CSci 4131 Assignment 6: XML Schema and XSL/XPath


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The goals of this assignment are to learn the following: XML Schema Development
PART 1 ( 80 points:)
In this part, you are asked to develop and XML schema to describe a course catalog. The schema
will have the following elements as described below:
Root element: will be courseCatalog, which will contain zero or more elements named course
with contents of CourseType, as described below.
CourseType will have the following sequence of elements:
1. title – one element of type string
2. instructor – at least one or up to three elements of type instructorType, as described below
3. number – exactly one element of type courseNumberType, as described below
4. schedule – one element of type scheduleType, as described below
5. semester – exactly one of the strings (Fall|Spring|Summer)
6. enrollment – exactly one element containing integer value restricted to 0 to 100.
instructorType will have the following sequence of elements, and attributes
firstname – one element of type string
lastname – one element of type string
One optional attribute called title of personTitle type, as described below.
personTitle will be an enumeration of two strings: Dr and Prof
courseNumberType will be a string starting with two letters (uppercase) followed by four digits
scheduleType contain at least one or more elements of named “lecture” of DayTimeType.
DayTimeType will be a subtype of string and it will have one attribute “day”, this attribute will be
restricted to strings: (Mon Tue, Wed, Th, Fri))
The string value DateTimeType would be restricted to the following form HH:MM-HH:MM.
For example:

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Important Change:
Note that we have removed the requirement to include the BookType in your schema.
The CourseType will not contain textBook elements.
You can use any of the following links to validate your schema:
See these instance examples which should be validated by your schema.
PART 2 (20 points):
In this part of the assignment you will write an XSL style file with XPath commands to be applied to
a course.
The XSL stylesheet will print in a tabular form the following information from a course catalog file
conforming to the schema
described above:
Course number Course Title enrollment
The table rows will have courses listed in the ascending alphabetical order.
After printing the table, the stylesheet would print the sum of the enrollment count for all the
Items to Submit:
1. XSD file defining the schema which MUST be named CourseCatalog.xsd
2. XSL stylesheet file which must be named Catlog.xsl