
CSC148 Lab#8

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learning goals
In this lab you will review Test02 questions together with other topics you learned in this course.
Download,,, csc148_stack, and to a subdirectory called lab08.
Circularly Linked Lists
Example of a circular linked list
implement reverse_print1
Read the docstring of reverse_print1(self, current), and implement it using recursion,
without using stacks, queues, or Python lists.
Step 1: write an if statement to cover the base case, i.e. when there is only one node in the list—that is
when current references to the same object that back (and back.next_) is referencing to.
Step 2: traverse the list recursively all the way to the end (i.e. where back is referencing to). This means
that the recursive call should advance current. Note that the Python interpret (automatically) pushes
the parameters (such as current) onto the stack of activation records. So, the last current pushed onto
the stack is referencing to the same object back is referencing to, which means the last element in the
list; the 2nd last current pushed onto the stack is referencing to the 2nd last element of the list; the 3rd
last current pushed onto the stack is referencing to the 3rd last element of the list, … so if we print the
value of current just before every return, the list is printed in the reverse order all the way to the first
element current was referencing to.
implement reverse_print2
Read the docstring of reverse_print2(self, current), and implement it without using
recursion. Instead, let’s do it explicitly ourselves what the Python Interpret did for us in
1 9
Step 1: define a Stack.
Step 2. push current onto the stack.
Step 3. traverse the list in a loop all the way to the end (i.e. where back is referencing to). This means
that you should advance current in each iteration and push it onto the stack.
Step 4. when Step 3 is done, the last current pushed onto the stack is referencing to the same object
back is referencing to, which means the last element in the list; the 2nd last current pushed onto the
stack is referencing to the 2nd last element of the list; the 3rd last current pushed onto the stack is
referencing to the 3rd last element of the list. … so if we pop the current from the sack and print its
value in a loop until stack is empty, the list is printed in the reverse order all the way to the first element
current was referencing to.
implement reverse_print3
Read the docstring of reverse_print3(self, current), and implement it with using minimal
knowledge from CSC148!
Step 1: define a Python list, call it easy_list, containing the value of current.
Step 2: traverse the list in a loop all the way to the end (i.e. where back is referencing to). This means
that you should advance current in each iteration and add its value to easy_list.
Step 3: reverse easy_list.
Step 4: print easy_list.
General Trees
implement is_full1
Read the docstring of is_full1(t,n), and implement it using recursion, without using stacks,
queues, or Python lists.
Step 1: write an if statement to cover the first base case you see in the docstring.
Step 2: write an if statement to cover the second base case (you can see it implicitly in the docstring).
Step 3: The recursive case invokes the is_full on all children of the current node if the current node
has exactly n children. (recall an n-ary tree is full if all its non-leaf nodes have exactly n children). Use List
comprehension to develop is_full1.
Hint: lookup all and any for Python lists (CSC108), it may help.
implement is_full2
Develop this very similar to is_full1, recursively. But do not use list comprehension.
implement is_full3
In last lecture, we discussed a tree traversal that was not recursive. It was level order traversal, using a
queue. Implement is_full3, in a similar manner without using recursion.
Additional Exercises
implement max_value1 for BinaryTree
Read the docstring of max_value(t,n), and implement it using recursion, without using stacks,
queues, or Python lists.
implement max_value2 for BinaryTree
In last lecture, we discussed a tree traversal that was not recursive. It was level order traversal, using a
queue. Implement max_value2, in a similar manner without using recursion.