CSCE 221 Assignment 1 – A Collection Class solved


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Problem Description – Part 1 (100 pts)
1. Write a C++ program to implement a collection for organizing data and for performing operations on this data.
A collection contains items in no particular order and it might have duplicate items. It is probably the simplest
way of organizing data. In our particular case you have a collection of stress balls of different colors and sizes
and there is no specific arrangement or organization of these items.
2. (25 points) Write a class Stress_ball which represents a stress ball.
(a) The class default constructor creates a stress ball with a randomly selected color and size, every time
the constructor is called. Use only the following colors: red, blue, yellow, and green, and sizes:
small, medium, and large. Apply enum class Stress_ball_colors to define colors and
Stress_ball_sizes for sizes.
(b) The class parameterized constructor creates a stress ball with a given color and size:
Stress_ball(Stress_ball_colors c, Stress_ball_sizes s)
(c) The function get_color() returns the color of a stress ball using the enum class Stress_ball_colors
(d) The function get_size() returns the size of a stress ball using the enum class Stress_ball_sizes
(e) The operator ==(const Stress_ball& sb) returns true if sb’s color and size are the same as
color and size of the stress ball this (object calling the operator).
(f) Outside of this class: overload operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Stress_ball& sb);
to print a stress ball as a pair of color and size in this form: (color, size). Example: (red, small)
The class Stress_ball should be presented to your TA or PT during the labs and submitted to eCampus by
January 22nd. You should test all the implemented functions/operators of this class.
3. (35 points) The class Collection defines a collection as an array that can be automatically expanded as
necessary using dynamically allocated arrays. You are not allowed to use the STL class vector.
(a) Write a C++ class Collection which uses the class Stress_ball. The collection holds stress balls
of different colors and sizes (see above) and can contain many stress balls of the same color and size. The
class Collection should have three private members:
Stress_ball *array; //pointer to dynamically allocated memory
int size; //logical size of array = the number of elements in use
int capacity; //physical size of array = the number of allocated elements
Note that size <= capacity.
(b) There are the following functions defined for a collection:
• constructor with no arguments. The default size of the collection is 8.
• constructor with one argument which is the required size of the collection
• copy constructor – allows to make a copy of the collection
• copy assignment – allows to overwrite an exiting collection by another collection
• destructor – allows to destroy a collection
• move constructor – allows to efficiently create a new collection from an existing one
• move assignment – allows to efficiently copy a collection during an assignment
• insert a stress ball to the collection:
void insert_item(const Stress_ball& sb);
If the collection is full, increase the array by doubling its size. Use the private helper function
resize() to complete this task. The function resize() should double the size of the array and
correctly copy elements from the old array to a new array.
• check if a stress ball of a given color and size is in the collection; return true if it is there and false
bool contains(const Stress_ball& sb) const;
• remove and return a random stress ball (you have no control which stress ball is selected):
Stress_ball remove_any_item();
Do not decrease the size of the array. Also, be sure that there are no gaps between elements of the
array. Throw an exception if the collection is already empty.
• remove a stress ball with a specific color and size from the collection:
void remove_this_item(const Stress_ball& sb);
Do not decrease the size of the array.
• make the collection empty:
void make_empty();
• check if the collection is empty; return true if it is empty and false otherwise:
bool is_empty() const;
• return the total number of stress balls in the collection:
int total_items() const;
• return the number of stress balls of the same size in the collection:
int total_items(Stress_ball_sizes s) const;
• return the number of stress balls of the same color in the collection:
int total_items(Stress_ball_colors t) const;
• print all the stress balls in the collection (print color and size of a stress ball, see the class Stress_ball):
void print_items() const;
(c) To directly access a stress ball in a collection, overload operator[]. It will access a stress ball in
array at position i where i starts from 0 through size-1:
Stress_ball& operator[](int i);
(d) To directly access a stress ball in a const collection, overload operator[]. It will have the exact same
body as the above overload, but the function header should read:
const Stress_ball& operator[](int i) const;
The class Collection should be presented to your TA or PT during the labs by January 29. You should test all
the implemented functions/operators of this class.
4. (20 points) Add these functions for manipulating collections. They are not part of the class Collection.
• a copy operation that makes a copy of a collection:
Collection make_copy(const Collection& c);
• a union operation that combines the contents of two collections into a third collection (the contents of c1
and c2 are not changed):
Collection union(const Collection& c1, const Collection& c2);
• a swap operation that swaps two collections:
void swap(Collection& c1, Collection& c2);
Use the move constructor and move assignment to do this. Do not copy the collection elements.
• A sort function that sorts the collection with respect to the size of its elements (small < medium <
void sort_by_size(Collection& c);
Then elements will be sorted with respect to their size in array (but we do not sort them with respect to
5. (15 points) Write a program for testing collections where you will test the class Collection implemented
based on an array.
(a) Call the file test_stress_ball_collection.cpp. It should contain the main() function. Use
makefile to compile your program.
(b) Create two collection objects. Fill them with stress balls: read stress balls from a user input file. Use
between 10 and 15 stress balls.
(c) Sort and print out their contents: print out the number of stress balls of a given color and the total amount
of stress balls in the first and the second collection.
(d) Create a third collection which is the union of the two objects from (b). Print its elements. Print the number
of stress balls of the same color and size. Print the total number of stress balls.
(e) Swap two collections in (b). Print its elements to check if they correctly swapped.
(f) Sort the first collection in (b). Print its elements to check if it is correctly sorted.
The class Collection should be presented to your TA or PT during the labs by February 5th. You should test
all the implemented functions/operators.
Problem Description – Part 2 (100 pts)
due February 14
1. (50 points) Write a templated version of the class Collection with the template parameters: Object,
Feature1, Feature2.
(a) Test it with the class Stress_ball as Object, Stress_ball_sizes as Feature1,
and Stress_ball_colors as Feature2.
(b) Perform the same operations: make_copy, union, swap, and sort_by_size for testing.
(c) Modify the test file to do this.
2. (30 points) Write a class Jeans similar to Stress_ball with the same class members: color and size. Feel
free to use your own colors and sizes.
• Apply the Collection functions to Jeans objects
• Provide similar testing cases for the templated Collection with Jeans objects.
3. (15 points) Write about the generic programming using templates based on this assignment part 2.