CSCE 314 [Section 100] Programming Languages Assignment 5


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Problem [1] and [2] contains 30 points each. If you write a detailed design document [submit a pdf file
for problem [2] and a .java file in that case] and detailed code for problem [2] describing your
implementation, you will get 30 points. You will get 30 points if it’s not compiled correctly. If you solve
the Problem [2] and it compiled correctly [submit your .java file only, no need to submit a pdf file], you
will get 5 points as extra credit. These extra credit will be added to your final. Please add a comment on
top of problem [2] if you are able to solve that perfectly. The comment should mention: “This
program should run perfectly”.
[1] Suppose you have multiple processors, therefore you can speed up the matrix multiplication.
Implement the following method in parallel. Moreover, write a sequential matrix multiplication method
as well.
public static double[][] parallelMultiplyMatrix( double[][] a, double[][] b)
Write a test program that measures the execution time for multiplying two 2,000 * 2,000 matrix using
the parallel method and sequential method, respectively. You can write your test inside main method.
Your output should produce this message on the console:
Parallel time for matrix multiplication is milliseconds
Sequential time for matrix multiplication is milliseconds
Please see the example codes ( and provided to help you out on
measuring time.
[2] You are working as a programmer for developing a game show. The host of the show asked you to
develop a Java program that will help the game show running smoothly. The rules for the show is that it
will ask the player a couple of questions. If the player can answer the question correctly in 10 seconds,
he/she will score one/1 point. If the player’s answer is wrong or if he/she does not answer the question
within 10 seconds, the correct answer is displayed and the player does not score any points. After
getting an answer or running out of time, the next question is displayed.
From the rules above you can get the sense this program needs to run in parallel manner to handle
different tasks at the same time. You can use locks/conditions to ensure thread synchronization. We
suggest that you should use three threads to handle three tasks. Below is a skeleton of logic that you
might follow:
printQuestion thread{
// start timer thread
// wait for answer or timeout
// save response from user
// print “correct”, “wrong” or “timeout”
// check for end of program
// read answer;
// move answer to global variable
// release printer thread
timer_thread(int num) {
// wait 10 seconds; you can use sleep() here
// still waiting for this question?
// put TIMEOUT value as response
// release printer thread
Again, it is not necessary that you have to follow this skeleton code. If you have better/different
idea/implementation, you are welcome to follow that. Moreover, add a test in main to interact with the
user. You can use the Scanner class for that.