CSC 115 A01 (Java) Assignment #3


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Part 1
Problem statement:
Consider the following reference based linked list that stores characters: ‘C’, ‘O’, ‘M’ and ‘E’.
______ ______ _____ _____
head –> | C ||–> | O ||–> | M ||–> | E ||–> null
In Part 1 of this assignment you will given a write a basic linked list class (call it that will
store the above data.
 Examine the class that is provided under the Assignment 2 link of the Resources part
of the course connex site. Observe that each ‘Node’ has two attributes an ‘Object’ called value
and a reference, called next, to another Node. Although it would be more convenient for this
particular program if the Node’s value were of type char rather than Object, this Object can store
a char as required by the problem statement above.
 Examine the program that is provided under the Assignment 2 link of the Resources
part of the course connex site. It will test the linked list that you create an, if correct, will output the
characters : ‘C’, ‘O’, ‘M’ and ‘E’. Your task is to write the linked list.
 Your linked list class has only one attribute, the head, which is a reference to a Node.
 Your linked list class has the following methods:
o A default constructor that creates an empty list (ie, the head is assigned null).
o A method ‘addHead’ that accepts a character parameter and inserts a new Node to the
head of the list whose value is that character and whose next reference points to the
former head of the list.
o A ‘toString’ methods that displays the characters of the list on the terminal. If the list is
empty it outputs “this is an empty list…”
 Test your class with the program: Correct output should be COME.
Submitting your Solution:
When complete, submit your class to the CSc 115 Connex Site Assignment 3 Milestone link
before 3:30 on Friday, October 19, 2012.
This milestone is a formative exercise: It must be completed and will be examined by the instructor but will only be used to
give you information about your learning.
Part 2
Problem statement:
Design a program to implement String operations, using linked list objects designed by you (as opposed
to the array based implementations in the String class provided in Java: where each string is
implemented as an array of characters). In our code, however, each string will be implemented as a
reference based linked list where each character is stored in a node whose info field is of type Object.
Your assignment will consist of 4 classes:
1. represents the Nodes in the linked list.
2. An interface file that specifies the set of methods that must be implemented.
3. written by you and implements the linked list. It must begin with the line:
public class StringADT implements ADT {
4. A client (tester) class that will act as a driver for your StringADT class. (Do
not write this class; just use the provided one to test your code.)
Of the 4 classes, you will only need to hand in
 In the class StringADT, be sure to implement the abstract data type ( that is provided via
the Assignment 2 link of the Resources part of the course connex site.
 Please make sure to use linked list operations to implement the copy, concat, substring, leng, and
repeats methods. Although it is possible to achieve the desired functionality by calling toString and
assign from all your methods, this is not the expected technique and will not yield any grades.
 The only methods that should be using calls to the Java String API are assign (where you need to get
the data out of a String you’ve been given) and toString.
 write the methods of the StringADT class, implemented with reference based linked lists, as follows:
x.assign(“nyu”) – is equivalent to x = ″nyu″
z.concat (x , y) – is equivalent is to concatenation of Strings x and y into a String z
w.repeats(z , 12) – is equivalent to repeating String z 12 times in String w
w.substring (x, 2,5) – is equivalent to taking Substring of x from character 2 to 5 and
storing it in w.
u.copy (x) – is equivalent to copying x and storing it in u.
w.leng() – returns the length of w as an integer
toString() – you should know what this does!
Submitting your Solution:
 Don’t forget to adjust the comments so they contain your name and student number.
 When complete submit your file to the CSc 115 Connex Site using the Assignments:
Assignment 3 Submission link before 3:30 on Friday, October 26, 2012.