CSci 1100 Lab 11 — Drawing, Classes, Testing


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Checkpoint 0 – Get the ball moving…
Before we start with the real work of this lab, you need to first get familiar with the methods we are
going to use. Tkinter allows you to create animations as well as create graphical user interfaces.
We will work with two classes from Tkinter called Canvas that allows you to draw objects in a
window, and Button that allows a user to interact with the program.
Please download and unzip it. Open, take a quick look, and then run
it. You will see a single ball object move across the screen until it reaches the right edge and then
stop. The program ends when you close the window.
To begin to understand what is going on, let’s take a closer look at We start by
initializing a canvas and four buttons, all are under root window. There are different frames
enclosing these elements.
Read all the way through, using the comments to guide your understanding. Explore
the code by making the following changes. For each change, rerun the code, and then restore the
value you changed:
• Change the color to green.
• Change the starting location and the dx,dy values
• Change the wait time by clicking the slower and faster buttons
• Comment out the code that deletes all previous drawings.
The last line of the program
means that the root window listens continuously to any commands (events) that are sent to it.
We have added code to listen for the four buttons, “Restart”’, “Slower”, “Faster” and “Quit” .
Once you have completed your experiments, please move onto Checkpoint 1, where the graded
activity of the lab starts.
Checkpoint 1 — Ball class
Notice that the information about the ball object is stored in several separate variables of the
class BallDraw. This is a good indication that a class is needed to gather and encapsulate this
For Checkpoint 1, define a new Ball class in a new file. This class will encapsulate all the relevant
functionality of a Ball object. We will tell you exactly what this is below:
A Ball object stores the position of the object (x,y), dx and dy values, radius, and color as
attributes. The Ball class must have the following methods:
• __init__ to initialize a Ball object that takes as input x,y coordinates, dx,dy values, radius
and the color,
• position() returns a 2-tuple containing the x and y positions of the center of the ball,
• move() changes the current location of the ball by adding the dx and dy offsets to the ball.
It does not return anything,
• bounding_box() returns a box containing the ball in the form of a 4-tuple, (x0, y0, x1, y1),
completely containing the Ball,
• get_color() returns the ball’s color, and
• some_inside(maxx,maxy) returns True if any part of the Ball object is inside the window
with coordinates (0,0,maxx,maxy) and False otherwise (Hint. the logic for this is already
given in the while loop of
Place the class in a separate module called
Test your Ball class by running, a Python program that uses a module called doctest
to test code. Notice that imports Ball. The code in has been written
to run and check methods from the Ball class.
Make some changes to to see what happens when the tests and the output of code
do not match. Finally, observe that the code in will only run correctly if you have
built the Ball class methods parameter lists and returns correctly. If your class passes all the tests,
you are ready for the animation part of the work.
Copy to Import the new class Ball into this. Now, change the animation
code such that at __init__, it creates a ball object with the relevant information. At any point
where you need to change the Ball object or access one of its attributes, change your code to
use your Ball object and its methods. All of the relevant code that you must change will involve
variables that start with ball_. For example, instead of the long condition in the while loop for
the animate function, you can simply call the some_inside method of the ball.
To complete Checkpoint 1: Show your class implementation, doctest test execution results
(including the introduction of some errors), and the working version of to a TA or
Checkpoint 2 — Bouncing off the Walls
Now things will get interesting. Instead of your ball disappearing from one end of the canvas,
what if the ball just bounced when it hit the edge of the canvas and started moving in a different
direction? In particular if it hits the left (x==0) or right (x==maxx) wall, it should negate its dx
value, while if it hits the top (y==0) or bottom (y==maxy) wall, it should negate its dy value. Be
sure to account for the ball radius when doing your calculations. The ball should bounce when the
edge of the ball contacts the wall. This creates the effect of a bouncing ball with no friction and no
spin. Accomplish this in a new method of the Ball class called check_and_reverse which should
have two arguments: maxx and maxy. Copy into In the new file, you will
need to call this function from the main code each time you move the ball.
Add text in to test check_and_reverse.
To complete Checkpoint 2: Show your class implementation, your new test cases and doctest
execution, and the working program to the TA or a mentor.
Checkpoint 3 — Multiple Balls
We finish the lab with a fun exercise. First, copy your file to Now, using
the random module create 10 balls with random initial locations, random dx and dy values, random
radii, and random colors. To do so, start by including the random module in your code. Then, for
random integers, use the function:
All initial positions should be within the canvas (10,390). Each dx and dy value should be in the
range -8 to 8. Each radius should be between 5 and 10. The colors should come from
colorList = [“blue”, “red”, “green”, “yellow”, “magenta”, “orange”]
and you can use the function
to pick a random color from this list.
Move each ball by its dx and dy values in each step. Reorganize the code for animation by
only checking that the animation has not stopped (removing boundary checks). Then merge the
animation and drawing functionality to simplify the program flow. The code should first remove all
objects from canvas, draw the ball objects in their new location, move the balls, and then once all
the balls have been updated, update the canvas. At this point you will also need to give the restart
button some attention by making it reset every ball to its original (x, y) position and velocity.
You can also see some new effects by changing the frequency with which you execute
self.canvas.delete(“all”). Instead of doing it at every step of the animation, do it in every
10th or 100th step. See how that changes the look of the animation. You can explore further by
changing the code so that when the bouncing balls collide they create a physically realistic elastic
collision (momentum conserved).
To complete Checkpoint 3: Show your working program to a TA or mentor.