
CS69011: Computing Lab 1 Assignment 7

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In this assignment, you will write multi-threaded programs using the Unix POSIX threads Library:
Pthreads ( You will be using c programming for
the same. For a tutorial on pthreads programming using c, see:
Task 1
For this assignment, you will be writing multi-threaded programs for matrix-multiplication. Let
A and B be two input matrices of sizes π‘Ÿ1 Γ— 𝑐1 and π‘Ÿ2 Γ— 𝑐2 respectively, where 𝑐1 = π‘Ÿ2. You will
be implementing the naΓ―ve matrix multiplication algorithm, where each element of the result
matrix C of size π‘Ÿ1 Γ— 𝑐2 can be computed independently from one another. The overall scheme
β€’ Create a function void *mult(void *arg): which multiplies a row of matrix A
with a column of matrix B, and stores the result in the appropriate cell of preallocated
matrix C.
β€’ The argument arg is a structure of type ThreadData, which stores the input and
output parameters for the function shown below. Note that the actual matrix data is
stored in the memory of the process and is accessible to all threads. Hence, it need not
be copied.
β€’ In the main program, create threads to compute all the elements of the matrix C.
The structure for passing parameters can be:
// compute A[i,:] * B[:,j] and store in C[i,j]
typedef struct _thread_data {
double **A;
double **B;
double **C;
int veclen,i,j;
} ThreadData;
Implementation 1:
The first implementation should simply create π‘Ÿ1 Γ— 𝑐2 threads each for computing each
element and the thread scheduler takes care of scheduling the threads to actual physical cores.
Note that no mutual exclusion is needed as all the output entries are created independently
and all the inputs are already available.
Implementation 2:
The problem with the above implementation is that you have to allocate memory for π‘Ÿ1 Γ— 𝑐2,
threads objects and input arguments. However, in most practical systems you will not have
enough cores to execute all the threads concurrently. In the second implementation, you
should create a thread pool of nthreads threads, which is an input (can be set to the number
of cores). The main thread should use the pool of threads for computing each value of the
result matrix. Below are the pseudo codes for main thread and worker threads:
Main thread:
create nthread-many worker threads
for each result value C[i,j]:
wait for free thread
calculate target thread
populate thread data
signal target thread
signal all threads to finish
Worker Thread:
while (1):
wait for signal from main thread
read thread data
if the signal from main thread is to finish
exit thread
perform computation
signal free to main thread
You should use condition variables, with appropriate mutexes for signalling between threads.
Implementation 3:
In the above implementation, the master thread starts creating a thread data after it receives a
signal from one of the free threads. It might be more efficient to have master thread and
worker threads work concurrently. In the third implementation, create and maintain a buffer of
jobs to be completed. The problem is similar to producer consumer problem, where the master
is producer and worker threads are consumers. The master keeps producing jobs till the buffer
is full, and then waits for a signal from workers till the buffer is empty. It signals all workers
when there is a job in the buffer. It also signals the workers to exit when all the jobs are done,
and then terminates. The workers keep consuming jobs from the buffer (and calculating the
results) till the buffer is empty. If the buffer is empty, it signals the master and then waits for
signal from the master. If the signal from the master is to exit, it then terminates.
Hint: here you need to use two condition variables: empty and not_empty, with appropriate
The final program should take the A and B matrices as input from a file with the following
<# rows 1> <# columns 1>


<# rows 2> <# columns 2>


Here m and n are number of rows of matrix 1 and matrix 2 respectively. Filename is given as
command line argument.
Submit 3 c source files for: implementation 1, implementation 2, and implementation 3,
respectively. Write your name and roll number in a comment at the top of the file along with
compilation instructions. Also submit a report comparing the performance of all three
implementations. Specifically submit the following plots:
a. Time taken as a function of Matrix size for all the implementations.
b. Time taken as a function of number of worker threads, for multiplying two 10000 x
10000 matrices