CS6771 Assignment Three Generic Directed Weighted Graph (GDWG)


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1. Aims
• Function and Class Templates
• Smart Pointers
• Exception Handling
• Lambda Functions
In this assignment, you will write a Generic Directed Weighted Graph (GDWG) with value-like semantics in C++. Both the
data stored at a node and the weight stored at an edge will be of generic types. Both generic types may be different. For
example, here is a graph with nodes storing std::string and edges weighted by int:
gdwg::Graph g;
Formally, this directed weighted graph G=(N,E) will consist of a set of nodes N and a set of weighted edges E. Give a node,
an edge directed into it is called an incoming edge and an edge directed out of it is called an outgoing edge. The in-degree of
a node is the number of its incoming edges. Similarly, the out-degree of a node is the number of its outgoing edges. Given a
directed edge from src to dst, src  dst, src is the source node and dst is known as the destination node. G is a multi-edged
graph, as there may be two edges from the same source node to the same destination node with two different weights.
However, all nodes are distinct, as they contain different data values.
2. Internal Representation
You must use smart pointers to represent the nodes and edges in your implementation.
3. Operations
There are many ways to implement a generic directed weighted graph. For our purposes, a node can contain the data stored
at that node and a set of its outgoing edges and an edge may be a tuple containing its source node, its destination node and
the weight associated with this edge. However, your solution does not have to follow strictly this suggestion, except that it
must adhere to the public interface defined below.
In what follows, we assume the graph template class is declared as:
template class Graph;
where N is the Node value data type and E is the Edge weight data type.
You may assume that both N and E are copy constructible, and <, <=, ==, !=, >=, and > are defined on N and E.
Member Description and Hints Examples
Constructor A user-defined or compiler-synthesised default
constructor for an empty graph.
Copy and Move
User-defined or compiler-synthesised copy and move
constructors as required.
Copy and Move
User-defined or compiler-synthesised copy and move
assignment operators as required.
bool addNode(const
N& val)
Adds a new node with value val to the graph. This
function returns true if the node is added to the graph and
false if there is already a node containing val in the graph
(with the graph unchanged).
std::string s = “a”;
bool addEdge(const
N& src, const N&
dst, const E& w);
Adds a new edge src  dst with weight w. This function
returns true if the edge is added and false if the edge
src  dst with weight w already exists in the graph. A
std::runtime_error is thrown if either src or dst is not in
the graph.
std::string u = “c”;
bool replace(const
N& oldData, const
N& newData);
Replaces the original data, oldData, stored at this
particular node by the replacement data, newData. If no
node that contains value oldData can be found, then a
std::runtime_error is thrown. This function returns false if
a node that contains value newData already exists in the
graph (with the graph unchanged) and true otherwise.
N& oldData, const
N& newData);
Replaces the data, oldData, stored at one node, denoted
OldNode, with the data, newData, stored at another node,
denoted NewNode, in the graph. If either node cannot be
found in the graph, then a std::runtime_error is thrown.
After the operation has been performed successfully,
every incoming (outgoing) edge of OldNode becomes an
incoming (outgoing) edge of newNode, except that
duplicate edges must be removed. Note that the edges that
connect OldNode and NewNode are handled identically
by this edge merging rule. See test6.cpp for an example.
// node “c” is destroyed
N&) noexcept;
Deletes a given node and all its associated incoming and
outgoing edges. This function does nothing if the node
that is to be deleted does not exist in the graph. Hint: if
you are using weak ptrs for edges you may be able to do
this quite simply. This function should not throw any
N& src, const N&
dst, const E& w)
Deletes an edge from src to dst with weight w, only if the
edge exists in the graph. No exceptions are thrown. g.deleteEdge(“b”,”c”,1);
void clear()
Remove all nodes and edges from the graph. New nodes
or edges can be added to the graph afterwards. g.clear();
bool isNode(const
N& val) const;
Returns true if a node with value val exists in the graph
and false otherwise. g.isNode(“a”)
N& src, const N&
dst) const;
Returns true if the edge src  dst exists in the graph and
false otherwise. This function throws a std::runtime_error
if either src or dst is not in the graph.
