Part 1: dynamic programming algorithm; Part 2: greedy algorithm
Deadline: submit your files electronically by midnight (end of day) on Monday, 05/17/21.
Late submission: you can submit your work within 24 hours after deadline (penalty applies):
-by 2 a.m. on 5/18/21 for 10-point penalty,
-from 2:01 a.m. till noon on 5/18/21 for 25-point penalty,
-from 12:01 p.m. till midnight (end of the day) on 5/18/21 for 50-point penalty
Programming Language: Java.
Change Making Problem:
A cashier at a store accepts money in payment for goods, and needs to give back change in the
amount of n cents. The money comes in a finite number of fixed coin denominations. Assuming
that the cashier has access to unlimited quantities of coins of every denomination, the cashier
needs to give change using the least number of coins for the given amount n. To make the problem
more comprehensive, let’s include also dollar bills – we can think of an x-value banknote as a coin
of x*100 denomination (e.g. $10 can be considered a 1000-cent coin). To sum up, the problem is:
Problem: given a set of coin-denominations {d1, d2, …, dk} and an amount n, make change for n
using the minimum number of coins. There is no limit on the number of coins of any di.
Precondition: to guarantee that any n-amount can be changed with the given set of coins, let’s
agree that the set will always contain a 1-cent coin.
Objectives of the assignment:
1. For the same problem (Change Making problem) design two algorithms using two different
design strategies: an O(n2) dynamic programming algorithm and an O(n) greedy algorithm.
2. Demonstrate that the greedy algorithm returns an optimal solution in certain scenarios (e.g. if
the coin set represents US denominations). However, there is no guarantee an optimal solution
will be found if the coin-denominations in the set are allowed to be random values.
Do NOT change the class names and method signatures specified in the assignment.
PART1: Design and implement a dynamic programming algorithm for the above problem.
You are required to use the BOTTOM-UP approach (i.e. iterative approach) — NO recursion.
Implement a class called ChangeMaker that has two public methods: main and change_DP.
You may have private methods as you find appropriate, to support your public methods.
– change_DP method: this method should have the following signature:
public static int[] change_DP(int n, int[] d) //needs the n amount and the d-array of coin-values
Your change_DP method should implement a dynamic programming algorithm (Bottom-up
method) that receives the n amount and the d-array, and returns an array containing the count of
coins for each di-denomination to be used when making change for the given n amount.
Example: if d-array contains 100,25,10,5,1 and n=87, then the return array will contain: 0,3,1,0,2
values respectively. These data indicate that there are 0 coins in d1-denomination (i.e. no 100-
cent coins), 3 coins of d2-denomination (i.e. three 25-cent coins), 1 coin in d3-denomination (i.e.
one 10-cent coin), 0 coins in d4-denomination (i.e. no 5-cent coins), 2 coins in d5-denomination
(i.e. two 1-cent coins). From the contents of this array it is easy to see that 6 coins were used.
Dr. Hasmik Gharibyan
Details of implementation: We can take a sub-problem of this problem to be one where the
amount to be changed is j (j≤n) with the same set of coin-denominations. Let’s define cj to be the
value of the optimal solution for such sub-problem (i.e. the min # coins needed to change j). You
need to define an array C[0..n] to hold cj values for all sub-problems; your goal is to get the C[n].
1.Get convinced that the Money Changing problem has an optimal sub-structure
2.Get convinced that the value of the optimal solution can be defined recursively as follows:
𝐶𝐶[𝑗𝑗] = �
∞ 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑗𝑗 < 0
0 𝑖𝑖𝑓𝑓 𝑗𝑗 = 0
1 + min
{𝐶𝐶[𝑗𝑗 − 𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖]} 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑗𝑗 > 0
//Make sure you understand this formula
Attention: You will not implement the j<0 case (can’t have a negative amount). The negativeargument case only arises when referring to C[j-di]-values while finding the min (it will happen
if j<di). To avoid the negative-argument case, before referring to each C[j-di] value while
finding the min, first check and make sure that j ≥ di (if j<di, then simply skip that C[j- di]).
