CSci 4061 Project Assignment #2: IPC based Map Reduce


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1 Purpose
In project 1, we built a simple version of mapreduce using operating system primitives such as fork, exec
and wait. While doing so, several utility functions were provided which helped you implement the map
and reduce tasks. In this project, you will be required to implement these utility functions to perform File
IO and perform inter process communiation (IPC) using pipes to send the data to mappers. You should
work in groups as in Project 1. Please adhere to the output formats provided in each section.
2 Problem Statement
In this project, we will revisit the single machine map-reduce designed for the word length count application as in Project 1. You can use the code from Project 1. We have added another phase called stream
phase. So, there are four phases: Master, Stream, Map and Reduce.
Given an input file directory with multi level hierarchy, i.e., folders with multiple level of folders and text
files. Each text file will contain words as in Project 1 and you will have to count the number of words of
different lengths. The final output will be same as of Project 1.
• In Master phase, the input file directory is taken as input from the command line. The master will
traverse the input file directory and search for the text files and split the files equally among the
mapper process.
• In Stream Phase, the stream processes will read the text files from the file directories and send
the data to mappers process. There will 1:1 relationship between stream and mapper process. So
number of stream processes will be equal to the mapper processes.
• In Map phase, each mapper will read the text received from the stream process and emit the count
of word length into an intermediate data structure. Once the Map phase is complete, the contents
of the intermediate data structure is written to m_mapperID.txt files (Same as Project 1). This
file be created in folders for all the different word lengths.
• In Reduce phase (Refer section 3.4), the generated m_mapperID.txt files are accessed per folder
across different reducers. All the files belonging to a particular folder will be accessed by the same
reducer. One reducer can access more than one folders. In Project 1, you were given the getReducerTasks() utility, in Project2 you will have to implement getReducerTasks() and rest of the code
of reduce will be same as Project 1. The reducers will read the m_mapperID.txt files and compute
the total count corresponding to the word length.(Refer section 3.4)
Summary: You will have to implement the File IO in Master phase, File IO in Stream phase, IPC
between Stream processes and Mapper processes and getReducersTasks() in Reduce phase. Rest
should be same as Project 1.
3 Phase Description
In this section, we will see the brief design details of different phases that will help you get started.
3.1 Phase 1: Master phase
The master process drives all the other phases in the project. It takes three inputs from the user: number
of mappers, number of reducers and the path of the input file directory relative to the provided Makefile
location. The algorithm 1 provides a brief overview of the master process. This is your main control
program. The code assumes the mapper and reducer executable are named mapper and reducer and
stream executable is named as stream.
File: src/mapreduce.c
Algorithm 1: master:mapreduce
Input: (Integer nM appers; Integer nReducers; String inputF ileDir)
// output directory creation and removal
bookeepingCode() ;
// directory traversal
traverseInputF ileDirectory();
// open pipes
// spawn stream processes with each calling exec on “stream” executable
spawnStream(nM appers);
// spawn mapper processes with each calling exec on “mapper” executable
spawnM apper(nM appers);
// wait for all child processes to terminate
waitF orAll();
// spawn nReducer processes with each calling exec on “reducer” executable
// wait for all child processes to terminate
waitF orAll();
Notice: *bookeepingCode() is defined in the provided utils.c file. Please do not remove the function
call. Make sure you understand the difference with mapreduce.c in Project 1.
First, the master calls a bookeepingCode(), which takes care of the creation of output, output/IntermediateData,
output/FinalData . The master will traverse the input file directory and identify all the text files and
create the folder MapperInput, inside the folder will be text files containing filepaths that stream process will read. See the illustration for better understanding. So, master will create nMapper files inside MapperInput folder. For example, if folder is Sample as shown in 3.2 and there are 3 mappers,
then MapperInput will contain Mapper1.txt, Mapper2.txt, Mapper3.txt.Mapper1.txt will contain
file paths (Sample/F1/Tfile1.txt) in each line as shown in 3.2.
