CSc 133 Assignment #1: Class Associations


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This semester we will study object-oriented graphics programming by developing a
program which is an animated car-racing game. In this game you will be controlling a race car
driving around a track, trying to avoid collisions with other cars while keeping your car fueled
and maneuvering around obstacles such as oil slicks.
The goal of this first assignment is to develop a good initial class hierarchy and control
structure by designing the program in UML and then implementing it in Java. This version will
use keyboard input commands to control and display the contents of a “game world” containing
the set of objects in the game. In future assignments many of the keyboard commands will be
replaced by interactive GUI operations, and we will add graphics, animation, and sound. For
now we will simply simulate the game in “text mode” with user input coming from the keyboard
and “output” being lines of text on the screen.
Program Structure
Because you will be working on the same project all semester, it is extremely important
to organize it correctly from the beginning. Pay careful attention to the class structure
described below and make sure your program follows this structure accurately.
The primary class in the program encapsulates the notion of a Game. A game in turn
contains several components, including (1) a GameWorld which holds a collection of game
objects and other state variables, and (2) a set of methods to accept and execute user
commands. Later, we will learn that a component such as GameWorld that holds the
program’s data is often called a model.
The top-level Game class also manages the flow of control in the game (such a class is
therefore sometimes called a controller). The controller enforces rules such as what actions a
player may take and what happens as a result. This class accepts input in the form of
keyboard commands from the human player and invokes appropriate methods in the game
world to perform the requested commands – that is, to manipulate data in the game model.
In this first version of the program the top-level Game class will also be responsible for
displaying information about the state of the game. In future assignments we will learn about a
separate kind of component called a View which will assume that responsibility.
The program also has a class named Starter which has the main(String[]args)
method. main() does one thing – construct an instance of the Game class. The game
constructor then instantiates a GameWorld, calls a GameWorld method initLayout() to
set the starting layout of the game, and then starts the game by calling a method play(). The
play()method then accepts keyboard commands from the player and invokes appropriate
methods to manipulate the game world and display the game state.
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The following shows the pseudo-code implied by the above description. It is important for
things that we will do later that your program follows this organization:
Game World Objects
The game world contains a collection which holds two abstract kinds of game objects:
“fixed objects” (which are fixed in place) and “moveable objects” (which can move or be moved
about the world). For this first version of the game there are three kinds of fixed objects:
pylons, fuel cans, and oil slicks; and there are two kinds of moveable objects: cars and birds.
Later we will add other kinds of game objects (both fixed kinds and moveable kinds) as well.
The various game objects have attributes (fields) and behaviors (methods) as defined
below. These definitions are requirements which must be properly implemented in your
 All game objects have a location, defined by floating point non-negative values X and Y.
The point (X,Y) is the center of the object. The origin of the “world” (location (0,0)) is the
lower left hand corner; you may assume for now that the world is 1000×1000 (although we
are going to change this later). All game objects provide the ability for external code to
obtain their location in the form of a single returned object. Some game objects provide the
ability to have their location changed, while others have a location which cannot be
changed once the object is created.
 All game objects have a color, defined by a value of Java type java.awt.Color. All game
objects provide the ability for external code to obtain their color in the form of a single
returned object. By default, game objects provide the ability to have their color changed,
unless it is explicitly stated that a certain type of game object has a color which cannot be
changed once it is created.
 There are two abstract kinds of game objects; some have changeable locations (that is,
they are moveable), and others have locations that are not allowed to be changed (that is,
they are fixed).
 Pylons are fixed game objects that have attributes radius and sequenceNumber. Each
pylon is a numbered circular marker that acts as a “waypoint” on the track; following the
track is accomplished by driving over the top of pylons in sequential order. (Think of the
class Starter {
main() {
Game g = new Game();
class GameWorld {
public void initLayout(){
//code here to create the
//initial game objects/layout
// additional methods here to
// manipulate world objects and
// related game state data
class Game {
private GameWorld gw;
public Game() {
gw = new GameWorld();
private void play() {
// code here to accept and
// execute user commands that
// operate on the GameWorld
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track as being of the “off-road, open-country” type rather than a fixed piece of asphalt; the
pylons mark the course of the track through the open country. See the diagram below).
