MPI Prime Finder
Your task for this team-based (max. 2) assignment is to implement a prime number finding program that
utilizes multiple cores via MPI.
Prime numbers are useful in a variety of applications but probably most importantly in cryptography. For
example, you may wish to look over the Wikipedia page for RSA. Your program should return the number
of unique primes that it was able to find within the given time limit. Signal-handling code will be provided
in the starter file.
As far as the method used for determining primes, there are many possible approaches. One simple approach
is to try dividing your candidate n by values 2, 3, …√
n. If the remainder is zero, then your n value is not
prime. There are likely faster algorithms for producing prime values.
This may take a potentially long amount of time. The sizeable amounts of computation make this problem
a good candidate for parallelizing via MPI. Fortunately, there is very little coordination required among the
different ranks although the primes should be printed out in order. Additionally, should you exhaust all
(unsigned) 32-bit primes, your program can stop. Otherwise, a signal will be sent to your program after a
fixed amount of time (likely 1-2 minutes).
Please include a README.txt file which should include your name, the name of your partner, and any
helpful remarks for the grader. Also please include a speedup graph as the number of ranks is increased and
explain any unexpected results. Hopefully everyone can run their program on 1, 2, and 4 cores at least.
Note that due to our signal handling requirements for this assignment we will be using Open MPI. Open MPI
natively supports signals whereas some other implementations do not pass them through to your binary.
Please make sure to get started early!
So we don’t anger the Submitty gods, instead of saving gigabytes of integers, we can instead use the number
of primes less than a specific value as the following output demonstrates: Sample output given below:
bash$ mpirun-openmpi-mp -np 2 ./a.out
N Primes
10 4
100 25
1000 168
1020 171