CSc 300 – Assignment #1


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Write a complete C++ program to process the store inventory for KAG Video Games.
• Maximum of 8 video games in inventory.
o Use an array of structure variables to store the collection of individual video game attributes.
• Read the video game attributes from a text file whose file name is entered using the command line.
o If no file name is specified then prompt the user for the file name.
• Each line in the file contains attributes for one video game (no blank lines).
Data File Example: // free format layout
Rage 4.96 3 // 0 or more blanks in front of the game field
Fallout 34.95 13 // 1 or more blanks in front of the other fields
Solution Algorithm (do not reorder tasks):
1. Display a message on the screen that describes to the user what the program does.
o Part of the required program documentation (separate introduction function).
2. Read one video game at a time from the data file (read one entire line as a single large string value).
o Build each individual video game attribute value for the current video game one character at a time:
• game, unit cost, units (see note 2 below)
o Store each extracted video game attribute value in the appropriate structure variable field within the
inventory array using appropriate data types (only the game attribute is stored as a string value).
3. Calculate the individual video game attributes:
o Total Cost: unit cost times the number of units (see note 3 below)
4. Sort the video games in reverse alphabetical order (z..a, Z..A)
o Use a sorting algorithm with a separate swap function (bubble sort, …)
5. Calculate the overall store inventory summary:
o Unit Cost: average video game unit cost
o Units: average video game units
o Total Cost: average video game unit cost times the average video game units (see note 3 below)
6. Display the individual video game attributes and the store inventory summary using the format below.
1. Each step (1..6) is a separate task (each task requires at least one separate function).
2. Build all string values using the exact same technique (see the assignment example).
o Define and reuse a single function that builds exactly one small string value from a larger string value.
o Call once per video game attribute: game, unit cost, units (call 3 times for each video game).
3. Individual video game values and store values are calculated using the exact same technique.
o Define and reuse functions to be used for both the individual video games and the store.
o Call once per video game and once for the store.
KAG Video Games
Game Unit Cost Units Total Cost
Witcher 49.99 10 $ 499.90
Skyrim 59.00 0 $ 0.00
Rage 4.96 3 $ 14.88
Fallout 34.95 13 $ 454.35
Borderlands 9.49 6 $ 56.94
Averages 31.68 6 $ 190.07
Completely document the program file.
• See documentation requirements on the course web site.
E-mail the program file to the account listed on the course syllabus using the following naming convention.
• username1.cpp // I would use: gamradtk1.cpp
List the course number (300), your username, and the assignment number as the message SUBJECT:
• csc300 – username – a1 // I would use: csc300 – gamradtk – a1
Required user-define data types:
GameType structure data type used to describe one video game
LineType C style character string data type
Maximum of 60 characters – don’t forget the NULL character
Basic Program Layout:
void getFilename( const int, const char* [], LineType ) // global function declarations
// other required functions
int main( const int argc, const char* argv[] ) // general solution algorithm
getFilename( argc, argv, filename );
while ( !inFile.getline( gameLine, MAX_LINE, ‘\n’ ).eof( ) ) // ‘\n’ terminates – ‘\0’ stored
// process current line // LineType gameLine;
// build each individual video game attribute one at a time as a string value
// game, unit cost, units
// store each individual video game attribute using an appropriate data type
// process individual video game attributes
// sort video games
// process store inventory attributes
// display individual video game attributes and store inventory attributes
Use conventions discussed in class:
1. Identifier naming: variables, constants, functions, user-defined data types
2. Use of constants and arrays: MAX_GAMES, MAX_LINE, …
3. Use of user-defined data types
4. Do NOT use global variables under any circumstances
o ONLY constants, user-defined data types, and function declarations/prototypes where appropriate
5. Etc…
Additional resources needed:
1. cstring C style string tools
2. cstdlib system(“clear”) and atoi, atof – convert C style string values to numbers: int, double, …
sortInventory( inventory, size ) // Bubble Sort pseudocode
for pass 1..size-1
for comp 1..size-pass
if inventory[…].game < inventory[…].game // C style strings swapGames // Use separate swap function – REQUIRED // Only pass the two video games being swapped