Problem Statement:
Develop a “correct solution” to the multiple dimensioned, multiple producer/consumer
problem. (That is multiple producers > 3 and multiple consumers > 3) problem that send
and receive messages directly among themselves. Make sure that each message is
received by one and only one consumer and that every producer and consumer is
treated in a fair manner (no starvation). No centralized task manager is allowed. That is,
you cannot simply queue all requests from each producer and then sequentially assign
them to consumers. No common shared memory.
1: if msg from Consumer, place msg on queue w/timestamp
2: send ack to Consumer (I.e., I have a resource)
1: determines resource need.
2: receives resource and processes it, return to step 1
To demonstrate your solution, you must illustrate it with actual running code (that
completely documents your solution), and examples. (I.e., a correct implementation of
Presser, Computing Surveys, 7,1, March 1975, pp.21-44).
Use gcc on your Texas Cyber Range VM to implement your solution.
This project is an individual project. Each student is required to implement his or her
own solution. Discussing solutions with others in the class is OK – copying from other
students is not. Two requirements here: If you discuss solutions with others, (and I
encourage you to do so) list your study partners in the header of your solution. Recall
also that I expect original work and so a project that details how it was written by half
the class will not be well received. However, I respect good scholarship and academic
integrity – keep that in mind as you document your projects.
You may not copy solutions from other members of the class.
Bottom Line: Academic integrity and good scholarship are paramount. If your project
implementation is not original and not documented, then we potentially have a case of
academic dishonesty (cheating) and that will be pursued in accordance with university
Always feel free to ask questions regarding academic integrity.