
CSC 210.03 Assignment 1 Simple Java Programs

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You will be creating simple Java programs. By the end of this assignment, you should understand how to create simple Java programs

❐Part 1: BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) Calculator[9 points]

INSTRUCTIONS Body mass index (BMI) is an estimate of whether a person is overweight. (See for example .) BMI is defined as 703 * (weight in pounds) / (height in inches)2 . A BMI of 25 is considered borderline overweight. Write a Java program that performs these actions: – Prompt the user to enter height in feet and inches (both integers) – Read the height in two separate prompts. For example if someone is 6 feet 7 inches, then 1. Ask the user to enter their feet part of their height as an integer, first, so : 6 2. Then, ask the user to enter their inches part of their height as an integer, second, so for example: 7 – Prompt the user to enter their weight in pounds (a double) – Calculate the BMI of the user (a double) – Display the BMI NOTE : Please do not use “Integer” class, use “int” FILE NAME REQUIREMENTS BMI.Java SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submit the 1 BMI.Java file directly on iLearn 2. Take a screenshot of the output of your program and paste it here CSC Note: BMI and weight outputs are rounded to 2 decimal points (.2f) Example


1. Save your user’s input in a variable in order to use it in the next printout When you use the Scanner object, don’t forget to save it in a variable like this To save an integer/a number: int myInt = myScanObj.nextInt(); //save user’s number input into an integer primitive variable named myInt To save a string: or String myString = myScanObj.nextLine();/save user’s string input into a String reference variable named myString. And yes, that is a “String” data type, with a capital “S” Why do you want to do this? So that you can print out what the user had entered.

For example: System.out.println(“You entered this” + myInt); or System.out.println(“You entered this” + myString); 2. If you will not be using the user’s input for an output later on, then you don’t need to scan it at all. “scan” means this myScanObj.nextInt(); or myScanObj.nextLine(); 3. The KnockKnock joke is a very simplistic program It is a very simplistic program, so if the user answers anything at all, it will still proceed as if the user entered a correct answer. Meaning you could expect a conversation like this: Knock Knock? ←-your program’s output

XXXBLBBLABs;isdfa98f0s <—- user input, no need to save or scan this Annie <– ignores user input, and goes on with your program output joke XXX…!!ososd9 ← user’s input, no need to save or scan this XXX…!!ososd9 thing you can do I can do better <— you take this last user’s input and add to your response output ” you can do I can do better”

❐Part 2: Knock Knock Joke [8 points] Knock Knock Joke: In the future assignment, you can make a more fun knock knock joke program. For now, it would work for only 1 joke and 1 exact response you may like the best. 😊 Ideally, users are expected to enter the proper response as shown in the green font. And your program responses with 1 joke.

SUCCESSFUL RUN REQUIREMENTS 1. Running the program should output a statement like the above FILE NAME REQUIREMENTS KnockKnock.Java

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submit the 1 KnockKnock.Java file directly on iLearn 2. Take a screenshot of your Knock Knock Joke and paste it here. It can be any Knock Knock joke that takes in a user input and outputs a response C S C 2 1 0 . 0 3 A S SIG N M E N T 1 F A L L 2 0 2 0

❐Part 3: Your own idea [11 points] It can be similar to part 1 or 2. Please use what you learned from problem 1 and 2 and write a simple code to make it work. a. It must provide a welcome printout “Welcome to my program called: … “ (2 points) b. Must include prompting reading user input ex. “Please enter this value… “ (2 points) c. And, must use this input for the next step printout. It can be completely funny or serious, or maybe a project you have been thinking on. (2 points)

d. Must provide an explanation of your idea, and what it is trying to do as I showed in 1 and 2. ex. “This program is to calculate blablabla…” (2 points) FILE NAME REQUIREMENTS .Java SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submit the 1 .Java file directly on iLearn 2. Take a screenshot of the output of your program and paste it here

Explanation: This program is a math mini-game. The pseudocode is as follows: ● ask user for an integer (e.g., 5), ● ask user for the squared value of the integer provided in part 1 (e.g., 25), ● evaluate the answer, ● print a message to tell the user if that was correct. Note: the program does not perform any checks on the input and will crash if an integer is not provided in either parts. Example 1: If the user provides a correct answer to their question Example 2: If the user provides an incorrect answer to their question

❐Part 4: Comment your code [2 points] Every Java file you write in this assignment will require you to include descriptive comments. In this assignment, you are tasked with writing a descriptive 1. Headers 2. Comments You can write comments in two ways: • Single-line comments using the // notation. • Multi-line comments using the /* and */ notation. a. Include a proper header at the top of every Java file. Figure 1 Header Format /* * Assignment * Description: * Name: * ID: * Class: CSC 210-

* Semester: */ Replace each tag (such as ) with the appropriate text. You should adhere to this format as closely as possible. You do not need to include the <> symbols in your header fields. b. Only if you work with a Study Buddy, include your Buddy’s name in your header at the top of every Java file. Figure 1 Header Format /* * Assignment * Description: * Name: * Teammate: * ID: * Class:
* Semester: */ Replace each tag (such as ) with the appropriate text. You should adhere to this format as closely as possible. You do not need to include the <> symbols in your header fields. Figure 1 b. Place your comments at the top of each Statement, however you don’t need to comment print (i.e. anything that starts with System.out.print…) statements. An example of commenting codes is included below in Figure 2: Figure 2 
❐Part 5: Reflection 200 words [18 points] *Points will be deducted for less than 200 words. Please put what was helpful and what was not helpful in working on this program. And also please tell me how you would improve your own program from part 3, if you were given more time. Only if you work with a Study Buddy, write down how your buddy helped you, i.e. Don helped me learn a new technique for understanding OOP, by thinking about containers. Place your reflection in this Google Form The reflection below is identical to the one submitted via Google Forms. The instructions given in the assignment were quite clear.