Pylons are not allowed to change color once they are created.
 Oil slicks are fixed game objects that have attributes width and length (since our game will
be 2D, these attributes will represent the width and height of the object on the screen).
Hitting an oil slick affects how a car handles, as described below.
 Fuel Cans are fixed game objects that have an attribute size. The size of a fuel can
corresponds to the amount of fuel it contains. Cars that are running low on fuel must pick
up a fuel can before they run out of fuel; otherwise they cannot move.
 Moveable game objects have integer attributes heading and speed. Telling a moveable
object to move() causes the object to update its location based on its current heading and
speed. Heading is specified by a compass angle in degrees: 0 means heading north
(upwards on the screen), 90 means heading east (rightward on the screen), etc.
 Some movable game objects are steerable, meaning that they provide an interface that
allows other objects to change their heading (direction of movement) after they have been
created. Note that the difference between steerable and moveable is that other objects can
request a change in the heading of steerable objects whereas other objects can only
request that a movable object update its own location according to its current speed and
 Cars are moveable, steerable game objects with attributes width, length, steeringDirection,
maximumSpeed, fuelLevel and damageLevel. The steeringDirection of a car indicates how
the steering wheel is turned (or, equivalently, how the front wheels are oriented) in relation
to the front of the car. That is, the steering direction of a car indicates the change the driver
would like to apply to the heading of the car. (Whether or not the steering direction actually
does get applied – that is, whether turning the steering wheel actually changes the heading
along which the car is moving – depends on whether the car currently has fuel and traction.
Cars in an oil slick, for example, have no traction.) The steering mechanism in a car is
such that the steering direction can only be changed in units of 5 degrees at a time, and
only up to a maximum of 40 degrees left or right of “straight ahead”.
The maximumSpeed of a car is the upper limit of its speed attribute; attempts to accelerate
a car beyond its maximumSpeed are to be ignored (that is, a car can never go faster than
its maximumSpeed). Note that different cars may have different maximumSpeed values,
although initially they all start out with the same value.
The fuelLevel of a car indicates how much fuel it has left; cars with no fuel cannot move.
The damageLevel of a car starts at zero and increases each time the car collides with
another car or a bird (see below). The program should define an upper limit on the
“damage” a car can sustain. Damage level affects the performance of a car as follows: a
car with zero damage can accelerate all the way up to its maximumSpeed; cars with the
maximum amount of damage cannot move at all; and cars with damage between zero and
the maximum damage should be limited in speed to a corresponding percentage of their
speed range (for example, a car with 50% of the maximum damage level can only achieve
50% of its maximum speed). When a car incurs damage because it is involved in a
collision (see below), its speed is reduced (if necessary) so that this speed-limitation rule is
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 Birds are movable game objects with fixed (unchangeable) color which occasionally fly over
the racetrack. Birds have an attribute size which indicates how big the bird is. Since birds
are moveable but not steerable, they always fly in a straight line. If a bird flies directly over
a car it causes damage to the car; the damage caused by a bird is ½ the damage caused
by colliding with another car but otherwise affects the performance of the car in the same
way as described above.
The preceding paragraphs imply several associations between classes: an inheritance
hierarchy, interfaces such as for steerable objects, and aggregation associations between
objects and where they are held. You are to develop a UML diagram for the relationships, and
then implement it in a Java program. Appropriate use of encapsulation, inheritance,
aggregation, abstract classes, and interfaces are important grading criteria. Note that an
additional important criterion is that another programmer must not be able to misuse your
classes; that is, objects created from your classes must be guaranteed to be in a consistent
state and must enforce all specified constraints.
Game Play
When the game starts the player has three “lives” (chances to race). The game has a
clock which counts up starting from zero; in this first version of the game the objective is to
drive around the track to the finish line (the last pylon) in the minimum amount of time. (Later
we will add other cars and the objective will also include beating the other cars to the finish
The player uses keystroke commands to turn the car’s steering wheel; this can cause
the car’s heading to change (turning the steering wheel only effects the car’s heading under
certain conditions; see below). The car moves one unit at its current speed in the direction it is
currently heading each time the game clock “ticks” (see below).
