
CS52800 Network Security Assignment V

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Question 1: Certificates Infrastructures [2+2+3 points]
a Public key infrastructures employ certificate revocation mechanism using certificate revocation lists
(CRLs). In presence of CRLs, why do we include expiration dates in certificates? Envision two advantages
of including expiration dates in certificates.
b Every CA must reissue its CRL periodically. It is true even when no new certificates have been revoked
after the previous issue CRL has been published. Why? Suggest a possible attack if CRLs are not issued
c In certificate transparency (CT), explain how the use of a Merkle hash tree makes it possible for a CT
log to prove the following three things efficiently.
• The later version of a log includes everything in the earlier version, in the same order.
• All new entries come after the entries in the older version.
• A particular certificate has been included in the log.
To demonstrate efficiency, you should compare the Merkle hash tree mechanism with other trivial
Question 2: Nymity Level [4 pt]
In the lecture, we discussed the (ano)nymity levels as unlinkable anonymity, linkable anonymity, pseudonymity,
and veriminity. Suggest the nymity levels for the monetary transactions with each of the following medium:
• Cash
• Gift Certificates,
• Loyalty card + cash
• Credit card
Question 3: TLS [6 pt]
For each of the following threats, explain in detail what mechanism is used in SSL/TLS to provide protection,
and how it is used. Do not make any assumptions about the specific encryption/key exchange/signature
scheme used by SSL/TLS, as it is supposed to be compatible with multiple schemes.
a A man-in-the-middle adversary records all of the server’s messages in an SSL handshake. Later, he
impersonates the server by replaying these messages to a client. [2 pt]
b A network attacker poisons DNS cache on the client’s recursive resolver and tricks the client into visiting
an attacker-controlled IP address instead of an actual IP address of the domain that the victim client
was hoping to reach. [2 pt]
c A network attacker modifies the client’s “Hello” message in transit and tricks the server into thinking
that the client supports only relatively weak cryptographic algorithms. [2 pt]
Question 4: Verified By Visa [3+2 pt]
Many websites invoke third-party payment services, such as PayPal or ‘verified by Visa’. These services
reduce the risk of exposure of client’s credentials such as credit-card number, by having the seller’s site
open a new ‘pop-up’ window, at the payment provider’s site, say PayPal; and then having the users enter
their credentials at PayPal’s site.
a Assume that a user is purchasing at the attacker’s site. Explain how that site may be able to trick the
user into providing their credentials to the attacker. Assume typical user, and exploit typical human
vulnerabilities. Present the most effective attack you can.
b Propose and explain two things that may help to reduce the chance of such an attack significantly.
Question 5: Understanding Privacy Risks [10 pts]
Imagine you were in year 2020. All of us are concerned about the spread of COVID-19. To prevent the
spread of the disease, your local public health department would want to have information about the
contacts of all infected individuals. One way of achieving this is the following: All residents have a health
app installed on their phones. When two users A and B come in close contact with one another, the phone
apps exchange some information through the use of Bluetooth. Thus, if A is infected, the information on
A’s phone can be turned over to the health department and used to contact B and notify B of possible
exposure to the disease. While having access to such information is useful, the residents are also worried
about being surveilled by the public health department, other residents, and/or the app developers. As a
security expert, you have been given the task of designing a system that helps the public health department
as well as the residents while solving privacy concerns. In this context, answer the following questions:
a A first suggestion is to share the following information between the phone apps: when in close contact,
each phone app shares the following tuple (name, phone number) of the phone owner. If resident A is
infected, the health department retrieves all the contact tuples on A’s phone and publicly announces
them on a website. Does this satisfy the correctness requirement from the perspective of the public
health department? What are the integrity and privacy concerns with such a system design against an
active/passive adversary? [4 pts]
b A second suggestion is to instead share the tuple (r, H(r||name), H(r||phone number)) where H is a
cryptographic hash function, r is a random 258-bit salt, and || is concatenation operation. Does this
satisfy the correctness requirement? What are the integrity and privacy concerns with such a system
design against an active/passive adversary? [4 pts]
c Suppose I own a restaurant in your locality and I install a phone with this app installed at the entrance
of my restaurant. What information can I learn about my customers just based on the information
collected by my phone for each of the above two approaches? [2 pts]
B: Exploratory Questions
Another important aspect of security practice is to read and understand technical material such as blogs,
tech-report, and research papers, and employ those in your work. This section explores this essential brach.
Question 7: Cryptocurrencies Only Needs Consistent Broadcast [5+3 pt]
In the lecture, we studied that basic two-party (payer-payee) payment mechanism doesn’t require consensus
mechanism such as atomic broadcast. We described that consistent broadcast can be sufficient for the
task. One of the first paper to discuss that was Fastpay ( from
Novi/Facebook. Read the FastPay paper (reading only first fours pages until the end of Section 4.1 will be
sufficient) and answer the following two questions:
a FastPay protocol requires 3f + 1 equally-trusted authorities, assuming a fixed (but unknown) subset
of at most f authorities among those are malicious/active adversaries. This amount to roughly 67%
honest (non-malicious) authority servers.
If you recall from the lecture, something like Bitcoin only assumes 51% honesty level. This amounts to
2f + 1 equally-trusted total authorities for f malicious authorities.
Can you give an example attack when Fastpay reduces its replication factor from 3f + 1 to 2f + 1?
b Can you compare the privacy of transactions over Fastpay with the Bitcoin privacy that we discussed in
the lecture?
Question 7: Cryptocurrencies Makes Software Updating Harder [4+2+4 pt]
In the lecture, we discussed Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrency/blockchain systems, and the financial
service it offers to its users. During the last five years, several hundred other cryptocurrencies and
blockchain systems have emerged. Similar to other secure networking protocols, blockchains are also
prone to attacks. Read the article ‘Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure in Cryptocurrencies’ at https:
// and answer the following questions:
a Using two real-world examples explain why vulnerability disclosures are particularly challenging for
b Explain why the authors do not recommend cryptocurrencies to present bug bounties in their own coin.
c With an example, explain how obscurity and lies are employed during cryptocurrency vulnerability
disclosure and patching.
[Bonus Question 8]: Simplifying Tor session key establishment [6 pt]
In the lecture, we have studied the ntor protocol (slide 23) to perform 1W-AKE and thereby get a shared
session key between a client and a server. In this approach, the server needs to perform two exponentiations
to get the session key: in the last step, the server needs to compute H(g
xy, gbx).
In this exercise, we will look at a variant of this protocol. Assume that we modify the 1W-AKE
protocol presented in the lecture such that the session key is calculated as g
· g
xb = g
. In this way,
the server could calculate z = (y + b) and then do only one exponentiation (g
Is this modified version secure? If not, provide an attack.