
CSC209 A3

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1. Learning Objectives

At the end of this assignment students will be able to
write a program that creates new processes
manage communication between processes using pipes
read and add to a medium-sized C project

2. Introduction

In this assignment, you’ll build a simple pipeline for manipulating bitmap image files by applying a set of
common filters on the images, which will allow the user to do things like turn the image to grayscale, blur
the image, and increase the image size.
Each image filter will be a separate program that reads in a bitmap image from its standard input,
calculates some transformation on the image’s pixels and possibly its dimensions, and then writes a
transformed bitmap image to its standard output.

Because we want to provide a convenient interface to the user to run several filters on a single image,
you will also create a “master” program that spawns a separate process for each filter the user specifies.
This program will also perform some basic process management, waiting for all of its child processes to
complete, and reporting any errors that occur.

3. Preparation

Do a git pull in your repository to find the starter code for assignment 3.
Make sure to read the entirety of the instructions as soon as possible, and note that the code also
contains TODOs for you to follow.
Also, we strongly suggest first Lab 5 if you haven’t yet done so. This will make sure you are familiar with
the bitmap file format we are using for this assignment.

3.1. Starter code overview
Here is a brief description of the files found in the starter code for this assignment. Please note that
unlike previous assignments, you will be creating brand-new files, not just adding to existing ones!
bitmap.h and bitmap.c : definitions of the main types and functions used in this assignment.

Look for
TODOs here to fill in the required functionality for processing bitmap files.
copy.c : a skeleton file for the simplest image filter you’re writing. You’ll be completing this file, and
adding four more similar ones.
image_filter.c : a very incomplete “master” program that manages a pipeline of image filters. You
don’t have to worry about this file until Part 2.

Makefile : an incomplete makefile that you (and we) will use to compile the different executables in
this assignment. We’ve also provided a basic test target that you should extend to automate some
basic tests of your filters as you work through this assignment.
images/ : a directory containing a sample bitmap image file you can use for testing. Feel free to add
your own!

4. General C code guidelines

We have the following expectations for all source code you submit for this assignment:
1. Perform error-checking on system and library calls and use perror to print good error messages.
2. Explicitly free all dynamically-allocated memory before a program terminates.
3. Explicitly close all unused pipe ends, for every process.
4. Don’t modify/delete any of the provided functions/structs in the starter code unless we say that you

5. Part 1: Image filters

Your first task is to complete a set of image filter programs, described below. Each filter will have the
same base structure, but will differ in the actual pixel value calculations they perform, and how many
pixels they need to buffer for their calculations.

5.1. Bitmap file format
We are using the same standard for bitmap images as Lab 5: 24-bit bitmap files whose width and height
are divisible by 4. From the bitmap header section, you will again need to access the header size and
image width and height. In addition to these three integers, you will also need to access the image file
size, which is an integer stored at offset 2 in the bitmap header.
Your first task should be to complete the read_header function in bitmap.c . This reads in the bitmap
metadata from standard input, which is necessary to complete all of the filters for this part of the

5.1.1. Suggestion
Even without implementing the copy filter, you should be able to run the starter program and have the
header data be written to stdout. You can use this to check your read_header by redirecting this output to
a file, and comparing it against the given bitmap’s header (they should be the same).
You can use od ( to inspect each file separately (use -N 54 to inspect
just the first 54 bytes). Or, you can use cmp ( to compare the two files
byte-by-byte (use -n 54 ) to compare just the first 54 bytes.

5.2. Image filter structure
Unlike Lab 5, in which you read in a bitmap image from a file, here you will read in the data from
standard input. And because each program must write out a complete bitmap file, you must write out all
of the header data as well.

Because we expect these programs to be chained together with pipes, it would be rather inefficient to
always read in the entire image file (including all its pixel data), and then perform some computations on
the pixels, and the write out the entire output file. All of the filters you’ll be implementing are local filters,
meaning each computed pixel value will be based on at most a few surrounding pixels, and will not
require reading in more than a few pixel rows of the image before being able to start computing.

To take
advantage of this, you’ll use implement simple buffering approach for each filter, which is loosely
described as follows:
1. Read in all of the header data, and extract the necessary image metadata described above.
2. Write out all of the header data for the transformed image file. In most cases, the output header will
be exactly the same as the input header; for the scaling transformations, the file size and image
dimensions will need to be updated.
3. Read in a number of pixels (specified for each filter below).

4. Compute the values for the transformed pixel(s), and write out these new pixels.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 until the entire input image has been processed, and all the new pixels written out.
Of course, the key questions are:

How do we compute the values of the transformed pixels?
How many pixels do we need to read in step 3 before computing the transformed pixel values?
These questions depend on the exact filter being used, and we’ll describe each one separately. Note that
we specify the exact executable name in each case; for all of them besides copy , you should create and
submit a new C source file that compiles to the required executable, and add the compilation recipe to
your Makefile.

5.3. Individual pixel filters: copy and greyscale
The two simplest filters operate on one pixel at a time. Your loop in this case can read in and write out
exactly one pixel in each iteration.
The copy filter leaves the pixels unchanged; this is a good one to get started, because you simply need
to read in one pixel and then immediately write it back out. Running
$ ./copy < images/dog.bmp > dog_copy.bmp
should product an exact copy of the original bitmap file.

The greyscale filter turns the image into a black-and-white version by transforming each pixel p into a
new pixel q , where the blue, green, and red values of the new pixel are all equal to the average of the
blue, green, and red values of the original pixel, rounded down to the nearest integer. You should do
normal integer arithmetic on the individual pixel fields to compute the average: ( + + / 3 works just fine.