The master will then open nMappers pipes for Inter process communication between stream processes
and map processes.
The stream processes are spawned using fork which in turn calls exec family functions for executing the
stream executable. Then the mapper processes are spawned using fork which in turn calls exec family
functions for executing the mapper executable. The master process will wait until all the mappers have
completed their task. Following this, the master process will spawn the reducers which will call exec
to execute the reducer executable. Again the master will wait for all the reducer processes to complete
execution before exiting the code.
Figure 1: Traversal File Folder and creating MapperInput Folder
3.2 Phase 2: Stream Phase
The objective of the stream process is to read the words from text files and send the words to mappers
via pipe. So it will read the MapperInput/MapperID.txt file that is associated with stream process (ID is
taken as input from the master process) and start the reading the file and write the contents to the pipe.
Use STDOUT redirection to write the data into pipes. In the illustration, Stream1 process will read the
Mapper1.txt and go into the file paths present in the Mapper1.txt so it will go to Tfiles and read the
content and send the words to the pipes. Similary Stream2 will do it for Mapper2.txt and so on.
Figure 2: Stream Phase and Mapper Phase
3.3 Phase 3: Map phase
The mappers will read the data (words) from the pipe and not from any file to perform word length
count. Mapper will create the Intermediate Data Structure and File folders as in Project 1. Use STDIN
redirection to read the data from pipes. . Mapper processes and Stream processes will be in 1:1
relationship as shown in the illustration.
Notice: A word should be composed of consecutive characters “c”, where “c” 2 {A…Z, a…z, 0…9}
Words are separated by whitespaces as delimeters.
Example: Thi’s is. a text* 0h gr8
The words in this sentence are {Thi’s, is., a, text*, 0h, gr8}
Words are case sensitive, which means “text” and “Text” are different.
3.4 Phase 4: Reduce phase
This phase is same as reduce phase in Project 1. It will read data from the files created by Mappers. The
algorithm of the reducer can be referred from Project 1. The only change is you will have to implement
the getReducerTasks() function. This function was given to you in Project 1.
You can implement getReducerTasks as per your liking. The idea is that reducer process will traverse into
the intermediateDir folder and get the file names that it will process. Each reducer is responsible for some
files in intermediateDir folder.
Final Output is exactly same as the output of Project 1. The final data structure stores the final count of each
word length. The final data structure can be written to files using utility functions writeLineT oF ile().
Utility functions provided to you are getF ileP ointer(), getLineF romF ile(), writeLineT oF ile() that can
be used to read file, read line and write line to a file respectively.
4 Extra Credit
One of the test cases (Input file directory) will contain Symbolic links and Hard links. You will have to
implement handling of the links while traversing the input file directory. If you successfully pass the test
case, we will provide Extra credit (10%).
5 Compile and Execute
The current structure of the Template folder should be maintained. If you want to add extra source(.c)
files, add it to src folder and for headers user include. The current Makefile should be sufficient to
execute the code, but if you are adding extra files, modify the Makefile accordingly. For compiling the
code, the following steps should be taken:
Command Line
$ cd Template
$ make
The template code will not error out on compiling.
Once the make is successful, run the mapreduce code with the required mapper count, reducer count and
input file directory.
Command Line
$ ./mapreduce #mappers #reducers inputFileDirectory
Notice: The final executable name should be mapreduce.
Note that number of mappers is greater than or equal to number of reducers. The inputFile path should
be relative to the Makefile location.
On running the mapreduce executable without any modifications to template code will result in error.
6 Expected Output
Please ensure to follow the guidelines listed below:
• Do not alter the folder structure. The structure should look as below before compiling via make:
• After compilation, the folder structure will look as below. The output folder is auto-created:
• The output folder content (auto-created) will be as follows:
• Another important folder that will be checked is MapperInput, created by your code
• The files in the MapperInput in the case of 5 Mappers
• The IntermediateData folder content (auto-created) will be as follows