The car starts out at the first pylon (#1). The player must drive the car so that it
intersects the pylons in increasing numerical order. Each time the car reaches the next highernumbered pylon the player (car) is deemed to have successfully driven that far along the track.
Intersecting pylons out of order (that is, reaching a pylon whose number is more than one
greater than the most recently reached pylon, or whose number is less than or equal to the
most recently reached pylon) has no effect on the game.
The fuel level of the car continually goes down as the game continues (fuel level goes
down even if the car is not moving; the engine is continually running). If the car’s fuel level
reaches zero it can no longer move. The player must therefore occasionally drive the car off
the track to pick up (intersect with) a fuel can, which has the effect of increasing the car’s fuel
level by the amount (size) of the fuel can.
Collisions with other cars or with birds cause damage to the car; if the car sustains too
much damage it can no longer move. A race is over (the player “loses a life”) if the car can no
longer move. When the player loses all three lives the game ends.
The program keeps track of several “game state” values: current clock time, lives
remaining, last pylon reached, and the current fuel level in the car. Note that these values are
part of the “data model” and therefore belong in the GameWorld class.
Once the game world has been created and initialized, the Game constructor is to call a
method name play() to actually begin the game. play() repeatedly calls a method named
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getCommand(), which prompts the user for one- or two-character commands. Commands
should be input using the Java InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, or Java Scanner class
(see the Appendix on “Java Coding Notes”, and also page 23 in the text).
The allowable input commands and their meanings are defined below. Each command
returned by getCommand() should invoke a corresponding function in the game world, as
follows (note that commands are case sensitive):
 ‘a’ – tell the game world to accelerate (increase the speed of) the player’s car by a small
amount. Note that the effect of acceleration is to be limited based on damage level,
fuel level, and maximum speed as described above. Also, cars that are currently in
an oil slick have no traction and therefore cannot change their speed.
 ‘b’ – tell the game world to brake (reduce the speed of) the player’s car by a small amount.
However, cars that are currently in an oil slick have no traction and cannot change
their speed. Note that the minimum speed for a car is zero.
 ‘l’ (the letter “ell”) – tell the game world to change the steering direction of the player’s car
by 5 degrees to the left (in the negative direction on the compass). Note that this
changes the direction of the car’s steering wheel (or, equivalently, the car’s front
tires); it does not directly (immediately) affect the car’s heading. See the “tick”
command, below.
 ‘r’ – tell the game world to change the steering direction of the player’s car by 5 degrees to
the right (in the positive direction on the compass). As above, this changes the
direction of the car’s steering wheel, not the car’s heading.
 ‘o’ (the letter “oh”) – tell the game world to add a new oil slick to the world. Oil slicks get
added at a randomly-chosen location and have a randomly-chosen size.
 ‘c’ – pretend that the player’s car has collided with some other car; tell the game world that
this collision has occurred.1 (For this version of the program we won’t actually have
any other cars in the simulation, but we need to provide for testing the effect of such
collisions.) Colliding with another car increases the damage level of the player’s car;
if the damage results in the player’s car not being able to move then the race is over
(the player loses a life).
 ‘pxx’ – pretend that the player’s car has collided with (driven over) pylon number xx; tell the
game world that this collision has occurred. The effect of driving over a pylon is to
check to see whether the number xx is exactly one greater than the most recent
pylon which the car drove over and if so to record in the car the fact that the car has
now reached the next sequential pylon on the race course. Note that unlike most
other commands this command can have one or two digits following the initial
character of the command.
 ‘f’ – pretend that the player’s car has collided with (picked up) a fuel can; tell the game
world that this collision has occurred. The effect of picking up a fuel can is to

1 In later assignments we will see how to actually detect on-screen collisions such as this; for now we are
simply relying on the user to tell the program via a command when collisions have occurred. Inputting a
collision command is deemed to be a statement that the collision occurred; it does not matter where objects
involved in the collision actually happen to be for this version of the game as long as they exist in the game.
