Problem 1
Get practice in decomposing a problem, creating a design for a program, and implementing and
testing a program. Practice basic Java programming.
Substitution ciphers1 are a family of text encryption ciphers in which each letter of your
message (called the plain text) is replaced by some other letter to form the encrypted message
(called the cypher text). Which letter is used to replace another is defined by the encryption
For example, if the encryption key says to replace “e” with “x”, “t” with “b”, “h” with “m”, and
“s” with “r” (within a longer key) then the plaintext “these” would become the cyphertext
Decrypting a substitution cypher then reverses the operation. You use the encryption key
backward: seeing what encrypted letter came from which original letter and then making the
substitutions to the cyphertext message.
In a substitution cipher, any mapping from the original letters to the encrypted letters is
A characteristic of text encrypted with a substitution cipher is that the letter frequencies2 of the
original message and of the encrypted message are the same except that the frequencies are
attributed to different letters. Consequently, a first step in decoding an encrypted message
without the encryption key (a process called breaking the code) has you compute the letter
frequencies in the ciphertext and matching the letters to the known letter frequencies in the
language that you expect the message to be in. For example, the top 5 letter frequencies in
English are “e” at 12.7%, “t” at 9.1%, “a” at 8.2%, “o” at 7.5%, and “n” at 6.7%. Then if a
cyphertext had the 5 more frequent letters being w, c, h, m, and q then we would start with an
encryption key that had mapped “e” to “w”, mapped “t” to “c”, mapped “a” to “h”, mapped “o”
to “m”, and mapped “n” to “m”.
Each language has different letter frequencies, so you can also get a guess at the language of
the message by comparing the letter frequency distribution of your ciphertext message with
the distribution for each language; if one language has a much smaller difference in frequency
distribution with your ciphertext then you would begin by assuming the message originated in
that language.
In any encryption or decryption process, you leave punctuation and white space as-is, for this
assignment. You do, however, need to preserve the upper/lower case of the letter.
Write a Java class, called “SubstitutionCipher” that helps us to decrypt a message that has been
encrypted using a substitution cipher, will help us identify if the message is a Caesar cipher, and
will help us determine the language of origin of a ciphertext.
You will also submit a small “main” method in a class called “A1” that will demonstrate a
minimal use of the Java class.
The SubstitutionCipher class must have the following methods:
Constructor SubstitionCipher( ) – initializes an instance of the object
Constructor SubstitionCipher( String name, Map<Character, Character>) key ) – initializes an
instance of the object with an already-known encryption key, to be identified by the given
Boolean originalLanguage( String name, String filename ) – the given filename contains a
sample of a language, which will be identified by the given name. Use the content of the
filename to build the letter frequency table for that language. Return “true” if the object will
be able to proceed with the given input for decryptions, and return “false” otherwise.
Boolean cyphertext( String filename ) – link the given object to the content of the given file
content as content to be decrypted. Return “true” if the object will be able to proceed with the
given input for decryptions, and return “false” otherwise.
String decodeText( ) – decode the ciphertext currently associated with the object using the
encryption key currently defined in the object. Return the decoded message as a String.
Return a null for the String if an error occurred.
Boolean setDecodeLetter( Character plaintextChar, Character ciphertextChar ) – update any
internal encryption key with having the given plaintext character being mapped to the given
ciphertext character. Return “true” if the mapping is one that can be encoded, and “false”
otherwise / in case of error.
Map<Character, Character> getKey () – return the encryption key being used by the object.
Boolean keyIsValid( ) – return “true” if the currently-stored encryption key is valid for trying to
decode the associated ciphertext. A key is valid if each plaintext letter maps to exactly one
ciphertext letter and if every letter in the ciphertext message has some mapping in the key.
Boolean guessKeyFromFrequencies( String language ) – using the frequencies from the given
language (given before with originalLanguage()), create an encryption key by mapping the letter
frequencies between the language and the ciphertext frequencies. If letter frequencies are tied
in one distribution then resolve the order of frequencies with the letter order in the alphabet.
Return “true” if you were able to create a valid encryption key and “false” otherwise.
String matchLanguage( ) – return the name of the language whose letter frequency distribution
most closely matches that of the ciphertext. To compare frequency distributions, sort the
distributions in descending order and sum the absolute difference between frequency
percentages of the distributions. The language with the smallest sum is the best match. Table
1 shows an example of the calculation difference, where the best language match comes out as
language A. Return the name of the language or return null in the case of an error.
Table 1 Sample matching of ciphertext letter frequency distribution to different languages.
ciphertext Language
Lang. A Lang. B Lang. C Lang. A Lang. B Lang.C
.11 .12 .14 .16 .01 .03 .05
.08 .09 .08 .10 .01 .00 .02
.08 .08 .07 .07 .00 .01 .01
.07 .07 .07 .06 .00 .01 .01
.06 .06 .07 .05 .00 .01 .01
Sum of
.02 .06 .10
The A1 class has the minimal code to show that you can generate some decryption. The
program will ask the user for two file names from the keyboard. The first file name will be
sample text from one language from which we can infer letter frequencies. The second file
name is a file with ciphertext. Given these two inputs, your program will print its best guess at
a decryption of the ciphertext to the screen.
You may assume that
• All text that is encrypted uses letters a-z (possibility upper case). All other characters
like punctuation or accented characters will be left as-is in the encrypted file.
• No line in a file will have more than 120 characters in it.
• Write your solution in Java. You are allowed to use data structures from the Java
Collection Framework.
• If in doubt for testing, I will be running your program on Correct
operation of your program shouldn’t rely on any packages that aren’t available on that
Marking scheme
• Documentation (internal and external) – 3 marks
• Program organization, clarity, modularity, style – 4 marks
• Able to manage a key manually and decode a message– 5 marks
• Ability to derive a key from a given language– 3 marks
• Ability match a language to a ciphertext– 3 marks
• Ability to decode a message with your main() method – 2 marks
The majority of the functional testing will be done with an automated script or JUnit test cases
Test cases
List of test cases to come…