5.4. Basic image convolutions: gaussian_blur and edge_detection
The next two filters compute a transformation on a pixel p from the pixel values of p and the eight
pixels surrounding p , i.e., the 3-by-3 grid of pixels centred on p . For example, the pixel at position (2,
3) in the image is transformed based on the following nine pixel values:
(1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4)
(2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4)
(3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4)

But because the pixels in a bitmap file are stored in rows, we require a few rows of pixel data to be read
in before any transformation can begin. The main loop for these two filters reads in pixels by row: at each
iteration, your program should be store exactly three rows of pixels from the original image, and using
these pixels to calculate and print the transformed values for every pixel in the middle row.

We have given you the code that computes the pixel transformations for you; they involve some
technical calculations that are beyond the scope of this course, but you can learn about in a course like
CSC320 (Introduction to Visual Computing). Instead, your main job here will be to manage the buffering
of the pixel data, and figuring out how to invoke the provided functions to compute the correct pixel
transformations. Read about what these functions expect in bitmap.h .

Note about boundaries: because each of these filters compute transformations based on each pixel’s
neighbours, the pixels at the very edge of the image pose a problem (they don’t have neighbours on one
or more sides). For simplicity on this assignment, resolve this simply by making every “edge” pixel have
the exact same transformed value as its “inner” neighbour. For example, the pixel at position (0, 5)
should have the same transformed value as the pixel (1, 5), and the pixel at position (0, 0) should have
the same transformed value as the pixel (1, 1). Consider this as, using the pixel in the ring of values
immediately inside the edge, so, if the image width is 200, the pixel at position (199, 3) should have the
same transformed value as the pixel (198, 3). You may find the provided min and max macros helpful
for handling these boundary pixels elegantly.
If you’re interested in reading more about image convolutions, try the Wikipedia page
( .

5.5. Scaling
The last filter is used to scale an existing image. It takes one command-line argument scale_factor ,
which must be an integer greater than 0. The image produced by this filter should be the same as the
original image, except its width and height are multiplied by the provided scale factor. You may assume
this command-line argument is always provided, and is always valid (no error-checking is required for

The pixel at position (i, j) in the scaled image should equal the pixel at position (i / scale_factor, j
/ scale_factor) in the original image. Note that this is integer division, which rounds down. (This is the
simplest form of scaling, and it doesn’t produce very smooth-looking images. There are more complex
algorithms for scaling you’ll learn about in courses like CSC320.)

In order for the output bitmap to be valid, you’ll need to update three parts of the bitmap header before
writing it to stdout: the image width, image height, and the total file size. Note that the header’s size does
not change with this transformation, and so you can compute the new file size by adding the header size
to the total space required to store all the pixels in the image.

Note: due to the structure of the provided run_filter function, you’ll need some way to access the input
scale factor when calculating and writing the transformed pixels. There are a few different ways to do this
(feel free to choose from the following):
1. Save this value in a global variable in your scale.c source file.
2. Modify the Bitmap struct to store this data.

3. Do not use run_filter at all, and instead use your own modified version that makes the scale factor
more accessible to the filter itself. This might require updating bitmap.h as well.

5.5.1. Suggestion
We strongly encourage you to test each image filter separately as you complete it. At the bottom of the
starter Makefile , we’ve provided a target test with a simple example command of one of the filters. If
you add more commands to this rule, you’ll have a convenient way to run simple tests on different
executables, just by running make test !
You should even be able to run multiple filters in a pipeline using standard shell syntax, e.g.
$ ./gaussian_blur < dog.bmp | ./gaussian_blur | ./gaussian_blur | ./greyscale | scale 2 > images/dog
which should produce a big, blurry, grey dog. This is the ultimate goal of Part 1.
Here are sample outputs for each of the non- copy filters run on the provided bitmap file, greyscale, blur,
edges and scaling (by 2) respectively:

You should be able to right click and save the original images.

6. Part 2: Managing multiple filter processes
The second part of this assignment is to complete the program image_filter , which takes at least two
command-line arguments:
1. Its first two command-line arguments specify filename for the input and output images, respectively.
2. The remaining arguments each specify one of the five image filter programs you developed in Part 1.
If the user wants to run the scaling filter, this must be specified in a command-line argument that
contains “scale” and a scale factor, e.g. “scale 2” .
If no arguments are provided, a single copy filter is performed.
image_filter is responsible for doing the following:

1. Create one new process for each filter specified by the command-line arguments.
2. Connect the processes properly to each other (and to the input and output files) using pipes.
Remember that each filter process can only communicate using its stdin/stdout, meaning that dup2
must be used to redirect each of their stdins and stdouts.

The filters must process the image in the same order the command-line arguments are specified by
the user.
3. Wait for all processes to complete, and print a success message to the user. If one or more of the
processes failed (exit with non-zero status), print a warning message to the user. We’ve provided
string constants for these messages for you in the starter code.

For example, the command
$ ./gaussian_blur < dog.bmp | ./gaussian_blur | ./gaussian_blur | ./greyscale | ./scale 2 > images/d
should result in the same behaviour (except the output message) as
$ ./image_filter dog.bmp images/dog_piped.bmp ./gaussian_blur ./gaussian_blur ./gaussian_blur ./grey
scale “./scale 2”

7. Submission
Commit all your code to your repository. Running make should produce six executables: the five image
filters copy , greyscale , gaussian_blur , edge_detection , and scale (check their names carefully!) and
the master image_filter executable. You are welcome to commit sample test files that you used.

Note: it is generally not good practice to commit the .o or executable files to your repository, as these
files should be automatically generated from your source code. If you accidentally committed such files,
please remove them from your repo ( git rm ) before your final submission.
Original author credit to: David Liu