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increase the car’s fuel level by the size of the fuel can, remove the fuel can from the
game, and add a new fuel can with randomly-specified values back into the game.
 ‘g’ – pretend that a bird has flown over (collided with, gummed up) the player’s car. The
effect of colliding with a bird is to increase the damage to the car as described above
under the description of Birds.
 ‘e’ – tell the game world that the player’s car just entered an oil slick. The game world in
turn should set a flag in the player’s car indicating it is in an oil slick.
 ‘x’ – tell the game world that the player’s car just exited (is no longer in) an oil slick. Exiting
an oil slick should clear the flag in the player’s car.
 ‘n’ – tell the game world to generate new colors for all objects whose definition allows them
to have their color changed. The effect of this command is to process every game
object and attempt to assign a new randomly-generated color to it. However, only
those objects which are not prohibited from being allowed to have their color changed
should be affected.
 ‘t’: tell the game world that the “game clock” has ticked. A clock tick in the game world
has the following effects: (1) if the player’s car is not in an oil slick, then the car’s
heading should be incremented or decremented by the car’s steeringDirection (that is,
the steering wheel turns the car). Note that if the car is in an oil slick, the steering wheel
has no effect on the car’s heading. (2) the car’s fuel level is reduced by a small amount.
(3) all moveable objects are told to update their positions according to their current
heading and speed, and (4) the elapsed time “game clock” is incremented by one (the
game clock for this assignment is simply a variable which increments with each tick).
 ‘d’: generate a display by outputting lines of text on the console describing the current
game state values. The display should include (1) the number of lives left, (2) the
current clock value (elapsed time), (3) the highest pylon number the car has reached
sequentially so far, and (4) the car’s current fuel level and damage level. All output
should be appropriately labeled in easily readable format.
 ‘m’: tell the game world to output a “map” showing the current world (see below).
 ‘q’: call the method System.exit(0) to quit the program. Your program should confirm
the user’s intent to quit before actually exiting.
Additional Details
 The program you are to write is an example of what is called a discrete simulation. In such
a program there are two basic notions: the ability to change the simulation state, and the
ability to advance simulation time. Changing the state of the simulation has no effect
(other than to change the specified values) until the simulation time is advanced. In other
words, entering commands to change (for example) the car’s heading and speed will not
actually take effect (that is, will not change the car’s location) until you enter a “tick”
command to advance the time. On the other hand, entering a display or map command
after changing state values will show the new state values even before a tick is entered.
You should verify that your program operates like this.
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 The code to perform each command must be encapsulated in a separate method (this is
because we will be moving it in later assignments). When the Game gets a command
which requires manipulating the GameWorld, the Game must invoke a method in the
GameWorld to perform the manipulation (in other words, it is not appropriate for the Game
class to be directly manipulating objects in the GameWorld; it must do so by calling an
appropriate GameWorld method).
 Any undefined or illegal input should generate an appropriate error message on the
console and ignore the input. For example, most input lines with more than a single
character are illegal, as are commands with undefined meaning).
 Method initLayout() is responsible for creating the initial state of the world. This should
include adding to the game world at least the following: a minimum of four Pylon objects,
positioned as you choose and numbered sequentially defining the race course (you may
add more than four initial pylons if you like); one Car, positioned at the #1 pylon with initial
heading and speed both zero; at least two Bird objects, randomly positioned with a
randomly-generated heading and a speed randomly-chosen from a small range of speeds;
at least two OilSlick objects with random location and with random width and length chosen
from a small range of values; and at least two FuelCan objects with random location and
with random sizes chosen from a small range. All object initial attributes, including those
who values is not otherwise explicitly specified above, should be assigned such that all
aspects of the gameplay can be easily tested (for example, Birds should not fly so fast that
it is impossible for them to ever cause damage to a Car).
 All classes must be designed and implemented following the guidelines discussed in class,
o All data fields must be private.
o Accessors / mutators must be provided, but only where the design requires them.
 It is not a requirement in this assignment that single keystrokes invoke action — the human
hits “enter” after typing each key command (we’ll see how to fix this in a later assignment).
