Part 1: Vectors
● Part A: Dynamic Arrays
○ Create a struct, Data, that contains a single integer called, ‘value’
○ Create a dynamic array data structure, Vector. You must create your struct and
internal array on the heap (using malloc). Your dynamic array should have, at
minimum, the following:
● data: A pointer to a Data struct array
● current_size: an unsigned integer containing the current size
● max_size: an unsigned integer containing the maximum capacity
■ You may add additional attributes if you need them
○ You must create the following functions for your Vector
■ initVector – initializes the vector struct attributes and returns a pointer to a
Vector struct created on the heap
● Vector * initVector()
■ Insert – inserts an element at the specified index. Use the 2n+1 geometric
expansion formula to increase the size of your list if the index is out of the
current bounds.
● void vectorInsert(Vector * array, int index, Data value);
■ Delete – deletes an element from the list at the specified index.
● void vectorRemove(Vector * array, int index);
○ You must implement true deletion, which will reduce the
size of the vector by 1
■ Read – return the pointer to the data struct from the specified index,
return NULL if the index is out of bounds, and a data struct with the value
set to -1 if the index has not been initialized
● Data * vectorRead(Vector * array, int index);
○ Upon exiting, be sure all memory has been freed by calling
■ void * deleteVector which free’s all struct memory
● You should return a NULL pointer from any delete procedure. This is
just a convention.
○ Another method of deleting without reducing the size of the array is to have an
additional index array. Instead of deleting elements from the array, you keep
track of valid indexes in another array, and use the second array to iterate.
Implement this form of deletion instead of reducing the size of the array for extra
credit. Below is a visual example.
index array
0 1 2 3 4
data array
6 7 5 3 2
After deleting index 3, we can find the valid 3rd index by going first to the index
array, then to the data array. notice the value in index 3 isn’t removed. No need
to delete when you can just overwrite later.
index array
0 1 2 4 -1
data array
6 7 5 3 2
You must still reduce current_size as needed. This implementation should be
transparent to the driver code.
● Part B: Profiling Your Code
○ Create another version of your insert function called, vectorInsertIncremental,
that uses incremental expansion (only add 1 to your array size when more space
is needed).
○ When we test your code, we will multiply the ratio of unused space to used space
in your vector with your total time to get your total efficiency.
■ In other words, if your vector has a current size of 20 and capacity of 30,
you would multiply your total time by 1.5.
● Part C: Designing Your Code
○ Create one more version of your insert function called, vectorInsertMine, that
uses an expansion algorithm of your own design.
Part 2 – Submission
● Required code organization:
○ program5.c //Driver Code
○ vector.h
■ Your header file should have the following function declarations:
● Vector * initVector();
● void vectorInsert(Vector * array, int index, Data value);
● void vectorInsertIncremental(Vector * array, int index, Data value);
● void vectorInsertMine(Vector * array, int index, Data value);
● Data * vectorRead(Vector * array, int index);
● void vectorRemove(Vector * array, int index);
● void * deleteVector(Vector *);
○ vector.c
○ makefile
■ You must have the following labels in your makefile:
● all – to compile all your code to an executable called ‘program4’
(no extension). Do not run.
● run – to compile if necessary and run
● checkmem – to compile and run with valgrind
● clean – to remove all executables and object files
● While inside your program 5 folder, create a zip archive with the following command
○ zip -r program5 *
■ This creates an archive of all file and folders in the current directory called
■ Do not zip the folder itself, only the files required for the lab
● Upload the archive to Blackboard under Program 5.
● You may demo your lab by downloading your archive from Blackboard. Extract your
archive, then run your code, show your source, and answer any questions the TA may
Grading Guidelines
Total: 25 points
● Part A:
○ Data Constructor returns a pointer to a Data struct that encapsulates value (1
○ Passes Initialization test 1 (3 points)
○ Passes Insert tests 2-4 (2 points each)
○ Passes Read tests 5-7 (2 points each)
○ Passes Delete 8-10 (2 points each)
○ EXTRA CREDIT – Must be fully working (5 points)
● Part B & C
○ Passes test 11: Incremental, Geometric, and own Expansion Algorithms
implemented (3 points)
● Style Guidelines and Memory Leaks
○ You will lose significant points for the following:
■ Makefile does not have requested format and labels (-5 points)
■ Does not pass Valgrind Tests (-10 points)
■ Does not follow requested program structure and submission format (-10
■ Does not follow formatting guidelines (-5 points)