void printNodes()
Prints the data stored in all the nodes in the graph, with
one node per line, starting from the node with the smallest
outdgree to the node with the largest. If two nodes have
the same edge count, then the one with the smaller node
value determined by the < operator is printed first. See test11.cpp for an example. g.printNodes(); void printEdges(const N& val) const; Prints the outgoing edges of a given node, SrcNode, containing value val. The first line must be "Edges attached to Node X", where X is the data stored at SrcNode. Then, the outgoing edges of SrcNode are printed in increasing order of their weights, with one edge per line adhering to the following format: [the data at the destination node DstNode] [the cost of the edge] For example, if SrcNode  DstNode has a weight 3 (of type int), where the data at DstNode is "abc" (of type std::string), then the print out is "abc 3". If SrcNode does not exist in the graph, then a std::runtime_error is thrown with no output printed. If the outdegree of SrcNode is 0, then the first line of the print should work and the second line should be "(null)". If two edges have the same weight, then the edge whose destination node has a smaller node value, again determined by the < operator, is printed first. See test12.cpp for an example. g.printEdges(s); In addition to these operations, you should also implement the following four operations, which provide a fake iterator for enumerating all the node values in a graph. You can abstract a graph in any sequence, as long as the sequence consists of all and only the nodes in the graph. Member Description void begin() const Sets an internal iterator, i.e., ``pointer'' to the first element of a sequence. bool end() const Returns true if the iterator goes past the last element of the sequence and false otherwise. void next() const Moves the iterator to the next element of the sequence. const N& value() const Returns the value of the node pointed to by the iterator. You can use the four member functions as follows: gdwg::Graph> g
for (g.begin(); !g.end(); g.next())
std::cout << g.value() << std::endl; This `iterator' is not nearly as powerful as a proper iterator (e.g., the one to be implemented in Assignment 4), but it should suffice to give you an idea of what iterators are all about. You must make sure that these member functions can be invoked correctly on both const and non-const graphs. Hint: These four functions have short implementations. Review the mutable qualifier. In the reference solution, there are altogether 4 lines in the bodies of these four functions, with 1 line per function. Note: Your Graph class should not expose any other public members other than those listed above, although you can add whatever private member functions and classes as you see fit. This implies that your Node and Edge classes should be private nested classes. 4. Getting started: • Name your class as Graph, with its interface in Graph.h and implementation in Graph.tem. • Include your implementation inside your interface file as follows: Graph.h: • • namespace gdwg { • • Your class interface • • #include "Graph.tem" • • } • • Place the class declaration and definition inside the namespace gdwg • Make sure you include Header Guards in Graph.h • Your Graph.h and Graph.tem should not include main(). • Your class will be compiled against a series of test files that include main(). • Your code should not read or write any files or print anything to the screen unless called to do so through a test file that contains #include "Graph.h". 5. Sample test files: Here are some test cases for testing some functionalities required: • test1.cpp result1.txt - Graph default construction and Node insertion • test2.cpp result2.txt - Edge insertion and print ordering (more in test11.cpp and test12.cpp) • test3.cpp result3.txt - Exception and error handling • test4.cpp result4.txt - Checks data integrity • test5.cpp result5.txt - Replace Node data • test6.cpp result6.txt - Merges two nodes • test7.cpp result7.txt - Deleting data • test8c.cpp result8c.txt - Copy construction • test8m.cpp result8m.txt - Copy construction • test9c.cpp result9c.txt - Copy assignment • test9m.cpp result9m.txt - Copy assignment • test10.cpp result10.txt - constness • test11.cpp result11.txt - printing nodes • test12.cpp result12.txt - printing edges • test13.cpp result13.txt - fake iterators In C++, a moved-from object is always in a valid but unspecified state. In this assignment, a moved-from graph is assumed to be an empty graph. 6. Tips: • Your code should be const correct. • Use C++14 style as much as possible - especially smart pointers. • The lecture slides and tutorials have many code snippets that you may find helpful. • Your code should be well documented, clearly describing how each function operates. • For a value-like class, you should look at Week 4's lecture slides. • Do not use other libraries (e.g., boost). • You should use exceptions for error handling, as required, instead of using C-style asserts. In the other parts of this assignment, you are free to use asserts as you see fit. • The reference solution is around 500 lines including comments. 7. Testing You need to make sure that your solution compiles on the CSE machines using the command:. g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -Werror -O2 -o testX testX.cpp The dry run for give will be the first test case. To run your code, type: ./testX You should create your own test cases to check all the functionalities of your code against the specifications. 8. Marking Your submission will be given a mark out of 100 with 70% an automarked performance component for output correctness and 30% a manually marked component for code style and quality. As this is a third-year course, your code is expected to be well formatted, documented and structured. We also expect that you will use standard formatting and naming conventions. If you write in C or use C types (e.g. union) or #define macros, you will lose performance marks and style marks. A number of test cases will be used to mark your solution. To pass a test case, your solution must produce exactly the same output as the reference solution. The results from both will be compared by using the linux tool diff. 9. Submission Instructions Copy your code to your CSE account and make sure it compiles without any errors or warnings. Then run your test cases. If all is well, then submit using the command: give cs6771 ass3 Graph.h Graph.tem You do not need to submit a makefile or other test files. We will supply a makefile and test cases for each test. Late submissions will be penalised unless you have legitimate reasons for an extension which is arranged before the due date. Any submission after the due date will attract a reduction of 20% per day to your individual mark. A day is defined as a 24-hour day and includes weekends and holidays. No submissions will be accepted more than three days after the due date. Plagiarism constitutes serious academic misconduct and will not be tolerated. Further details about lateness and plagiarism can be found in the Course Introduction.