CSCI-2270 Assignment 2 Word Analysis Array Doubling with Dynamic Memory


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There are several fields in computer science that aim to understand how people use language. This can include analyzing the most frequently used words by certain authors, and then going one step further to ask a question such as: “Given what we know about Hemingway’s language patterns, do we believe Hemingway wrote this lost manuscript?” In this assignment, we’re going to do a basic introduction to document analysis by determining the number of unique words and the most frequently used words in two documents. If you enjoy this, take elective courses on Natural-Language Processing. What your program needs to do There is one test file on the website – HW2-HungerGames_edit.txt that contain the full text from Hunger Games Book 1. We have pre-processed the file to remove all punctuation and down-cased all words. We will test on a different file! There is also the ignore words file – HW2-ignoreWords.txt that contain the top 50 common words usually ignored during natural-language processing. Your program will calculate the following information on any text file: • The top n words (excluding stop words; n is also a command-line argument) and the number of times each word was found • The total number of unique words (excluding stop words) in the file • The total number of words (excluding stop words) in the file • The number of array doublings needed to store all unique words in the file Example: Your program takes three command-line arguments: the number of most common words to print out, the name of the file to process, and the stop word list file. Running your program using: ./a.out 10 HW2-HungerGames_edit.txt HW2-ignoreWords.txt would return the 10 most common words in the file HW2-HungerGames_edit.txt and should produce the following results: 682 – is 492 – peeta 479 – its 431 – im 427 – can 414 – says 379 – him 368 – when 367 – no 356 – are # Array doubled: 7 # Unique non-stop words: 7682 # Total non-stop words: 59157 Program Specifications The following are requirements for your program: • Read in the name of the file to process from the second command-line argument. • Read in the number of most common words to process from the first command-line argument. • Write a function named getStopwords that takes the name of the ignorewords file and a reference to a vector as parameters (returns void). Read in the file for a list of the top 50 most common words to ignore (e.g., Table 1). These are commonly referred to as ‘stopwords’ in NLP (Natural Language Processing). (Create this file yourself) o The file will have one word per line, and always have exactly 50 words in the file. We will test with files having different words in it! o Your function will update the vector passed to it with a list of the words from the file. • Store the unique words found in the file that are not in the stopword list in a dynamically allocated array. o Call a function to check if the word is a stopword first, and if it is, then ignore that word. o Use an array of structs to store each unique word (variable name word) and a count (variable name count) of how many times it appears in the text file. o Use the array-doubling algorithm to increase the size of your array § We don’t know ahead of time how many unique words the input file will have, so you don’t know how big the array should be. Start with an array size of 100 (use the constant declared in the starter code), and double the size as words are read in from the file and the array fills up with new words. • Use dynamic memory allocation to create your array • Copy the values from the current array into the new array, and then • Free the memory used for the current array. (Index of any given word in the array after resizing must match index in array before resizing.) • Output the top n most frequent words Write a function named printTopN that takes a reference to the array of structs and the value of n to determine the top n words in the array. Generate an array of the n top items sorted from most frequent to least frequent and print these out from most to least. Array MUST be sorted before calling printTopN. • Output the number of times you had to double the array. • Output the number of unique non-stop words. • Output the total number of non-stop words. o Write a function named getTotalNumberNonStopWords that takes a reference to your array of unique non-stop words and returns the total number of words found. • Format your output the following way (and reference the example above). o When you output the top n words in the file, the output needs to be in order, with the most frequent word printed first. The format for the output needs to be: Count – Word # Array doubled: # Unique non-stop words: # Total non-stop words: • Generate the output with these commands: cout << numCount << ” – “ << word << endl; cout << ”#” << endl; cout << ”Array doubled: “ << numDoublings << endl; cout << ”#”<<endl; cout << ”Unique non-stop words: “ << numUniqueWords; cout << “#” << endl; cout << “Total non-stop words: “; cout << getTotalNumberNonStopWords(yourarray, size) <<endl; • Include a comment block at the top of the .cpp file with your name, assignment number, date and course instructor. • Make sure your code is commented enough to describe what it is doing. Note: some of you might wonder why we’re using array doubling instead of using C++ Vectors for storing the uncommon words. In this assignment, you’re doing what happens behind-the-scenes with a Vector. • Use the following starter code (type it in so you get more practice setting up programs): // ========================================== // Created: August 23, 2016 // @author // // Description: Counts unique words in a file // outputs the top N most common words // ========================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // struct to store word + count combinations struct wordItem { string word; int count; }; /* * Function name: getStopWords * Purpose: read stop word list from file and store into vector * @param ignoreWordFile – filename (the file storing ignore words) * @param _vecIgnoreWords – store ignore words from the file (pass by reference) * @return – none * Note: The number of words is fixed to 50 */ void getStopWords(char *ignoreWordFileName, vector &_vecIgnoreWords); /* * Function name: isStopWord * Purpose: to see if a word is a stop word * @param word – a word (which you want to check if it is a stop word) * @param _vecIgnoreWords – the vector type of string storing ignore/stop words * @return – true (if word is a stop word), or false (otherwise) */ bool isStopWord(string word, vector &_vecIgnoreWords); /* * Function name: getTotalNumberNonStopWords * Purpose: compute the total number of words saved in the words array (including repeated words) * @param list – an array of wordItems containing non-stopwords * @param length – the length of the words array * @return – the total number of words in the words array (including repeated words multiple times) */ int getTotalNumberNonStopWords(wordItem list[], int length); /* * Function name: arraySort * Purpose: sort an array of wordItems, increasing, by their count fields * @param list – an array of wordItems to be sorted * @param length – the length of the words array */ void arraySort(wordItem list[], int length); /* * Function name: printTopN * Purpose: to print the top N high frequency words * @param wordItemList – a pointer that points to a *sorted* array of wordItems * @param topN – the number of top frequency words to print * @return none */ void printTopN(wordItem wordItemList[], int topN); const int STOPWORD_LIST_SIZE = 50; const int INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE = 100; // ./a.out 10 HW2-HungerGames_edit.txt HW2-ignoreWords.txt int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { vector vecIgnoreWords(STOPWORD_LIST_SIZE); // verify we have the correct # of parameters, else throw error msg & return if (argc != 4) { cout << “Usage: “; cout << argv[0] << ” “; cout << endl; return 0; } /* ********************************** 1. Implement your code here. Read words from the file passed in on the command line, store and count the words. 2. Implement the six functions after the main() function separately. ********************************** */ return 0; } void getStopWords(char *ignoreWordFileName, vector &_vecIgnoreWords) { return; } bool isStopWord(string word, vector &_vecIgnoreWords) { return true; } int getTotalNumberNonStopWords(wordItem list[], int length) { return 0; } void arraySort(wordItem list[]], int length) { return; } void printTopN(wordItem wordItemList[], int topN) { return; } Submitting Your Code: Log into Moodle and go to the Homework 2 link. It is set up in the quiz format. Follow the instructions on each question to submit all or parts of each assignment question. You can check your solution to each question by clicking on the “Check” button. Note that you can only submit your homework once. Note: there is no late period on assignments! If you miss the deadline or do not do well, you can sign up for an optional grading interview to get up to half the points missed back. There is also an optional extra credit assignment at the end of the semester you can use to replace one of your homework scores.