CSCI 5408 (Data Management, Warehousing, Analytics) Assignment #5


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1. Read the given paper and write summary (Maximum 2 pages in your own words – Do
not copy any content verbatim).
2. In addition, explore** and report, if the paper has any scope of improvements in terms
of technical details or concepts.
** Due to time constraint, and limitation of formal background research, you do not need to
explore any presented scientific equations or parameters in details
Visit and Login to and search the following papers.
3. Do not forget to provide citation in proper format for the given paper and for any other
supporting materials that you may use as reference.
Database Administration and Security Reading
H. Yaish and M. Goyal, “Multi-tenant Database Access Control,” 2013 IEEE 16th International Conference
on Computational Science and Engineering, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2013, pp. 870-877, doi:
Paper Link:

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