In this homework assignment, you will use clustering algorithms to segment images.
You will then use these segmentations to identify foreground and background
objects. And finally, you will transfer foreground objects from one image to another
as shown in the figure below.
Provided files:
All of the image and Matlab files for this assignment are provided. Source: Stanford
Vision Lab (Prof. Fei Fei Li). There are 4 folders:
1. code: contains Matlab scripts and functions. Some functions have headers
but are waiting for your function definition.
2. imgs: contains 17 images of cats
3. gt: contains 17 binary images representing the foreground/background
segmentation for the images in the imgs folder
4. test_data: synthetic data you can use to test your clustering algorithm
solution, as well as the feature normalization solution.
Task 1: Clustering Algorithms: K-Means
As discussed in class, K-Means is one of the most popular clustering algorithms. We
have provided skeleton code for K-Means clustering in the file
KMeansClustering.m . Your first task is to finish implementing the K- Means
algorithm using the provided file. You can use KMeansClusteringTest.m to test
your implementation.
Task 2: Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering :
Another simple clustering algorithm is Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering, which
is sometimes abbreviated as HAC. Agglomerative clustering uses a bottom-up
approach, wherein each data point starts in its own cluster. These clusters are then
joined greedily, by taking the two most similar clusters together and merging them.
Next, pairs of clusters are successively merged until we are left with the desired
number of predetermined clusters. The result is a tree-based representation of the
objects, named dendrogram .
Note 1: the Stanford implementation defines “most similar clusters” as the closest
clusters by computing the distance between the cluster’s centroids.
Note 2 : depending on the implementation, this algorithm is very memory intensive.
Consider following the advice of only recomputing the centroid distance for the newly
merged cluster.
We have provided skeleton code for hierarchical agglomerative clustering in the file
HAClustering.m . Please finish the implementation in this file. You can use
HAClusteringTest.m to test your implementation.
Task 3: Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering : a) single link, b) complete link, c)
average link
There is no given function file and stub for Task 3. Your task is to implement HAC,
similarly to Task 2. Here, the “most similar clusters” are defined by the a) single link,
b) complete link, c) average link inter-cluster distance , as outlined in lecture 20_21
and in the textbook (Ponce, Forsyth, Chapter 9.3.1). Here is an excerpt from the
What is a good inter-cluster distance?
Agglomerative clustering uses an inter- cluster distance to fuse nearby clusters;
divisive clustering uses it to split insufficiently coherent clusters. Even if a natural
distance between data points is available (which might not be the case for vision
problems), there is no canonical inter-cluster distance. Generally, one chooses a
distance that seems appropriate for the data set. For example, one might choose the
distance between the closest elements as the inter-cluster distance, which tends to
yield extended clusters (statisticians call this method single-link clustering ). Another natural choice is the maximum distance between an element of the first
cluster and one of the second, which tends to yield rounded clusters (statisticians
call this method complete-link clustering ). Finally, one could use an average of
distances between elements in the cluster, which also tends to yield “rounded”
clusters (statisticians call this method group average clustering ).
Task 4: Pixel Feature Vectors
Before we can use a clustering algorithm to segment an image, we must compute
some feature vector for each pixel. The feature vector for each pixel should encode
the qualities that we care about in a good segmentation. More concretely, for a pair
of pixels p i
and p j
with corresponding feature vectors f i
and f j
, the distance between f i
and f j
should be small if we believe that p i
and p j
should be placed in the same
segment and large otherwise.
4.1 Color Features
One of the simplest possible feature vectors for a pixel is simply the vector of colors
for that pixel. This method has been implemented for you in the file
ComputeColorFeatures.m .
4.2 Color and Position Features
Another simple feature vector for a pixel is to concatenate its color and its position
within the image. In other words, for a pixel of color (r,g,b) located at position (x,y)
in the image, its feature vector would be (r, g, b, x, y). Implement this method of
computing feature vectors in the file ComputePositionColorFeatures.m . You
can test your implementation by running
4.3 Feature Normalization
Sometimes we want to combine different types of features (such as color and
position) into a single feature vector. Features from different sources may have
drastically different ranges; for example each color channel of an image may be in
the range [0, 1) while the position of each pixel may have a much wider range.
