CSC-421 Applied Algorithms and Structures Assignment #3


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1. Illustrate the execution of the Coin Change algorithm on n = 10 in
the system of denominations d(1) = 1, d(2) = 5, and d(3) = 8.
2. Pascal’s triangle looks as follows:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

The first entry in a row is 1 and the last entry is 1 (except for the first
row which contains only 1), and every other entry in Pascal’s triangle
is equal to the sum of the following two entries: the entry that is in
the previous row and the same column, and the entry that is in the
previous row and previous column.
(a) Give a recursive definition for the entry C[i, j] at row i and column j of Pascal’s triangle. Make sure that you distinguish the
base case(s).
(b) Give a recursive algorithm to compute C[i, j], i ≥ j ≥ 1. Illustrate by drawing a diagram (tree) the steps that your algorithm
performs to compute C[6, 4]. Does your algorithm perform overlapping computations?
(c) Use dynamic programming to design an O(n
) time algorithm
that computes the first n rows in Pascal’s triangle.
3. Consider the two sequences X = hA, C, T, C, C, T, G, A, T i and Y =
hT, C, A, G, G, A, C, T i of characters. Apply the Longest Common
Subsequence algorithm to X and Y to compute a longest common
subsequence of X and Y . Show your work (the contents of the table),
and use the table to give a longest common subsequence of X and Y .
4. Textbook, pages 397, exercise number 15.4-5.
5. The subset-sum problem. Let S = {s1, . . . , sn} be a set of n
positive integers and let t be a positive integer called the target. The
subset-sum problem is to decide if S contains a subset of elements
that sum to t. For example, if S = {1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 25}, t = 38, then
the answer is YES because 25 + 10 + 2 + 1 = 38. However, if S =
{1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 25}, t = 18, then the answer is NO. Let s = s1+. . .+sn.
(a) Let T[0..n, 0..s] be a table such that T[i, s0
] = S
if there exists a
subset of elements S
in {s1, . . . , si} whose total value is s
, and
T[i, s0
] = † otherwise; † is a flag indicating that no such S
Show how T[0, k] can be easily computed for k = 0, . . . , s.
(b) If T[i, s0
] exists (T[i, s0
] 6= †) and element si does not belong
to T[i, s0
], how can the value of T[i, s0
] be expressed using table
entries in previous rows? What about when T[i, s0
] exists and
element si belongs to T[i, s0
]? Show how entry T[i, s0
] can be
computed from table entries in previous rows.
(c) Design an O(n · s) time algorithm that decides if S contains a
subset of elements A that sum to t.