CS4342 Homework 5 – Machine Learning 


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1. Support Vector Machines (Kernels): [50 points]: The purpose of this problem is to clarify
what it means to train and apply a SVM with a non-linear kernel. To get started, first download the
toy dataset lung toy.npy under the Files section on Canvas. In this dataset, there are two features
per example (radon, in picoCuries; and asbestos, in kilograms), representing how much of these toxins
a person has ingested during their lifetime. The labels (each y ∈ {−1, +1}) represent whether or not
the person will acquire lung disease as a result of their exposure to radon and asbestos. On all of
the problems below, you should use sklearn’s sklearn.svm.SVC class, which implements a soft-margin
SVM. To specify how “soft” it is (i.e., how much slack is allowed to the training examples), use the C
variable that was defined in the lecture notes.
All of the exercises below require some scatter-plots; please make sure to give each plot its own title
(using plt.title) so that it’s clear which plot belongs to which exercise. When computing the SVM’s
predictions over a dense grid of points (I recommend a 100×100 grid of points that evenly covers the
range of radon and asbestos values), it is acceptable on this assignment just to use two nested for-loops
to iterate over all the points in the grid. (If you wish, it’s more efficient to vectorize this using the
np.meshgrid function; however, this is optional.)
(a) Using sklearn’s sklearn.svm.SVC class, train a linear SVM on this dataset (set C = 0.01). Note
that you must explicitly set the kernel parameter to linear (since the RBF kernel is the default).
Even though the data are not linearly separable, since the SVM has a soft margin, the training
can still converge. Plot (include it in your PDF) the trained machine’s predictions on a 2-D
grid of combinations of (radon, asbestos) values, where the color of each point in the scatter-plot
indicates the predicted class label. On a subset of the training data, the scatter plot of the raw
data, and the plot of predictions, would look something like the following:
Note that the linear SVM does not do a great job of separating the positive from the negative
(b) In order to potentially fit the data more accurately, try transforming each input x using a
non-linear transformation φ into a higher-dimensional feature space. In class, I showed several examples of such transformations; see slide #28 from Lecture16.pdf, which shows an example for degree-2 polynomial transformations. In this exercise, you should instead define φ
so that it computes degree-3 polynomial features of x = [r a]
>. More specifically, define φ
such that φ(x)
) = (1 + x
for all x, x
. You may find a symbolic calculator such as
wolframalpha.com to be useful (though it’s not required). Write down the mathematical expression of your transformation in your PDF. (Hint: it should map from R
to R
10.) Then apply this
transformation to every example in the training set. Next, train an SVM (set C = 0.01) on the
transformed examples. (Since you are performing the transformation yourself, you should specify
the linear kernel.) Finally, plot (include it in your PDF) the trained machine’s predictions on
the same 2-D grid of combinations of the raw (radon, asbestos) values as you did for part (a)
above. You should see that the decision boundary between classes – in terms of the raw feature
space – is now curved. Note that – like always – the SVM training procedure still identifies the
hyperplane (a linear separator) with maximum margin; however, this hyperplane now lives in a
10-dimensional space.
(c) Since the SVM optimization function depends only on how the training examples occur within
inner products, we can thus train the exact same SVM as part (b) both more compactly (less
memory) and more quickly (less time) using the “kernel trick”: Instead of explicitly transforming
each example x through φ, we rather implicitly transform pairs of training data through a kernel
function kpoly3(x, x
) = (1 + x
. To do so, we need to give the SVM training algorithm (set
C = 0.01) a matrix consisting of the kernel values for all pairs of training data. Specifically, you
should construct a kernel matrix Ktr ∈ R
n×n, where n is the number of training examples, such
that entry Ktr
ij = kpoly3(x
, x
). For this exercise, you should not use φ; rather use kpoly3 as
defined above. Since, in this exercise, you are constructing the kernel matrix yourself, you should
initialize an SVM using the precomputed kernel type, and pass the kernel matrix Ktr (instead
of the design matrix X) to the fit function. Training this SVM with the kernel matrix should
result in the exact same SVM as for part (b).
Recall that, for non-linear SVMs, the decision function is given by g(x) = Pn
i=1 α
(i)k(x, x
b. In other words, the model needs to compute the kernel values between the test example x and
training examples x
. Hence, for making predictions using the trained model, you will need
to feed the predict function another kernel matrix Kte ∈ R
0×n, where n
is the number of
examples in the testing set, that contains the kernel values for all possible ordered pairs of examples
where the first is from the testing set and the second is from the training set. This reflects the
disadvantage of using kernels – you must store training examples (though not necessarily all of
them, as noted in part (d)) in order to make predictions at test-time. Using this procedure, create
another prediction plot (include it in your PDF); it should look identical to part (b).
Note: when computing the kernel matrices above, it is acceptable on this assignment just to use
two nested for-loops to compute all kernel values. However, it’s more efficient to vectorize this by
using numpy’s broadcasting capabilities.
(d) Instead of computing the kernel matrix yourself, invoke sklearn’s built-in kernel functionality
simply by passing poly as the kernel value to the SVM constructor (set C = 0.01). In order to
match exactly the φ from parts (b) and (c), you should set the gamma=1, coef0=1, and degree=3.
Since sklearn is performing the kernel trick for you, you should directly pass the design matrix X
to the fit function. Similarly, for prediction, you can also pass just the design matrix containing
the raw test examples. The computation of the kernel function is handled by sklearn internally.
Better still, the SVM you trained will store only the support vectors (those training vectors
whose associated Lagrange multipler α > 0), which can save a lot of time and memory compared
to storing the entire training set. After training your SVM, create another prediction plot (include
it in your PDF); it should look identical to parts (b) and (c).
(e) Finally, experiment with the most popular SVM kernel: the Gaussian radial basis function (RBF).
Use sklearn’s built-in RBF kernel function to train the model (for this part only, set C = 1.0), and
then plot the predictions (include the two plots in your PDF) for γ = 0.1 and γ = 0.03. Describe
in your PDF how (in qualitative terms) the prediction boundaries differ for the different values
for bandwidth hyperparmeter γ; say which one you think is more likely to overfit. Extra credit
(4 points): Implement the RBF-SVM yourself (i.e., initialize the SVM using precomputed as
the kernel type) by creating your own kernel function kRBF. To get the extra credit, you must
vectorize the computation of the Ktr and Kte. Probably the easiest way is to construct two
different 3-D arrays of training/testing vectors that are replicated many times and then subtract
the arrays; the np.repeat and np.swapaxes methods are handy.
Put your Python code in a file, called homework5 WPIUSERNAME.py, and your PDF file, called homework5 WPIUSERNAME.pdf,
into a Zip file (homework5 WPIUSERNAME.zip) and submit it on Canvas.