
CS6310 – Software Architecture & Design Assignment #6: Mass Transit Simulation – Design Updates/Modifications (v6)

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Your requirement for this assignment involves updating your previous Unified Modeling Language
(UML) based diagrams. You must provide updated versions of the UML Class Model and Sequence
Diagrams to highlight the corrections and changes that you are proposing to address the new
requirements covered below. Also, you must also supply short text descriptions to help clarify the
intent, motivation and supporting details of your proposals.
For this assignment, you must review the new and updated requirements described below, and
provide updated UML Diagrams that reflect how you would address the new requirements in your
designs. These updated designs will be reviewed by your peers, and will also form the core of your
later team-based implementation assignments. You must submit the following items:
1. Class Diagram – The earlier standards for your UML Class Model are still in effect (e.g. required
elements, level of fidelity at least as detailed as the Udacity videos, etc.), and your diagram must
address all previous and new requirements. You must also include a brief description highlighting
the changes based on the new requirements introduced in this assignment. In other words, your
accompanying explanation does not have to cover the “core parts” of the UML diagrams from the
earlier assignment – just the changes based on the new requirements.
2. Sequence Diagram – Similar to the UML Class Diagram, your Sequence Diagram must cover the
updated “Move Next Bus” functionality to include passenger management and calculating
system efficiency. As with the Class Diagram, you must also include a brief description
highlighting the changes based on the new requirements introduced in this assignment.
Submission Requirements
• You must generate your diagrams using an automated tool (e.g. Argo UML, LucidCharts,
Microsoft Visio, etc.) so that they are as clear & legible as possible. Even PowerPoint is allowed,
though this is an excellent opportunity to use a tool that is more appropriately designed for UML
as opposed to a general drawing tool like PowerPoint. The choice of tool(s) is yours; however, you
should do a “sanity check” to make sure that your final diagrams are readable when exported to
PDF; or, if necessary, some reasonable graphical format (PNG, JPG or GIF).
• Your design proposals will be evaluated based on a combination of factors, including:
o The accuracy of your classes, along with the corresponding attributes and operations;
o The correctness of the format of your design artifacts with respect to the UML Standards;
o The clarity, conciseness and consistency of the text describing your proposals;
o How thoroughly your proposals address the client’s concerns; and,
o The “general technical feasibility” of your proposals.
• You are not required to provide a working implementation of your proposals for this assignment.
However, you must clearly describe the data that will be needed to support your proposals, and
how and where that data will be stored and organized with respect to the various classes and
other structures. Also, you should describe operations in enough detail to ensure that they can
be reasonably implemented.
• With regards to the “general technical feasibility” comment: since you aren’t actually developing
a working prototype for this assignment, we aren’t going to penalize you for incredibly specific
technical issues. However, you also don’t get to “wish away” or completely ignore the technical
ramifications of your proposals. The design proposals that you submit for this assignment might
very well become the designs that you are required to implement in later assignments, so you
should ensure that your proposals are technically sound.
• You must designate which version of UML you will be using – either 1.4 (the latest ISO-accepted
version) or 2.0 (the latest OMG-accepted version). There are significant differences between the
versions, so your diagram must be consistent with the standard you’ve designated. Either version
is acceptable at this point in the course. We might require a specific version for some of the other
UML style components later in the course, especially considering the behavioral/activity-based
diagrams; and, if so, we’ll let you know.
• You are permitted to add a few sentences to explain any aspects of your design that you feel
need extra clarification. These sentences are optional: non-submissions will not be penalized.
New Client Requests – The Areas of Focus for Your Design Proposals
The MTS System has been updated, and you should take some time to explore and analyze the new
and improved capabilities of the application. However, even with the new capabilities, there’s still
much work to be done to satisfy the client’s requests. First, we will describe the client’s requests,
which will be the focus of your efforts for this assignment. Your main goal will be to describe how you
would modify the MTS application to address the client’s requests, and then provide design artifacts
that clearly, consistently and comprehensively capture the details of your proposed modifications.
