CSCD 212 Assignment 1: Strategy Pattern


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Part 1. The upcoming Guitar Hero VIII: Legends of Rock needs a player
configuration system.
Guitar Hero VIII lets you play three different characters (Slash, Jimi
Hendrix, and Angus Young).
Each character can use one of three different guitars (Gibson SG,
Fender Telecaster or Gibson Flying V) as well as perform a unique solo
act (Put the Guitar on Fire, Jump off the Stage, Smash the Guitar).
Implement a player configuration system in Java using the Strategy
design pattern.
You should have separate classes to represent each of the components
Part 2. Include a UML class diagram (as a .pdf) that represents your
class relationships as part of your submission.
You are free to use any editing tools you wish. A reasonably good UML
drawing program is Draw.IO (There will be a demo of this in class
later this week). TinyUML is also pretty good.
Eclipse also has a built in UML generator (hint this would be the
easiest one).
You are welcome to use whatever you like *as long as it supports the
basic UML symbols required for class diagrams — we will go over these
in class*.
While we will discuss them in class, an excellent tutorial on the
basics of class diagrams lives here:
artifacts/classDiagram.htm (Links to an external site.)
Here’s a class containing the Java main method to help you on your
way. Note that the contents of this class are not exhaustive with
respect to your assignment. More specifically, add items to the main
method to show dynamic swapping of behaviors (which is a critical part
of the Strategy pattern).
public class GuitarHero {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GameCharacter player1 = new GameCharacterSlash(); //note that
constructor could be designed to accept initial behaviors
// e.g. GameCharacter player1 = new GameCharacterSlash(new
GibsonFlyingV(), new SetGuitarOnFire());
GameCharacter player2 = new GameCharacterHendrix();
player1.playGuitar(); //should print a message saying Slash
is playing a Gibson Flying V
player2.playGuitar(); //should print a message saying Jimi
Hendrix is playing whatever you assigned in constructor
player1.playSolo(); //should print a message saying Slash just
set guitar on fire
player2.playSolo(); //etc.
//add code below to show the swapping of behaviors
//e.g. player1.setSolo(new JumpOffStage());
//then: player1.playSolo(); — this should print a message
that Slash jumped off stage
Hint1: You should use the Java Duck example from Chapter 1 of HFDP.
Hint2: It helps if you draw a class diagram *before* you start coding.
Your submission must include .java files and the .pdf that contains
the UML representation of your classes. In addition you must capture
the output from running your program.
Label your .zip folder/file (course_assignment_firstname_lastname):
More specifically turn in the following:
Source files: for Java,
More specifically you should be able to run java GuitarHero to compile
and run your code from the directory created by unzipping the
submission. This speeds up the process for the grader.
The file with main in it should be named
Make sure you can compile and run from the top directory of the
unzipped submission.
UML Class diagram (.pdf format required, name the file Strategy_UML)
Output capture from running your program. This can be a plain text
file or a screen shot. Be sure and name the file Strategy_Output.