The ArrayList class is the part of Java Collection Framework. This class implements the List
interface provided by the Collection framework. Here are features or key points about the
ArrayList in Java:
1. The ArrayList grow and sink dynamically when we add/remove elements from it.
2. ArrayList use the array as an internal data structure to store element.
3. This provides flexibility to use elements using the indexes.
4. ArrayList allows to store duplicate values including “null” values.
5. It is an ordered collection i.e. it maintains the insertion order.
6. Java ArrayList supports Generics.
7. It only allows objects in the ArrayList. For primitives values like int, long etc. use the wrapper
8. Java ArrayList Iterator and ListIterator implementation is fail-fast.
9. ArrayList is not thread safe. We need to apply synchronization if multiple threads will change
ArrayList at the same time.
Write a program called ArrayList_Practice. In this program, please do the following operations.
1. Complete a method called RedundantCharacterMatch(ArrayList
YourFirstName): the parameter of this method is an ArrayList
are the characters in your first name (they should be in the order appear in your first name,
e.g., if your first name is bob, then the ArrayList
will check whether there exists duplicate characters in your name and return the index of
those duplicate characters. For example, when using bob as first name, it will return b: 0, 2.
2. Create an ArrayList
appear twice in this ArrayList. For example, if your first name is bob, then NameExample
will include the following element {b,o,b,b,o,b}. Then, please use NameExample as
parameter for the method RedundantCharacterMatch(). If your first name is bob, the results
that print in the console will be
b: 0, 2, 3, 5
o: 1, 4
1. Upload all of the .java and the .class files to the CSc1302 dropbox on http://
2. Your assignment will be graded based on the following criteria: (a) Are your programs
runnable without errors? (b) Do your programs complete the tasks with specified outputs?
(c) Do you follow the specified rules to define your methods and programs? (d) Do you
provide necessary comments include the programmer information, date, title of the
program and brief description of the program.
3. Please comment the important lines in the .java file as shown in the template. The
important lines including but not limited to i) variables, ii) for-loop, iii) while-loop, iv)
if-else statement, iv) methods. Please use your own words to describe what is your
purpose to write this line. A .java file without comment will be graded under a 40%
4. Make sure that both the .java and .class files are named and uploaded to icollege
correctly. If any special package is used in the program, be sure to upload the package
too. Should you use any other subdirectory (whatsoever) your program would not be
graded, and you will receive a 0 (zero).
5. No copying allowed. If it is found that students copy from each other, all of these
programs will get 0.
Considering the difficulty of this lab, the code is listed below; when you cannot come up with a
solution, please try to understand the code below and write comments.
package labs;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Lab15 {
public static void main(String[] args){
String a = “b”;
public static void RCM(ArrayList
for(int i = 0; i
if(x[0].matches(a +””)){
return Temp.indexOf(x);
return -1;