Uneven scaling between different features in the feature vector may cause clustering
algorithms to behave poorly.
One way to correct for uneven scaling between different features is to apply some
sort of normalization to the feature vector. One of the simplest types of
normalization is to force each feature to have zero mean and unit variance.
Suppose that we have a set of feature vectors f 1
, . . . , f n
where each f i
∈ R m is the
feature vector for a single pixel, and f ij
is the value of the j th
feature for the i th
We can then compute the mean μj
and variance σj
of each feature as follows
To force each feature to have zero mean and unit variance, we replace our feature
vectors f 1
, . . . , f n
with a modified set of feature vectors
Implement this method of feature vector normalization in the file
NormalizeFeatures.m . You can test your implementation by running
NormalizeFeaturesTest.m .
Task 5: Optional Extra Credit for UG students, mandatory for Graduate students
For this programming assignment so far you were asked to implement a very
simple feature transform for each pixel. While it is not required, you should
feel free to experiment with other feature transforms. Could your final
segmentations be improved by adding gradients, edges, SIFT or SURF
descriptors, or other information to your feature vectors? Could a different
type of normalization give better results? Add a paragraph to your write up
documenting the features vectures you chose and the reason for which you
choose them.
You can use the function ComputeFeatures.m as a starting point to
implement your own feature transforms.
Task 6: Image Segmentations
After computing a feature vector for each pixel, we can compute a segmentation for
the original image by applying a clustering algorithm to the computed feature
vectors. Each cluster of feature vectors corresponds to a segment in the image, and
each pair of pixels pi and pj in the image will be placed in the same segment if and
only if their corresponding feature vectors fi and fj are located in the same cluster.
You can compute a segmentation for an image using the function
ComputeSegmentation.m . This function allows you to specify the function used
to compute features for each pixel, whether the features should be normalized, and
the clustering method used to cluster the feature vectors.
For example, to compute a segmentation for the image img with 5 segments using
K-Means clustering and using ComputeColorFeatures to compute pixel features
with feature normalization you would write:
segments = ComputeSegmentation(img, 5, ’kmeans’, @ComputeColorFeatures, true);
You can read the full documentation for ComputeSegmentation by typing help
If you find that your segmentations take a long time to compute, you can set the
optional resize argument of ComputeSegmentation . If this argument is set
then the image will be shrunk before being segmented, and the segmentation will
then be upsampled to the size of the original image. You will probably need to use
this feature when segmenting images with hierarchical agglomerative clustering.
The syntax @ComputeColorFeatures creates a handle to the function
ComputeColorFeatures ; this mechanism allows functions to be passed as
arguments to MATLAB functions.
At this point you have a lot of options for computing segmentations: you have two
different clustering algorithms (K-Means and HAC), two choices of pixel features
(1-just color features and 2- color and position features), and the choice to either
normalize or not normalize the features. You can also vary the number of segments
that are computed.
Once you have computed a segmentation for an image, you can visualize it using the
functions ShowSegmentation and ShowMeanColorImage . Read the
documentation for these functions (using the help command) to see how they are
used. Example output from these visualization tools can be seen in the second figure.
You can use the script RunComputeSegmentation as a starting point to compute
segmentations for images. Choose a few images (either your own or images from the
imgs folder) and compute segmentations for these images using different
combinations of segmentation parameters (feature transform, normalization,
clustering method, number of clusters). A successful segmentation will cleanly
separate the objects in the image from each other, while an unsuccessful separation
will not.
Task 7: GrabCat: Transfer segments between images Optional Extra Credit for UG
students, mandatory for Graduate students
A successful segmentation of an image should separate the objects from the
background. Assuming that we compute such a successful segmentation, we can
“transfer” objects from one image to another by transferring the segments that make
up the object. An example image produced using this procedure is shown in the first
Once you have computed a successful segmentation for an image, you can use the
ChooseSegments function to choose a subset of these segments to transfer to a
background image. The documentation for the ChooseSegments function contains
more details on how to use it.
Use some of your successful segmentations from the previous section to transfer
objects from one image to another. You can use the provided foreground images of
cats in the imgs directory and the provided background images in the
imgs/backgrounds; also feel free to use your own images. You can use the script
GrabCat.m as a starting point for this section.