3-4. And now design an algorithm to solve all sub-problems from smallest to largest. Since later
you will need to obtain the actual coin-distribution when making the change, you need to
define an auxiliary array A. In each A[j] cell you will save info about the choice that was made
when computing the value of respective C[j]; in other words, you will save the i-value
representing the di coin that was chosen when computing the minimum of all C[j-di] values
(e.g. if C[j-dm] is the min among all C[j-di] values for i=1,2,…,k, then m is saved in A[j] cell).
Implement your algorithm to do the following:
1. Compute and fill-in the values in C and A arrays.
2. Arrange the creation of a k-length result-array B containing counts of coins in the coindistribution for changing n. In this array each i cell contains the count of di-denomination
coins used when making change for the given n amount. Note: the result is not the A array.
Hint: To obtain this array, you can think of doing the “printing” of the optimal solution
using the A-array; except, at each step instead of printing the x-value registered in an
A-cell, increment the count-value of the x-cell in the B-array. Note that “printing” of the
solution is similar to the one in Rod-Cutting Problem (last page of respective handout).
– main method: in this method you need to do the following.
1. Define a scanner object for keyboard input (i.e. connect it to Create a scanner for only once (only here as your 1-st step) and use it for all keyboard inputs in this
main method. DON’T re-define the scanner for – you will be penalized if you do.
Note: re-defining the scanner for (i.e. defining another new object) will cause
problems in grading (when your program is run with piped input), so DON’T do it.
2. Prompt the user to enter the following data in the following order: the number of coins (i.e. the
value for k) and the list of k denominations (i.e. values for d1, d2, …, dk) in decreasing order.
3. Input values from keyboard and save in respective variables: the first value in k, the remaining
values in a k-length array of integers (the d-array). E.g., if input data represent k=5, and
d={100,25,10,5,1} coin set, your input should be the following list: 5 100 25 10 5 1 and may
be given in one line or in several lines (it should not matter).
4. Prompt to enter a value for n: positive value if needs change, 0 to quit. Input the value for n.
5. As long as n’s value is positive, repeat the following steps:
a) Invoke your change_DP method passing n and d-array as parameters. Save the address of
the returned array so you can use it in the next step to output the results of the change.
b) Arrange the output of the following info on the screen to represent money change results:
– line 1 should show the amount to be changed: n’s value on
– line 2 should show the change (the distribution of the amount) in the below given format
– line 3 should show the number of coins used in the distribution
Dr. Hasmik Gharibyan
Example: for the input data k=5, d={100,25,10,5,1}, n=87, your output will look like this:
DP algorithm results
Amount: 87
Optimal distribution: 3*25c + 1*10c + 2*1c
Optimal coin count: 6
Attention: the formatting of line 2 of the data-output is as follows:
– you need to list coin-denominations in the order they appear in d-array
– for each used coin-denomination you need to indicate the number of such coins
– you need to use *, +, and c symbols in the distribution as indicated in the example
c) prompt the user to enter a value for n and input the value.
PART2: Design and implement a greedy algorithm for the Change Making problem.
I. Add a new public static method change_greedy in the ChangeMaker class to implement the
greedy algorithm for the Change Making problem. This method has the following signature:
public static int[] change_greedy(int n, int[] d) //needs n-amount and the d-array of coin-values
This method receives the n amount and the d-array of coin denominations, and returns an array
containing the count of coins for each di-denomination to be used when making change for the
given n amount. Note: this is the same type result-array as returned by the change_DP method.
Example: if d-array contains 100,25,10,5,1 and n=87, then the return array will contain: 0,3,1,0,2
values respectively. These data indicate that there are 0 coins in d1-denomination (i.e. no 100-cent
coins), 3 coins of d2-denomination (i.e. three 25-cent coins), 1 coin in d3-denomination (i.e. one
10-cent coin), 0 coins in d4-denomination (i.e. no 5-cent coins), 2 coins in d5-denomination (i.e.
two 1-cent coins). From the contents of this array it is easy to see that 6 coins were used.
Attention: to be as efficient as possible, i.e. O(n), the greedy algorithm for the Change Making
problem will have the following pre-condition: the d-array must be sorted in decreasing order of
coin denominations (this will ensure that in every d[i..k] sub-list the first coin has the highest
denomination). With this pre-condition, it will take only O(1) time to choose the highest
denomination coin at each step of the greedy algorithm.
