in your PDF file. Do not forget to
add in-line citation