Command Pattern Assignment Specifications:
Command Pattern Link:
Helpful Link Command Pattern – Design Patterns (ep 7) (Links to an
external site.)
Command Pattern – Design Patterns (ep 7)
Include the following in your .zip folder: Zip folder name
Include the following in your zip file program package:
Read Chapter 6 Command Pattern.
Review from Power Point Slides and compile use this to understand
Command Pattern and Apply it to your code review this file.
Coding Assignment (getting started) – Compile all Source files: the
file with main in it should be named public class TestEditor you may
use this file editorStudentHelp.docx .
Extensive commenting needs to be throughout entire program package for
full credit (15 points)
UML Class diagram (.pdf format required)
Make sure code compiles when run-do not submit code with errors.
Output will be similar to this:
—- Undo level 0
—- Contents of: message_to_Nancy Ripplinger —-
0:Better think of your future
1:Time you straightened right out
—- Redo level 0
—- Contents of: message_to_Nancy Ripplinger —-
0:Better think of your future
1:Time you straightened right out
2:Stop your messin’ around