CSci 4203 Lab Assignment 2 


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The purpose of this lab assignment is to learn how the MIPS pipeline works by modifying a
given incomplete behavioral implementation of the MIPS pipeline from section 4.13 of the
ection_4.13.pdf) and running various assembly codes on the pipeline.
Problem 0 (20 points):
Augment the given MIPS model so that it can run OR, AND, SLT instructions.
Problem 1 (20 points):
Augment the given MIPS model so that it can run the “conditional move” instruction(opcode 0,
funct 29), which uses the ‘R’ instruction format and is defined as follows :
if (R[rs]<R[rt]) R[rd]=R[shamt]
else do nothing
Problem 2 (20 points):
Augment the given MIPS model so that it can run the “jrt” instruction(opcode 30) which uses the
‘I’ instruction format and is defined as follows :
if (R[rs]==0) R[rs]=R[rs]+1 and PC=PC+4+loop
else do nothing
Problem 3 (20 points):
Augment the given MIPS model so that it can run the “lwcab” (which is short for load word check
array bounds (opcode 31)) instruction, which uses the ‘R’ instruction format and
is defined as follows :
if (R[rt]<R[rd]) R[rs]=M[rt]
else R[rs]=0
Problem 4 (20 points):
Implement a ‘taken’ branch predictor for the MIPS pipeline. It will be tested on the ‘BEQ’
Handout :
You are provided with an incomplete MIPS behavioral model, an example benchmark and this
pdf. The benchmark folder has a “” text file which briefly describes
the benchmark.
Handin :
Please turn in your MIPS module, other modules that you may have written, in a single tar.gz
file, which should have the name StudentName_Lab2.tar.gz. Your code should be well
commented and any documentation you wish to include should appear at the top of each
module file.
Grading Criteria :
I will test your code using the provided benchmark as well as others not available to you. Your
final grade will depend on the fraction of testcases which are successfully passed by the code
as well as the quality of your implementation. There will be partial credit if your code does not
work, if it is readable and well documented.