 Your program must be contained in a Java package named “a1” (“a-one”, lower-case).
Specifically, every class in your program must be defined in a .java file which has a
“package” statement (for example, “package a1;”) as its first statement. See pages 16-18
and 29-31 in the text for more on the use of Java packages.
 It must be possible to execute the program from a command prompt by changing to the
directory containing the a1 package and typing the command: “java a1.Starter”. Verify
for yourself that this works correctly from a command prompt before submitting your
program (see “Deliverables”, below).
 Use of subpackages below “package a1” is encouraged. For example, you might create a
package “a1.gameObjects” holding the classes comprising the GameObject hierarchy.
 It is a requirement to follow standard Java coding conventions:
o class names always start with an upper case letter,
o variable names always start with a lower case letter,
o compound parts of compound names are capitalized (e.g., myExampleVariable),
o Java interface names should start with the letter “I” (e.g., ISteerable).
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 Moving objects need to determine their new location when their move() method is invoked,
at each time tick. For objects that move in a straight line, the new location can be computed
as follows:
newLocation(x,y) = oldLocation(x,y) + (deltaX, deltaY), where
deltaX = cos(θ)*speed,
deltaY = sin(θ)*speed,
and where θ = 90 ˗ heading (90 minus the heading). There is a diagram in course notes (p.
228) showing the derivation of these calculations for an arbitrary amount of time; in this
assignment we are assuming “time” is fixed at one unit per “tick”, so “elapsed time” is 1.
 The program is not required to have any code which actually checks for collisions between
objects; that’s something we’ll add later on. For now, the program simply relies on the user
to say when a collision has occurred, using the appropriate command.
 For this assignment all output will be in text form on the console; no “graphical” output is
required. The “map” (generated by the ‘m’ command) will simply be a set of lines
describing the objects currently in the world, similar to the following:
Pylon: loc=200,200 color=[64,64,64] radius=10 seqNum=1
Pylon: loc=200,800 color=[64,64,64] radius=10 seqNum=2
Pylon: loc=700,800 color=[64,64,64] radius=10 seqNum=3
Pylon: loc=900,400 color=[64,64,64] radius=10 seqNum=4
Car: loc=180,450 color=[240,0,0] heading=355 speed=50 width=20 length=40
maxSpeed=50 steeringDirection=5 fuelLevel=5 damage=2
Bird: loc=70,70 color=[255,0,255] heading=45 speed=5 size=15
Bird: loc=950,950 color=[0,255,0] heading=225 speed=10 size=20
OilSlick: loc=250,600 color=[0,0,0] width=10 length=30
OilSlick: loc=800,550 color=[0,0,0] width=20 length=25
FuelCan: loc=350,350 color=[0,0,255] size=3
FuelCan: loc=900,700 color=[0,255,0] size=6
Note that the above “map” describes the game shortly after it has started; the car has
moved northward from its initial position at Pylon #1 and has a current heading of 355 (i.e.
not quite true north), the car is traveling at its maximum speed, the driver is trying to apply a
5-degree right turn, and so forth. Note also that the appropriate mechanism for
implementing this output is to override the toString() method in each concrete game
object class so that it returns a String describing itself. See the attached “Java Coding
Notes” for additional details.
Note that some of the values displayed in the above “map” are displayed as integers
whereas the assignment requires that they be maintained in the program as real (floating
point) values. This is not a conflict; the program must use real (type float or double) for
these values, but it is acceptable to display them as integers when the real value is a whole
number; it is also acceptable to round them to the nearest tenth. See the Java class
DecimalFormat for details on how to do this.
For this assignment, the only required depiction of the world is the text output map as
shown above. Later we will learn how to draw a graphical depiction of the world, which
then for the above map might look something like the image shown below (the pictures in
the image are not all precisely to scale, and note that this is only to give you an idea of
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what the above map represents – your program is not required to produce any graphical
output like this).
 You are not required to use any particular data structure to store the game world objects.
However, your program must be able to handle changeable numbers of objects at runtime;
this means you can’t use a fixed-size array, and you can’t use individual variables.
