
CSC / CIS 175 Problem Solving and Programming – I Homework 6

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1. A company wants to transmit data over the Internet but is concerned about the security of the
sensitive data. All of the data are transmitted as four-digit integers. The company asked you
to write a program that encrypts the data so that it can be transmitted securely. Your program should read a four-digit integer and encrypt it as follows: Replace each digit (the sum of
that digit plus 7) modulus 10. Then, swap the first digit with the third, swap the second with
the fourth and print the encrypted integer. Add decryption functionality to your program
above that inputs an encrypted four-digit integer and decrypts it to form the original number.
Expected Output:
Enter a four-digit number: 3456
Encrypted number is 2301
Enter an encrypted number: 2301
Decrypted number is 3456
Enter a four-digit number: 0005
Encrypted number is 7277
Enter an encrypted number: 7277
Decrypted number is 5
2. Write a program that prints a table of binary, octal and hexadecimal equivalents of the decimal numbers in the range 0 through 255.
Expected Output:
Decimal Binary Octal Hex
0 00000000 000 00
1 00000001 001 01
2 00000010 002 02
3 00000011 003 03
4 00000100 004 04
5 00000101 005 05
6 00000110 006 06
7 00000111 007 07
8 00001000 010 08
9 00001001 011 09
10 00001010 012 0a
11 00001011 013 0b
12 00001100 014 0c
13 00001101 015 0d
14 00001110 016 0e
15 00001111 017 0f
16 00010000 020 10
17 00010001 021 11
18 00010010 022 12
19 00010011 023 13
20 00010100 024 14
21 00010101 025 15
22 00010110 026 16
23 00010111 027 17
24 00011000 030 18
25 00011001 031 19
26 00011010 032 1a
27 00011011 033 1b
28 00011100 034 1c
29 00011101 035 1d
30 00011110 036 1e
31 00011111 037 1f
32 00100000 040 20
33 00100001 041 21
34 00100010 042 22

241 11110001 361 f1
242 11110010 362 f2
243 11110011 363 f3
244 11110100 364 f4
245 11110101 365 f5
246 11110110 366 f6
247 11110111 367 f7
248 11111000 370 f8
249 11111001 371 f9
250 11111010 372 fa
251 11111011 373 fb
252 11111100 374 fc
253 11111101 375 fd
254 11111110 376 fe
255 11111111 377 ff
3. Write a program that reads five numbers (between 1 and 30). Assume that the user only enters valid values. For each number that is read, your program should output a line containing
that number of adjacent asterisks.
Sample Output:
Enter 5 numbers between 1 and 30: 23
4. Write a program that uses for statements to print the following separately, one below the
other. Use for loops to generate the patterns. All asterisks should be printed by a single
statement of the form ( cout << ’*’; and cout << ” ” ).
Expected Output:
5. Write a simple calculator program that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. When the
program is run, it initializes the result to 0. The user can then type in an operator and
number. The result is updated and displayed. The following operators are valid:
Operator Meaning
+ Addition
– Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
Handle the case when the user enters q or Q to quit and h or H for usage help.
Sample Output:
Result: 0
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Operator Meaning
======== =======
+ Add
– Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
Enter the value : 23
0 + 23
Result: 23
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Enter the value : 0
Error:Divide by zero. Operation ignored
Result: 23
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Operator Meaning
======== =======
+ Add
– Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
Enter the value : 3
23 * 3
Result: 69
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Operator Meaning
======== =======
+ Add
– Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide

Enter the value : 56
69 – 56
Result: 13
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Operator Meaning
======== =======
+ Add
– Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
Enter the value : 4
13 / 4
Result: 3.25
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Operator Meaning
======== =======
+ Add
– Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
Invalid Entry! Please retry.
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Operator Meaning
======== =======
+ Add
– Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
Use ’+’ to add a value to the result ( 3.25 ),
Use ’-’ to subtract a value from the result ( 3.25 ),
Use ’*’ to multiply a value with the result ( 3.25 ),
Use ’\’ to divide a value into the result ( 3.25 ),
Result: 3.25
Enter operator from the table below, Q or q for quit, H or h for help :
Operator Meaning
======== =======
+ Add
– Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
Thank you for using our calculator. Come back again 🙂
6. Write a function IntegerPower(base, exponent) that returns the value of baseexponent. For
example, IntegerP ower(3, 4) = 34 = 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 3 = 81. Assume that exponent is positive,
nonzero integer, and base is an integer. The function should use for or while loop to control
the calculation. Do not use any math library functions.
Expected Output:
Enter the base : 3
Enter the exponent : 4
3 to the power of 4 is 81.000000
Enter the base : 2
Enter the exponent : 24
2 to the power of 24 is 16777216.000000
7. Extra credit (7%): Combine your code for q4 above to print the triangles side by side as
shown below:
Expected Output:
* ********** ********** *
** ********* ********* **
*** ******** ******** ***
**** ******* ******* ****
***** ****** ****** *****
****** ***** ***** ******
******* **** **** *******
******** *** *** ********
********* ** ** *********
********** * * **********
1. Source Code: (.cpp file) that must start with a comment block similar to the following:
** Author : Suleyman Uludag
** Program : hw1, q1
** Date Created : September 15, 2013
** Date Last Modified : September 16, 2013
** Usage : No command line arguments
** Problem:
Accept the following information from the user (keyboard):
– Hw1, hw2 and hw3 (out of 100)
– Midterm (out of 100)
– Final exam (out of 100)
Calculate the total grade out of 100 based on the following grading scale:
Hws –> 30% (10% each)
Midterm –> 30%
Final Exam –> 40%
** Pseudocode:
** 1)
** 2)
2. Executable (.exe file under windows). You must explicitly state the platform of your executable (such as Linux, etc.) if it is not Windows. Please name your file by using the
question number: hw1-q1.exe (for Windows)
3. Screenshot of your app. For screenshot, you can use the following free program on windows:
For Linux/Unix, there are many alternatives. I personally like shutter.
File naming convention example:
hw1 q1.png (or .jpg or another graphics format)
4. You must zip all the above three files into ONE .zip file and submit your assignment by the
deadline on moodle system. Name your file as For example,
For generating .zip file, you may use the following free software on Windows:
Linux/Unix has many built-in.