After we describe the client’s requests, we will give an overview on the updated MTS system.
The client’s requests for updates are reflected in four basic categories: Bus Changes, Passenger
Exchanges, System Efficiency, and Replays.
• Bus Changes: When a simulation scenario is configured based on the input file, the buses are
defined with a route, an initial speed and passenger capacity. The clients must be able to adjust
the route, speed and/or passenger capacity of the bus during the simulation. Since this is a
discrete-event simulation, any changes to the attributes of a bus will not take effect until the bus
reaches its next stop. If the passenger capacity of a bus is reduced, then any “excess passengers”
created by the change must also get off of the bus at the next stop. And if a route change is
directed, then the client must be able to designate which stop of the new route that the bus will
head to as its next destination.
• Passengers Exchanges: Currently, the system does not display passengers being picked up or
dropped off by the buses in service. To improve the usefulness of the system, the impact of
passengers being transported from their origin to their destination stops needs to be included.
The clients would like to have the system model passengers arriving at, and departing from, each
stop at certain frequencies. Similarly, passengers will also board (or leave) a bus when it arrives at
a stop at certain frequencies. You must ensure that the simulation updates the number of
passengers at each stop, and on the buses, during the simulation.
Given the way the discrete-event simulation works, the system must handle the exchange of
passengers at a particular stop with a specific sequence of steps. We will consider three groups of
passengers at each stop: (1) the riders, (2) the waiting and (3) the transfers. When a bus arrives at
a stop, that bus will be carrying a certain number of passengers – we will refer to this group as the
“riders”. Also, there will be a certain number of passengers already waiting at the stop for the
next bus to arrive – we will refer to this group as “waiting”. Finally, we will have a group called the
“transfers”, which always begins as an empty group when the bus first arrives. With these terms,
the sequence of steps is:
1. A certain number of new passengers will arrive at the stop to join the waiting group. The
number of passengers who arrive at the stop will be determined using a uniform distribution
bounded by two (integer) values called ridersArriveHigh and ridersArriveLow (inclusively), with
ridersArriveHigh ≥ ridersArriveLow. The size of the waiting group must be increased accordingly.
2. Before some of the passengers in the waiting group start boarding the bus that just arrived,
they will allow the passengers already on the bus – the riders group – to get off. The number of
passengers who get off the bus will be determined using a uniform distribution bounded by two
values called ridersOffHigh and ridersOffLow, with ridersOffHigh ≥ ridersOffLow. The passengers
who get off the bus should be added into the transfers group, and the size of riders group must
be decreased accordingly. The transfers group is used to ensure that passengers who just got off
the bus aren’t selected to get right back onto the same bus.
3. Now, allow the passengers in the waiting group to board the bus. The number of passengers
who get on the bus will be determined using a uniform distribution bounded by two values called
ridersOnHigh and ridersOnLow, with ridersOnHigh ≥ ridersOnLow. The size of riders group must
be increased accordingly, and the size of the waiting group must be decreased.
4. Finally, a certain number of passengers at the stop will decide to leave. Perhaps they’ve
reached their destination, or are getting off to catch a connecting bus (goodness!); or, perhaps
they feel that they’ve waited too long and have decided to take an alternative form of
transportation (d’oh – bad!). In either case, the total number of passengers who leave the stop will
be determined using a uniform distribution bounded by two values called ridersDepartHigh and
ridersDepartLow, with ridersDepartHigh ≥ ridersDepartLow.
This final step is handled a bit differently than the previous steps, based on the sizes of the waiting
and transfer groups. Suppose ridersDepart is the random number of passengers who’ve decided
to leave the stop:
• If ridersDepart ≤ than the size of the transfers group, then that number of passengers from the
transfers group have reached their destination. In this case, the size of the transfers group is
reduced by the value of ridersDepart, and any remaining passengers in the transfers group are
moved to the waiting group to catch their connecting bus.