Task 8: Quantitative Evaluation. Report
Looking at images is a good way to get an idea for how well an algorithm is working,
but the best way to evaluate an algorithm is to have some quantitative measure of its
For this assignment we have supplied a small dataset of cat images and ground truth
segmentations of these images into foreground (cats) and background (everything
else). You can quantitatively evaluate your segmentations by evaluating their
performance on this dataset.
To achieve good performance, you will probably need to divide each image into
more than two segments. This means that you will need to combine multiple
segments in order to reconstruct the foreground and the background. You can
manually choose the foreground segments using ChooseSegments.m as in the
previous sections. Alternatively, you can have the evaluation function
EvaluateSegmentation.m automatically choose which segments should be in
the foreground and which segments should be in the background.
You can use the script EvaluateAllSegmentations.m to evaluate a
segmentation method’s ability to separate foreground from background on the
entire provided dataset. Use this script as a starting point to evaluate a variety of
segmentation parameters. Note that you can toggle the
chooseSegmentsManually variable to either choose foreground segments
yourself or allow EvaluateSegmentation.m to automatically choose foreground
segments for you.
What to include in your report:
a) You should describe all methods of computing feature vectors that you used
in the assignment. UG students should use any combinations of color and
position data (from Task 2), or add more feature data if they wish to.
Graduate students can add gradient, edges, SIFT or SURF features, or any new
feature vectors they came up with for Task 3. For each method of computing
feature vectors, explain the reason you expect that this feature vector will or
will not produce a good segmentation for an image.
Think about it as a hypothesis for an experiment: “I believe this combination will
give good results because …”. Your report will be graded as much on the results as
on the reasoning you provide.
In addition, you should describe all methods of feature normalization that your
clustering method employs (task 2).
b) You should include visualizations of at least 6 different segmentations (task
6). At least 3 of these segmentations should be successful, and at least 3 of
these segmentations should be unsuccessful. Each of your examples should
use different parameters for segmentation, and the parameters for each of
your examples should be different.
c) You should also answer the following questions (a few sentences for each
question is sufficient):
1. What effect do each of the segmentation parameters (feature
transform, feature normalization, number of clusters, clustering
method, resize) have on the quality of the final segmentation?
2. How do each of these parameters affect the speed of computing a
3. How do the properties of an image affect the difficulty of computing a
good segmentation for that image?
d) ( Extra Credit for Graduate students ) Include at least 2 examples of composite
images produced by transferring segments from one image to another (task
7). For each composite image explain how you produced it (i.e. describe what
the input images were and what segmentation parameters were used).
e) Include a detailed evaluation of the effect of varying segmentation
parameters (feature transform, feature normalization, clustering method,
number of clusters, resize) on the mean accuracy of foreground-background
segmentations on the provided dataset. You should test a minimum of 30
combinations of parameters. To present your results, you might consider
making a table similar to Table 1.
f) Expand upon the qualitative assessment of Section c) by answering the
following questions:
1. Based on your quantitative experiments, how do each of the segmentation
parameters affect the quality of the final foreground-background
2. Are some images simply more difficult to segment correctly than others? If
so, what are the qualities of these images that cause the segmentation
algorithms to perform poorly?
3. Also feel free to point out or discuss any other interesting observations that
you made.
Note: Overall for this assignment, the focus is more on your choices, the reasoning
you provide, and the explanation & discussion, than on the actual code or results
(although these are important too!).
Submitting the assignment:
Make sure each script or function file is well commented and it includes a block
comment with your name, course number, assignment number and instructor name.
Zip all the .m and the write-up file together and submit the resulting .zip file
through Canvas as Homework 5 by Friday, March 19 th
, by 10:00pm.
Undergraduate Graduate
Q1 15 10
Q2 20 15
Q3 30 (10+10+10) 30 (10+10+10)
Q4.2 10 5
Q4.3 15 10
Q5 10 EC 15
Q6 10 5
Q7 10 EC 10
a) 30 30
b) 10 10
c) 20 20
d) – 20EC
e) 30 30
f) 10 10
TOTAL 200 200
EC 20 20