This project deals with family trees. A family tree is a set of individuals who are “connected” to
each other by relationships. You will write a Java program to solve the problem of determining
how people are related to each other.
Problem Background
For this problem, you must design and write a Java program that will read an input stream that
defines a family tree, and then answer questions about different specializations of “related”
between people in the tree. There are two kinds of questions you will handle:
A) “IS-A” Questions: These are “Yes/No” questions about whether two
people and share the following relationships:
1. Is a child of (order of names matters!)
2. Is a spouse of
3. Is a sibling of
4. Is an ancestor of
5. Is a cousin of
6. Is unrelated to
B) “WHO-IS-A” Questions: “Who are all the people who are A’s
Another way of looking at a family tree is to view it as a directed graph. The nodes represent
individuals, connected by edges (arrows) that represent the “offspring” relationship. An edge
from one node to another means that the latter node is an offspring of the former node. In general,
we can say one node (individual A) is an direct ancestor of another node (individual B) if and
only if (iff) there is a backward sequence of one or more edges from node B back to node A.
Defining the general concepts of “related” and “unrelated:”
Nodes in a family tree have at most two edges in (one for each biological parent), and an arbitrary
number of edges out (one for each offspring). Two people are related if they share a common
ancestor OR if one is a direct ancestor of the other. Thus, if two people have no common ancestor
AND neither is the direct ancestor of the other, then they are unrelated.
Defining the cousin relationship
Another way of looking at the cousin relationship is that it is the same as the first part of the
related definition: two people are cousins iff they share a common ancestor, (but neither is a
direct ancestor of the other). Thus, a parent and a child are not considered cousins, nor would
grandparents and their grandchildren be considered cousins.
A twist in this problem is that you’ll have to be careful of second, third, fourth, etc marriages – do
not assume that a person can have at most one spouse. In the case of second marriages,
technically the children from each spouse’s earlier marriage are NOT siblings, but new children
produced after the marriage are (half-)siblings of the earlier marriages’ offspring. In our project,
however, we’ll have to recognize that there can be remarriages, BUT two people with only a
single parent in common are still siblings.
Problem I/O Specification
The family tree will be supplied to your program via standard in. This means you should be sure
to open a BufferedReader or Scanner on the stream. You should also be printing all
output to System.out.
NOTE: You must NOT write the program so that it always looks at some hard-coded data file
name or so that you have to supply the name as a command line argument.
You can assume that there will be no formatting errors to check for. Each line in the family tree
will have the form
which has the meaning “
chronologically, and that not all marriages produce children. Names have no spaces in them, have
no hyphens, and are under 40 characters long.
The family tree file will also have query lines (possibly interspersed with event lines). These will
have the form
QUERY Meaning
Whenever the program encounters a query, it must answer according to the knowledge so far
collected as events in the input file.
No output is required when the program encounters an event line. When a query line is
encountered, the program must print out a blank line, then print the query, then on the next line
print out the response. The response to “X” queries must be either “Yes” or “No.” The response to
“W” queries must be all the names, one per line, that correctly answer the question. The names
must be sorted in alphabetical order.
Example I/O
File Content:
E John Mary Bill
E John Mary Pete
E John Mary Fred
E John Jean Rebecca
E Rebecca Bill Andrew
E Pete Carol Jim
W child John
X Bill sibling Pete
X Bill sibling Fred
X John unrelated Mary
W ancestor Andrew
X Bill cousin Mary
W child John
X Bill sibling Pete
X Bill sibling Fred
X John unrelated Mary
W ancestor Andrew
X Bill cousin Mary
Project Hints
You’ll first need to decide how to represent people – what kind of class definition will
you use? What slots and methods should “people objects” have? You’ll then have to
decide how to organize all of the “people objects” into a graph. Remember that slots on
an object can hold things like linked lists and arrays. You also must be careful to set
methods up so that you can easily add births/marriages/parents/children to the graph as
you read in new events. I’d recommend a hash table or an array of people objects. You’ll
also need to write methods for answering each of the queries. Most of these methods will
be some kind of graph-traversal algorithm (breadth-first or depth-first), although some
could be simple checks of the contents of a single slot on a person object. Note that
you’ll need to keep around a linked list of nodes seen so far during your traversals when
you’re looking for common ancestors! Finally, you might find that you don’t need a
method for each query, but rather a smaller number of very generic methods might be
able to solve all of the queries.
You can choose how to schedule the design of your project as you see fit.
To help you in your planning, I suggest that you use the first week of the assignment to
a) identify the primary methods and objects you’ll need to represent people and
retrieve them from a hash table (or array) and create and update them.
b) define methods to verify if two people are related according to the relationships
defined above. There should be a method for each of the queries
By the end of the second week at the latest, you should have the first category of question
fully tested and implemented.
By the end of the third week, you should have the second category of question
implemented. This schedule makes sense because the second category really just uses the
methods for your first category to test to see if a person is of the specified relationship.
You should be testing your code with a set of test files that you make up. Each time you
add a new feature, please re-run the tests to see that you haven’t caused any problems
with your new code that causes old tests to fail. This is called regression testing.
What Needs to Be Handed In
Each team must hand in a program source code listing, with all team members’ names as
a comment in the first line. The title of the program should be the last name of the team
member whose last name is alphabetically first on the team. In the first project, all teams
have just one person.
The source code listing must be sent via email to the course TA, Within 24 hours of the deadline for handing in the source
code listing, the team must email to the TA a 4-5 page report (single spacing) describing
how the project was organized, what problems were encountered, and how they were
solved. The report must also describe what each team member contributed to the effort.
Finally, the report must explain how the program was tested to verify that it worked. Do
not attach whole copies of test data sets that you came up with, but do describe what
“edge cases,” or “extreme cases” you came up with for family trees.
Time Management and Project Management
This project gives you three and a half weeks to develop a program that was used in the
1994 ACM Programming Competition as one of eight problems to solve in a total of 5
hours. As you enter your junior year in the computer science major it is important for you
to learn how to set your own milestones and plan your own time on your projects. For
this reason I will not conduct or collect any intermediate tests on your projects. PLEASE,
if you find you need help, don’t hesitate to email me or the TA to set up a time for
helping you debug code outside of class.
Learning how to coordinate with team members will be an important skill. When you
start doing the team versions of the project, I strongly recommend that you contact all of
your teammates and set up a standard meeting time for each week of the project.
Plagiarism Policy
Programming projects, except for the first project, are teamwork, but all other work in
the course is individual. In teamwork projects I expect you to discuss any programming
issues, and to share work related to the project. On individual projects, you cannot share
work (this includes copying answers, sharing files, or paraphrasing each others’ answers),
although I have no problems with two or more students just verbally discussing questions
from homeworks. The key here is that as long as you can justify to me that the written
work you submit is the result of your own thinking and writing, you will not be subject to
plagiarism accusations. If you use code from the Internet to solve parts of the problem,
you must give proper attribution. You may not use code from the Internet (or from other
students not on your team) that completely solves the project, only parts of it.
Plagiarism will result minimally in a “0” for the project/homework (for everyone on
the team in team projects), and maximally an “F” for the course.