
CS6310 – Software Architecture & Design Assignment #9 : Mass Transit Simulation – Team Implementation & Demo (v3)

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The clients are excited about your design proposals as we enter the final phase of the project.
During this phase, you will: (1) finalize, implement and deploy your team’s design; (2) ensure your
design documents are consistent with the finished application; and, (3) prepare a short video
presentation for the clients and evaluators that demonstrates how your application functions.
This scenario has been developed solely for this course. Any similarities or differences between this
scenario and any of the programs at Georgia Tech programs are purely coincidental.
This assignment requires you to submit the following items:
1. Functioning Application [100 points]: You must submit a working application within a virtual
machine image that satisfies the client’s requirements as presented throughout all of the
assignments, and as clarified further through all associated Office Hours and Piazza posts. Your
system must incorporate all of the design requests as described in all of the previous assignments
and below. Your application must be submitted as a VirtualBox (strongly preferred) or VMware
virtual machine image.
You have administrative control over the VM, and this submission method allows your team to
have maximum flexibility for selecting, implementing and configuring different packages (e.g.
GUIs, databases, etc.) in developing a solution for this problem, while minimizing the time needed
by the graders to evaluate your (widely varying) solutions. You are allowed to use an alternate
submission method if (and only if) you have received prior approval from your TA.
From a grading perspective, the points for implementation are distributed as follows:
• 20 points for providing a well-designed Graphical User Interface – the amount of points earned
will be determined by the normal clarity and “ease-of-use” factors, as well as the extent to
which the interface supports the normal “flow” of operations during each term.
• 20 points for each of the other design proposal categories: Bus Changes, Passenger
Exchanges, Calculating and Displaying System Costs (Efficiency), and supporting Replays
2. Source Code [25 points]: You must also provide copies of the actual source code that your team
has developed, along with references to all of the external packages, libraries, frameworks,
services and systems used to develop your application. Your overall coding quality will be
evaluated, to include factors such as good use of abstraction of modularity, reasonable
documentation and descriptive class, variable and method names, etc.
3. Design Documentation [50 points]: You have already developed numerous design documents:
Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Object Diagrams, and possibly other forms such as State
Charts and/or Collaboration Diagrams. For this assignment, you must select and provide the
most appropriate UML-compliant Structural and Behavioral Diagrams that describe the final
design of your application. There are no more pending, additional or possible future
requirements after this assignment, so your final design documents should be as accurate and
consistent with the final implementation of your application as possible.
Please clearly designate which version of UML you will be using – either 2.0 (preferable, and the
latest OMG-accepted version: or 1.4 (the latest ISOaccepted version). There are significant differences between the versions, so your diagrams must
be consistent with the standard you’ve designated. The design documents can be submitted as
different docs, but must be named clearly and accurately.
From a grading perspective, the points for documentation are distributed as follows:
• 20 points for your UML Structural Diagrams, which should include (at a minimum):
o A Class Diagram
o A Deployment (or similar) Diagram that shows how your system is actually implemented,
especially in integrating external packages, services and/or systems
• 20 points for your UML Behavioral Diagrams which should include (at a minimum):
o Sequence, State Machine (or similar) Diagrams for all functionality added per your
design proposals (not required for pre-existing functionality)
o Use Case Diagrams for all functionality added per your design proposals
• 10 points for the overall quality and presentation of your design documentation, including the
addition of various diagrams that add significant value for the clients in understanding and
maintaining your system into the future. Do not simply create lots of diagrams to attempt to
collect points – this is definitely a “quality over quantity” issue. Ensure that new diagrams
and/or documents are well formatted and add significant value.
4. Demonstration Video [25 points]: Your team must submit a video presentation that demonstrates
the prototype that your team has developed. You can either submit a YouTube link (preferred) or
an MP4 attachment in Canvas. If submitting a video attachment, make sure that the size doesn’t
exceed 360MB, which should be approximately 10 minutes for a 720p quality video. Also, we
realize that not everyone wants to “make it to the big screen”: faces are welcome, but there’s no
requirement for your faces to be displayed during the video. A screen capture of your system in
action, along with a clear, audible English-language audio track, will be sufficient.
Your video should be organized to give a clear demonstration of your system in action, including
a well-considered test case/scenario that allows you to show how your interface and supporting
components operate; and, how your overall system meets the client’s requirements. And your
video should highlight your design modifications. There’s no need to spend significant amounts
of time demonstrating the capabilities that already existed in the system – focus on the aspects of
your system that have been changed, upgraded, etc.
