CS471 Lab 1 Syntax


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1.1 Aims
The aim of this lab is to introduce you to techniques used for analyzing the
syntactic structure of programming languages. After completing this lab, you
should have some familiarity with the following topics:
• Using regular expressions to specify the lexical syntax of programming
• Enhancing a CFG to support additional constructs.
• Using recursive-decent parsing to evaluate arithmetic expressions and construct abstract syntax trees.
1.2 Exercises
1.2.1 Starting up
Follow the provided directions for starting up this lab in a new git lab1 branch
and a new submit/lab1 directory. You should have copied over the ~/cs471¬
/labs/lab1/exercises over to your submit/lab1 directory.
1.2.2 Exercise 1: Regular Expression
Change over to your ~/i471?/submit/lab1/exercises/regex Exercise 1 directory.
Among the contained les you should nd a copy of lex1.mjs. This le denes a
JavaScript table which maps token kind’s to the regex’s which dene that kind.
You will be concentrating on this le. The way this le is used is that the code
in table-lexer.mjs converts the table into a form which can be used by a crude
scanner with lexer.mjs providing a driver program.
Run the provided lex1.mjs:
$ ./lexer.mjs
usage: lexer.mjs RE_TABLE_FILE INPUT_FILE
$ ./lexer.mjs lex1.mjs data.txt
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’21’ }
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’23’ }
Token { kind: ‘CHAR’, lexeme: ‘A’ }
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’34’ }
Token { kind: ‘CHAR’, lexeme: ‘_’ }
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’22’ }

Token { kind: ‘CHAR’, lexeme: ‘f’ }
Token { kind: ‘CHAR’, lexeme: ‘s’ }
The lex1.mjs table is set up to recognize integers consisting of one-or-more digits, ignore whitespace (using the special $Ignore kind) and catch all unknown
characters as single character tokens having the CHAR kind.
Copy lex1.mjs into lex2.mjs. Modify the table in lex2.mjs so as to recognize
identiers consisting of one-or-more alphanumeric characters or underscores _
with the restriction that the rst character must be alphabetical or _. Note that
the regex literals in the table are JavaScript regex literals and that JavaScript
does not allow whitespace within regex literals.
$ ./lexer.mjs lex2.mjs data.txt
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’21’ }
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’23’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘A34’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘_22’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘ID_44’ }
Token { kind: ‘CHAR’, lexeme: ‘/’ }
Token { kind: ‘CHAR’, lexeme: ‘/’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘asd’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘sdfs’ }
Copy lex2.mjs into lex3.mjs. Modify the table in lex3.mjs so as to ignore //
C-style comments: i.e. comments starting with // and extending to end-of-line.
• You can only have a single $Ignore entry in the table; hence you will
need to modify the existing $Ignore entry to ignore both whitespace and
• / is a special regex character in that it terminates a regex. Hence if you
want to match a /, it will need to be escaped using a \.
• . is a regex matching any character other than newline.
$ ./lexer.mjs lex3.mjs data.txt
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’21’ }
Token { kind: ‘INT’, lexeme: ’23’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘A34’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘_22’ }
Token { kind: ‘ID’, lexeme: ‘ID_44′ }
1.2.3 Exercise 2: Building a Lexer
Change over to your ~/i471?/submit/lab1/exercises/lexer Exercise 2 directory.
This directory contains a more procedural version of a lexer similar to the
table-driven lexer from the previous exercise. Specically, it contains both a
JavaScript lexer and a Python lexer. Both lexers are set up to run very similarly to the lexer from the previous exercise except that instead of defaulting
single-char tokens to have a kind of CHAR, the kind for those tokens is set to
the string corresponding to the single character.
Run either of the programs. The results are similar to your initial run of lex¬
1.mjs in the previous exercise except for the aforementioned dierence with
tokens corresponding to single character lexemes:
$ ./lexer.py
usage: ./lexer.py DATA_FILE
$ ./lexer.py data.txt
Token(kind=’INT’, lexeme=’21’)
Token(kind=’INT’, lexeme=’23’)
Token(kind=’A’, lexeme=’A’)
Token(kind=’INT’, lexeme=’34’)
Token(kind=’_’, lexeme=’_’)

Token(kind=’s’, lexeme=’s’)
Token(kind=’d’, lexeme=’d’)
Token(kind=’f’, lexeme=’f’)
Token(kind=’s’, lexeme=’s’)
Your task in this exercise is to choose one of the Python or JavaScript lexers
and modify it as in the previous exercise: i.e. recognize identiers and ignore
//-comments. Alternately, you may use the provided code as pseudo-code and
roll your own in your favorite programming language.
1.2.4 Exercise 3: A Calculator
Change over to your ~/i471?/submit/lab1/exercises/calc Exercise 3 directory.
This directory contains calc.{mjs,py} JavaScript/Python calculators for ;-
separated expressions over integers containing left-associative + and – binary
operators, unary – and parentheses used for grouping.
: expr ‘;’ program
| #empty
: term ( ( ‘+’ | ‘-‘ ) term )*
: ‘-‘ term
| factor
| ‘(‘ expr ‘)’
The provided code works as a calculator:
$ cat data.txt
1 + 2 – 3;
–2 – (3 – 4);
$ ./calc.mjs
usage: calc.mjs INPUT_FILE
$ ./calc.mjs data.txt
[ 0, 3 ]
Your task in this exercise is to modify the grammar and your chosen implementation to support a right-associative ** exponentiation operator. The new
operator should have a higher precedence than unary – as shown in the following
$ cat expn-data.txt
-2 ** 2 ** 3 ;
1 + 2**(1 + 2) ;
1 + -2**(1 + 2) ;
$ ./calc.py expn-data.txt
[-256, 9, -7]
• Modify the grammar to support the ** operator. At rst glance it appears necessary to add another non-terminal to support the additional
precedence level, but since unary– is prex and exponentiation is inx,
this can be done within the existing term non-terminal.
• Modify the scanner to support the ** operator.
• Make changes in the parser as per your grammar. This should require
very few additional lines of code.
1.2.5 Exercise 4: Building ASTs
Change over to your ~/i471?/submit/lab1/exercises/ast Exercise 4 directory.
This directory contains ast.{mjs,py} implementations for building AST’s for
the grammar from the previous exercise. After building the AST’s the implementations dump the AST’s as JSON on standard output without any whitespace, except for a terminating newline.
As in the previous exercise, modify the implementation to add the exponentiation operator and build the corresponding AST’s.
The JSON output for input.txt is available in input.json. You can pretty-print
JSON by piping it into json_pp.
• Every AST node contains a tag eld which is set to the operator for
operator AST’s.
• The tag eld for an AST corresponding to an integer is set to INT. The
value of the integer is added to the AST using an extra value eld; note
that the type of value must be an integer.
• The kids eld of an AST node is a list containing the operands for that
AST node.