Consider either the Java ArrayList or Vector class for implementing this storage. Note that
Java Vectors (and ArrayLists) hold elements of type “Object”, but you will need to be able
to treat the Objects differently depending on the type of object. You can use the
“instanceof” operator to determine the type of a given Object, but be sure to use it in a
polymorphically-safe way. For example, you can write a loop which runs through all the
elements of a world Vector and processes each “movable” object with code like:
for (int i=0; i<theWorldVector.size(); i++) {
if (theWorldVector.elementAt(i) instanceof Movable) {
Movable mObj = (Movable)theWorldVector.elementAt(i);
 It is a requirement for all programs in this class that the source code contain
documentation, in the form of comments explaining what the program is doing, including
comments describing the purpose and organization of each class and comments outlining
each of the main steps in the code. Points will be deducted for poorly or incompletely
documented programs. Use of JavaDoc-style comments is highly encouraged.
 The first step you should undertake for the assignment (after doing the assigned reading in
the book) is to develop a detailed UML diagram showing the inheritance and aggregation
relationships among the required classes, including the fields and methods required.
Students are encouraged to ask questions or solicit advice from the instructor outside of
class – but have your UML diagram ready – it is the first thing the instructor will ask to see.
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There are three steps which are required for submitting your program, as follows:
1. Create a single file in “ZIP” format containing (1) your UML diagram in .PDF format,
(2) the Java source code for all the classes in your program, and (3) the compiled
(“.class”) files for your program. Be sure your ZIP file contains the proper
subpackage hierarchy. You may use any tool to create the ZIP file as long as it
constructs a properly-structured file in ZIP format.
2. Verify your submission file. To do this, copy your ZIP file to an empty folder on
your machine, unzip it, open a command prompt window, change to the folder
where you unzipped the file, and type the command “java a1.Starter”. If this
does not properly execute your program, your ZIP file is not properly structured; go
back to step (1) and fix it. Substantial penalties will be applied to submissions
which have not been properly verified according to the above steps.
3. Login to SacCT, select “Assignment 1”, and upload your verified ZIP file. Also, be
sure to take note of the requirement stated in the course syllabus for keeping a
backup copy of all submitted work (save a copy of your ZIP file).
All submitted work must be strictly your own!
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Appendix – Java Coding Notes
Input Commands
In Java 5.0 and higher, the Scanner class will get a line of text from the keyboard:
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
System.out.print (“Input some text:”);
String line = in.nextLine();
or int aValue = in.nextInt();
Random Number Generation
The class used to create random numbers in Java is java.util.Random. This class
contains methods nextInt(), which returns a random integer from the entire range of
integers, nextInt(int), which returns a random number between zero (inclusive) and the
specified integer parameter (exclusive), and nextBoolean(), which returns a random boolean
value (either true or false). The Random class is discussed on pg. 28 of the text.
Output Strings
The Java routine System.out.println() can be used to display text. It accepts a
parameter of type String, which can be concatenated from several strings using the “+”
operator. If you include a variable which is not a String, it will convert it to a String by invoking
its toString() method. For example, the following statements print out “The value of I is 3”:
int i = 3 ;
System.out.println (“The value of I is ” + i);
Every Java class provides a toString() method. Sometimes the result is descriptive; for
example, an object of type java.awt.Color returns a description of the color. However, if the
toString() method is the default one inherited from Object, it isn’t very descriptive. Your own
classes should override toString() and provide their own String descriptions – including the
toString() output provided by the parent class if that class was also implemented by you.
For example, suppose there is a class Ball with attribute radius, and a subclass of
Ball named ColoredBall with attribute myColor of type java.awt.Color. An appropriate
toSring() method in ColoredBall might return a description of a colored ball as follows:
public String toString() {
String parentDesc = super.toString();
String myDesc = “ColoredBall: ” + myColor.toString();
return parentDesc + myDesc ;
A program containing a ColoredBall called “myBall” could then display it as follows:
System.out.println (“myBall = ” + myBall.toString());
or simply:
System.out.println (“myBall = ” + myBall);