1. We define a concept space C that consists of the union of k disjoint intervals in a real
line. A concept in C is represented therefore using 2k parameters: a1 < b1 < a2 < b2 <
… < ak < bk. An example (a real number) is classified as positive by such concept iff
it lies in one of the intervals. Give the VC dimension of the hypothesis space H (and
prove its correctness).
2. The Gradient Descent (GD) algorithm:
(a) Write in one sentence: what are the hyper parameters of the GD algorithm.
(b) Write in one sentence: what is the difference between L1 and L2 regularization.
(c) Write down the gradient descent algorithm applied to hinge loss with L2 regularization.
(d) The same as above, but using the l1 regularization. Note: the L1 norm is convex
but not differentiable.
Programming Assignment
This assignment is based on homework 2, the binary sentiment classification task. In this
part of the assignment you are required to improve the logistic regression model that
you implemented in HW2. Specifically, you will have to improve the model by using more
expressive features. Your classifier will be defined over unigram, bigram, and trigram word
features. This is likely to result in a model that overfits. In order to combat that you need
to use one, or several methods such as ensemble and adding a regularizer to the objective
1. Dataset/Task The dataset you will use and the requirements for splitting the dataset
are the same as homework 2. Your job will be predicting whether the input document
is positive (1) or negative (0). You will still use the same csv file that contains all the
data corresponding to this task, i.e., data.csv.
As in HW2, you also need to split the data into a train and a test data sets. The
splits are determined by you. Remember you should not use the test set in picking
the optimal hyperparameter values. Take a look at the function split dataset in
More details can be found in the HW2 handout.
2. N-gram Features In HW2, you were required to implement the bag-of-words feature
selection approach. However, you may know this approach has several drawbacks such
that it does not preserve sentence structure and syntax that could be useful as features
in a model.
In this assignment, you are required to implement the n-gram model to extract word
features. More details can be found in:
slp3/3.pdf. You should implement cases when n = 1, 2, 3, i.e., unigram, bigram,
and trigram.
As an example of bigram, in the sentence “this laptop is awesome”, the features are
“this laptop”, “laptop is” and “is awesome”.
3. SGD with Regularization In HW2, you may have implemented the logistic regression algorithm using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer. In order to
reduce overfitting and improve the model’s generalization performance, in this assignment, you need to include regularization in your logistic regression model. You are
required to implement both L1 and L2 regularization methods and compare them in
your report. The hyperparameter λ before the regularization term needs to be tuned.
Simply report the performance of the best hyperparameter.
4. Ensemble An ensemble of classifiers is a set of classifiers whose individual decisions
are combined in some way, typically by weighted or unweighted voting, to classify new
examples with the goal of improving accuracy and reliability. As combining diverse, independent opinions in human decision-making to pursue a more protective mechanism,
the ensemble model provides an efficient way to improve accuracy and robustness over
single model methods. Ensemble methods provide a huge practical usefulness in that
it has the promise of reducing and perhaps even eliminating some key shortcomings of
standard learning algorithms.
In this assignment, you are required to implement an ensemble model to predict the
binary sentiment label. You have learned boosting and bagging during the lecture.
Here you you only need to implement bagging model. Please note that the basic
classifier of the ensemble model should be logistic regression.
5. Implementation Details You are given a starter code which is similar
as in HW2. The differences are: 1) you need to implement the unigram, bigram,
and trigram models for the feature extraction; 2) you need to implement the L1 and
L2 regularizers. Please note that 1) and 2) should be implemented together. The
hyperparameters that you need to tune are: learning rate, maximum number of epochs,
feature extraction method (unigram, bigram, or trigram), regularizer (L1 or L2), and
λ (the coefficient of the regularizer). In order to save your time, for determining which
feature extraction method should be used, you can fix other hyperparameters first and
compare unigram, bigram and trigram. Similarly, for determining which regularizer
should be used, you can fix other hyperparameters and compare L1 and L2 regularizers.
After the feature extraction method and the regularizer are chosen, you are required
to use 5-fold cross validation for tuning other parameters. Finally, remember to
use your optimal hyperparameters to update the default values for them in the train
function arguments. We will only check the performance of your best model during
You are also given a starter code, in which you should implement the
bagging model that uses the logistic regression as the basic classifier. 5-fold cross validation is not required here. The feature selection method should be the same as what
you choose in the implementation of the logistic regression model. The hyperparameter you need to tune is the number of weak classifiers. Remember to use the best
value to update the num clf argument in the train function.
Please note that although you have the freedom to modify most of the starter code and
implement it how you feel comfortable, in order to streamline the process of evaluation,
the train() and predict() functions may not change.
6. Evaluation Similar as HW2, you are also given the evaluation program called
In this program, there is one function which you must program which is split dataset.
This function takes in the full .csv dataset file and you must specify how to split it
into train and test sets.
The primary way you will be evaluating the performance of both your models will be
through classification accuracy which is already implemented in When
you run, it will produce these accuracies on the train and test sets. Please
look at the code for further information.
You can simply run from the command line in the following way:
It is important to note that the python command assumes that a python3 interpreter
is being used. Additionally, it is important that,, and
the .csv files stay in the same folder because will only load the data
files when they are in the same directory.
It is important to not alter the code for specific sections in this program because
these exact functions will be used to evaluate your code and model. More detailed
information is contained in the comments of the starter code.
7. Report You will need to submit a report detailing the results of your models. Please
have the following sections labeled in the order specified. Below are the following
requirements for the report:
(a) Explain how you split the dataset and why you selected those splits for the training
and test sets.
(b) For unigram, bigram, and trigram cases, answer two questions:
• What is the number of features that were actually generated during training?
• What is the size of the feature space? (You should count the features that
were not included)
(c) For the logistic regression model, what feature extraction and regularizer did you
use? After answering this, you need to state what are the hyperparameters you
tuned in your model. For each hyperparameter, plot learning curves based on
training and validation performance as a function of the hyperparameter. There
is no requirement that you should put training and validation together or in
separate figures.
(d) Describe how you implement the ensemble model. Similarly, state what the hyperparameters are and plot learning curves as a function of hyper-parameter assignments.
(e) Report the optimal values for the hyperparameters and explain how you arrived
at those values. Report the accuracy of your logistic regression model and ensemble model on the test set with those selected hyperparameter values. Compare
them with your results in HW2 and explain how the feature selection methods,
regularizers and the ensemble method impact your model.