The greedy algorithm for the Change Making problem works as follows:
Start with n as “remaining” amount and repeatedly do the following until remaining amount is 0:
(1) choose the highest denomination coin less than or equal to the remaining amount (moving from
left to right in d-array, find the first coin that meets this requirement). Assume it is the dm-coin.
(2) figure out how many of dm-denomination coins can “fit” in that “remaining” amount, and save
that count in the result-array of counts for dm-coin. Adjust/update the “remaining” amount.
II. Add a new segment in the main method of ChangeMaker class. On page 2, in bullet 5 of the
main method, after the b-step but before the c-step add a new segment to do EXACTLY the
same work as in 5-a and 5-b steps, except in this segment you will need to invoke change_greedy
method instead of change_DP and in the output print Greedy algorithm results instead of DP
algorithm results (thus in step 5 you have one loop that runs+outputs results of both algorithms).
With this addition, the main method will prompt for and input data, and produce output as follows:
Example: Enter the number of coin-denominations and the set of coin values:
100 25 10 5 1
Enter a positive amount to be changed (enter 0 to quit):
DP algorithm results
Amount: 87
Dr. Hasmik Gharibyan
Optimal distribution: 3*25c + 1*10c + 2*1c
Optimal coin count: 6
Greedy algorithm results
Amount: 87
Optimal distribution: 3*25c + 1*10c + 2*1c
Optimal coin count: 6
Enter a positive amount to be changed (enter 0 to quit):
DP algorithm results
Amount: 233
Optimal distribution: 2*100c + 1*25c + 1*5c + 3*1c
Optimal coin count: 7
Greedy algorithm results
Amount: 233
Optimal distribution: 2*100c + 1*25c + 1*5c + 3*1c
Optimal coin count: 7
Enter a positive amount to be changed (enter 0 to quit):
Thanks for playing. Good Bye.
III. Design a class called Tester that contains only one method, main.
//Do NOT change anything in the ChangeMaker class
In the main method make arrangements to run tests on EACH one of the below given 5 sets of
coin-denominations, 200 tests per set making change for n=1,2,3,…,200 amounts respectively.
In each test run change_DP and change_greedy methods of ChangeMaker class and compare the
optimal coin counts computed by each algorithm, keeping track of matching results (compare only
optimal coin counts in distributions, not the actual distributions).
Arrange your program to produce the following output where instead of x1, x2, x3, x4, and x5
there will be actual numbers of matches that occurred during testing.
Testing change_DP and change_greedy algorithms
Testing set1: x1 matches in 200 tests
Testing set2: x2 matches in 200 tests
Testing set3: x3 matches in 200 tests
Testing set4: x4 matches in 200 tests
Testing set5: x5 matches in 200 tests
Sets of coin-denominations to test:
Set1. US denominations: 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 1
Set2. Soviet denominations: 100, 50, 20, 15, 10, 5, 3, 2, 1
Set3. Powers of 2: 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
Set4. US without the nickel: 100, 50, 25, 10, 1
Set5. Some set: 66, 35, 27, 18, 10, 1
Note: The DP algorithm’s results are always optimal. As for greedy algorithm’s results, the first
three sets of coins are expected to give optimal solutions, but the last two are not.
Dr. Hasmik Gharibyan
Submitting your work:
Turn in ChangeMaker and Tester source files electronically via “handin” procedure by the
deadline (see the top of the first page of this document for the due date and time):
The account id is: hg-cpe103
The name of the assignment is: Project4
The name of the assignment for late submissions is: Project4_late.
Important requirements:
1. Your programs must compile and run from command line on our departmental
servers. So, before submitting, make sure your programs compile and run on lab machines.
2. Do not create packages for your source code, do not zip, and do not use folders for your
submission – all these complicate the automated grading process.
3. Each file must have a comment-header which should include both authors’ names and ids
(as in, as well as the date and the assignment name (e.g. Project 4).
Reminder: only one submission needs to be made for a pair/team.
4. The header of each file must start at the first line (no empty lines or import statements
before it) and should be followed by at least one empty line before the first line of the code