CSC 175-02 Homework Assignment 1


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1) Accept the following information from the user (keyboard):
– Hw1, hw2 and hw3 (out of 100)
– Midterm (out of 100)
– Final exam (out of 100)

Calculate the total grade out of 100 based on the following grading scale:
Hws –> 30% (10% each)
Midterm –> 30%
Final Exam –> 40%

Test Data:
Hw1: 0
Hw2: 0
Hw3: 0
MT: 0
Final : 0

Overall Grade: 0 out of 100


Hw1: 100
Hw2: 100
Hw3: 100
MT: 100
Final : 100

Overall Grade: 100 out of 100

Hw1: 80
Hw2: 90
Hw3: 70
MT: 50
Final : 80

Overall Grade: 71 out of 100


2) Write a complete program that calculates and displays the product of three integers
read from keyboard. Add comments to the code where appropriate.

Test Data:
Integer 1: 1
Integer 2: 2
Integer 3: 3

Product of 1, 2 and 3 is 6

Integer 1: 10
Integer 2: 20
Integer 3: 30

Product of 10, 20 and 30 is 6000

3) Write a program that reads the value (x) from keyboard and calculates y based on the following

y = 6x^2 + 12x – 27

Test Data:

Enter x = 2

y = 21

Enter x = -3

y = -9

4) Write a program that inputs an integer that represents a length of time
in seconds. The program should then output the number of hours, minutes,
and seconds that corresponds to that number of seconds. For example, if
the user inputs 50391 total seconds then the program should output 13
hours, 59 minutes, and 51 seconds.

Enter a time in seconds.
34567 total seconds is equivalent to 9 hours, 36 minutes, and 7 seconds.

5) The workers have won a 7.6% pay increase, effective 6 months
retroactively. This program is to accept the previous salary,
then outputs the retroactive
pay due the employee, the new annual salary, and the new
monthly salary.


Enter current annual salary.
I’ll return new annual salary, monthly salary, and retroactive pay.
new annual salary 1076
new monthly salary 89.6667
retroactive salary due: 38



1) Source Code: (.cpp file) that must start with a comment block similar to the
following example:

** Author : Suleyman Uludag
** Program : hw1, q1
** Date Created : September 11, 2013
** Date Last Modified : September 18, 2013
** Usage : No command line arguments
** Problem:

Accept the following information from the user (keyboard):
– Hw1, hw2 and hw3 (out of 100)
– Midterm (out of 100)
– Final exam (out of 100)

Calculate the total grade out of 100 based on the following grading scale:
Hws –> 30% (10% each)
Midterm –> 30%
Final Exam –> 40%

** Pseudocode:
** 1)
** 2)
** 3)
** 4)

File naming convention example:


2) Executable (.exe file under windows). You must explicitly state the platform of your
executable (such as Linux, etc.) if it is not Windows. Please name your file by using the
question number:


3) Screenshot of your output for the test data.
For screenshot, you can use the following free program on windows:

File naming convention example:

hw1-q1.gif (or .jpg or another graphics format)

4) You must zip all the above three files into ONE .zip file and submit your assignment by
the deadline on BlackBoard system. Name your file as For example,

For generating .zip file, you may use the following free software under MS Windows: