
CSC8001 “Programming and Data Structures” Coursework Part 1

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1. Objectives
The objectives of this coursework are for you to demonstrate that you can:
• Define classes, fields, constructors, and methods in Java
• Use appropriate types, including collections
• Implement basic algorithms using collections
• Write a main method including console I/O
• Devise appropriate test cases
• Document your solution with javadoc
Note that at the time of setting the coursework, you will not have been taught all the
material relevant to this exercise (for example, main method, console I/O, testing). You may
need to research relevant Java Class libraries in order to get help with certain features.
2. Scenario: Misty Mountains
Mountain climbers like to keep collections of the mountains they have ascended, so that
they can compare achievements with other climbers. In order to help them to do this, you
are asked to write a java program to track details of mountains climbed, and allow members
of a climbing club to compare their achievements.
3. Problem specification and Mark Scheme
Define a Java class Mountain with appropriate fields, methods and constructor to store and
retrieve information about the name and height (in metres) of the mountain. [4 marks]
Define a Java class Climber with appropriate fields, methods and constructor to store and
retrieve the name of the climber, their age and gender, and a list of Mountains that they
have climbed. Note that different climbers may record details for the same mountain:
these would be stored as separate objects. There is no need to record a master list of all
mountains. Include methods to return:
• The highest mountain recorded by this climber.
• The average height mountain recorded by this climber.
• A list of all mountains recorded by the climber with a height greater than a given
level. [8 marks]
Define a Java class Club, which holds information about all climbers. Include methods to
• The climber who has recorded the highest average mountain height.
• The highest mountain recorded by a member of the club.
• A list of all mountains that have been recorded, that are higher than a given level.
[8 marks]
Finally, define a class ClubStats, with a main method which does the following:
• Presents the user with a menu (printed to the console) of features:
o add a new climber to the club, given their name, age and gender;
o add details of a mountain (name, height) to the record for a given climber;
different climbers may record details for the same mountain: these would
be stored as separate objects. There is no need to record a master list of all
o provide statistics: the climber who has recorded the highest average
mountain height; the highest mountain recorded by a club member; and all
mountains recorded with a height greater than a given level;
o exit
• Takes user input from the console to choose one of the menu features
• Allows the user to input, via the console, the details of climbers and mountains they
have recorded
• After executing one of the features, returns the user to the menu to choose another
[8 marks]
All classes should be properly documented with javadoc [2 marks] and include appropriate
testing methods [5 marks].
4. What to submit
You must submit 2 files to Ness, as follows:
o A zip file named ‘’, where
‘Firstname’ is replaced with your first name, and ‘Lastname’ is replaced with your last
name. The zip file must contain:
§ The source code of your Java classes.
§ The generated javadoc for your classes.
o A PDF document named ‘CSC8001_coursework_pt1_2017_FirstnameLastname.pdf’
following the same conventions as above, containing a reflective commentary on your
implementation (approx.. 500 words), saying what went well and what you would do to
improve or extend your program [5 marks].
5. Mark Scheme
35 marks are available for the code, testing and Javadoc. 5 marks are available for the
reflective report.