Writing Style Guidelines
The style guidelines can be found on the course Udacity site, and at:
The deliverables should be submitted in the appropriate formats (ZIP, JAR, PDF) with file names such
as, design_docs.pdf and mts_video.mp4. You should also use a similarly clear
and simple name structure if you need to submit a file that we haven’t explicitly listed here. Ensure
that all files are clear and legible; points will likely be deducted for unreadable submissions.
Client’s Final Problem Description
In earlier assignments, you proposed modifications to an existing application that the clients use to
simulate the operation of a mass transit system. In this assignment, you are tasked to: (1) coordinate
with your team members to develop a consolidated design proposal; (2) implement your
consolidated design; and, (3) demonstrate those changes to the clients. We provide extra details
below, which basically build on the design proposals you were asked to provide in earlier
User Interface and Error Checking: Your application must provide a reasonable Graphical User
Interface (GUI) to support your application.
• You are welcome to develop a web-based or application-based GUI. An extremely complex GUI
is not required (and not the intent for this course) – a simple GUI that provides the required
functionality will be sufficient.
• The clients will greatly appreciate any efforts to make the GUI user-friendly, and to help prevent
errors when entering data, configuring the simulation settings or executing a simulation session.
For example, robust warnings and error messages will be very helpful.
• You are still permitted to have a Command-Line Interface (CLI) with your application to support
development, maintenance, troubleshooting and execution functionality. Your GUI, however,
must be able support the major functionality required for a user to conduct a simulation. Your CLI
is allowed to provide “behind the scenes” support for the GUI as needed.
• We are giving your team fairly wide latitude in selecting a framework to support the development
of your user interface, given that you are responsible for installing and configuring that framework
on the course VM (or an alternate pre-approved platform) for submission.
• Your application must support the commands implemented in the existing prototype, in addition
to the changes listed below. This is absolutely critical to our ability to evaluate your application
Updated Scenario Configuration Commands
Significant portions of the client’s Assignment 6 requirements changes were about passenger
exchanges at stops. To support these new requirements, the clients will now provide two separate
files at the beginning of a simulation run. The first file will be the normal scenario configuration file
that addresses the creation of stops, routes, buses and initial events as used since Assignment 2 and
the introduction of the first prototype. The second file will contain the probability parameters
needed to model the passenger arrival and departure behaviors as described in Assignment 6. Both
files will be listed in a simple text-based, Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, and there might be
spaces included between the parameter values and the comma delimiters.
For the first file, the commands are unchanged with one exception:
• add_bus, , , , ,
This command creates a bus object with identifier that begins traveling along ,
starting at index within the list. All buses now begin carrying zero
riders. Also, the bus can hold at most passengers, and travels along
the route at the given as measured in statute miles per hour.
The parameters have been updated to reflect the new requirements. For simplicity, all buses will
begin with zero passengers, so the parameter has been removed. The route,
passenger capacity and speed parameters have all been renamed with the descriptor “Initial”
added to reflect the ability of the simulation user to change these parameter values during the
simulation run. Otherwise, the , and
parameters all serve the same purpose as in the earlier versions of the program.
Also note that the fuel-related attributes and are not needed per
the requirements, and have been removed. Similarly, there’s no need to create a depot stop (or
the associated refueling behavior) for this version of the MTS application, so the add_depot
instruction will also be removed from the first file.
The second file will include the probability distribution limits for passengers arriving at and departing
from stops, and getting on and off of buses. The second file format will consist of one line for each
stop, and each line will include the probability parameters that stop in the following order:
, , , ,
, , , ,
This separation of the data into separate files is a very reasonable approach for managing the
simulations. With the exceptions of the stops and stop locations, the information that is used to
configure the buses and routes is distinctly different from the data that describes the passenger’s
behaviors at different times and in different circumstances. This two-file approach will allow the
simulation users to more easily experiment to observe how different bus and route configurations are
affected by changing rider dynamics.
Closing Comments & Suggestions
We (the OMSCS 6310 Team) will conduct Office Hours where you will be permitted to ask us
questions in order to further clarify the client’s intent, etc. Also, the TA who will evaluate your final
submission will be pre-assigned to your team. You can communicate with them if you have questions
related to application design, implementation, deployment, etc.
Quick Reminder on Collaborating with Others
Since this is a group project, you may (and should) communicate freely with all of your group
members. However, your group is not allowed to communicate with any other groups while
working on this project, including outside personnel or consultants. Please use Piazza for your
questions and/or comments, and post publicly whenever it is appropriate. If your questions or
comments contain information that specifically provides an answer for some part of the assignment,
then please make your post private (your group members and OMSCS6310 TAs/Instructors only) first,
and we (the OMSCS 6310 Team) will review it and decide if it is suitable to be shared with the larger
Best of luck on to you this assignment, and please contact us if you have questions or concerns.