• If ridersDepart > than the size of the transfers group, then all of the passengers in the transfers
group have reached their destination and leave the stop. However, the remaining passengers
that leave the stop are removed from the waiting group, and they depart unhappily – perhaps
because they feel that the next bus has taken too long to arrive, etc.
Note in both cases that the transfers group should be empty at the end of this step.
The waiting group can hold any number of passengers, but buses have a limited passenger
capacity. The calculations above must be performed with respect to reasonable physical values.
For example, if the current size of the riders group is 5, but 7 are selected to get off the bus, then
only 5 will actually be selected – you shouldn’t have a riders group with a size of -2 as a viable
result. Similarly, if 10 passengers are selected from the waiting group to get on the bus where
there are only 3 available seats, then only 3 passengers should be allowed to board the bus, and
the others must remain in the waiting group.
Here is a graphical representation of the passenger exchanges:
• System Efficiency: The clients want to measure the effectiveness of their current configuration
of buses, stops and routes for a scenario by measuring the how many passengers are waiting
for a bus versus how many buses are in service, factoring in the speeds and capacities of the
buses. The client’s goal is to minimize the number of waiting passengers while also minimizing
the number of buses needed for support, and so they’re providing you with an objective
function to measure the progress towards their goal. You must ensure that the system tracks
and calculates these values so that the objective function and can be calculated and displayed
at any given time.
The objective function has two major components: (1) the number of waiting passengers, and
(2) the cost of running the buses. The number of waiting passengers at a given point in time
will be calculated as the sum of the passengers waiting at each of the different stops. A lower
number of passengers waiting at stops will generally mean more passengers in transit towards
their eventual destination, which is a significant part of the desired goal. The waiting
passengers will be calculated as:
waiting_passengers() = SUM [passengers currently waiting at the stop]
for all stops in the system
The cost of running the buses will be measured as a function of the numbers and types of buses
currently operating in the system. Buses with a faster speed and/or a higher capacity will be
more expensive to operate, and will cost more from a utility standpoint. Being able to use
fewer buses, and those buses not needing to travel as quickly and be as large (e.g. less fuel
needed for operation), will be the other significant part of the goal. The bus costs will be
calculated as:
bus_cost() = SUM [kspeed * bus_speed() + kcapacity * bus_capacity()] for all
buses in the system
Finally, the objective function will be expressed as:
system_efficiency() = kwaiting * waiting_passengers() + kbuses * bus_cost() +
kcombined * waiting_passengers() * bus_cost()
All of the constants (kspeed, kwaiting, etc.) will be real/fractional values, and should be adjustable
by the clients during the course of the simulation, but the system can initialize all of the
constants with a value of one (1.0). You may display the system efficiency value as part of the
normal graphical output, or provide a button (or similar method) for the client to request the
current value.
• Replays: The clients appreciate the “Reset Buses” functionality of the current prototype, and
would like to expand those capabilities. The clients would like to be able to “rewind” the
simulation back a certain number of events in order to compare and contrast the effects of making
different changes to the buses and other aspects of the simulation state. Your simulation must
support the ability to undo the previous one through three events, and allow the clients to then
resume normal operations from that point.
These modifications will improve the capabilities of the simulation system to model the real-world
MARTA system, so that the clients can use it to help predict the effect of making changes more
Closing Comments & Suggestions
This is the information that has been provided by the customer so far. We (the OMSCS 6310 Team)
will likely conduct an Office Hours where you will be permitted to ask us questions in order to clarify
the client’s intent, etc.
Quick Reminder on Collaborating with Others
Please use Piazza for your questions and/or comments, and post publicly whenever it is appropriate.
If your questions or comments contain information that specifically provides an answer for some part
of the assignment, then please make your post private first, and we (the OMSCS 6310 Team) will
review it and decide if it is suitable to be shared with the larger class. Best of luck on to you this
assignment, and please contact us if you have questions or concerns.