CS433 Programming Assignment 5


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Simulation of Page Replacement Algorithms
Overall Goal
For this assignment, you are to write a simulation to analyze dierent memory page replacement algorithms. You
need to implement a simple simulator of page replacement policies, assuming a single running process and a xed
size physical memory.
You simulator should allow the page size and physical memory size (# of address bits) as command-line arguments.
The simulation should support at least three page replacement policies: Random, FIFO, and LRU. The page size
must be a number of power of 2 between 256 (2^8) and 8192 (2^13) bytes inclusively. The physical memory size is
also power of 2.
Assume that when the simulation start, the physical memory is empty, i.e. all page table entries are invalid. As they
are brought in, the simulator should make sure that the total number of pages in memory should never exceed the
physical memory size.
The simulator should read a sequence of logical memory references from a le (references.txt). This le contains
a list of virtual (logical) memory byte addresses accessed by a program. In this simulation, the maximum virtual
memory address is 128 MB (2
27bytes) and the number of addresses in the le is 5,000,000. In this simulation, the
least signicant bit is used to dierentiate between a read access (0, i.e. even number) or write access (1, i.e. odd
number). For example, the value 1220149 means a write reference to memory location 1220148. Those addresses can
be assumed to be aligned at a two-byte boundary, i.e., they are always even. We can safely play this simple trick
because the minimum page size is 256 bytes, so the eight least signicant bits of an address are irrelevant to the page
number anyway.
Your program should keep track of pages in the memory and free frames. Therefore you need to maintain a pagetable
data structure, which can be easily implemented as an array of page-table entries, and a free-frame list. The number
of pages is dependent on the page size. In the pagetable entry data structure, you need additional elds, e.g. valid
and dirty bits, besides the mapped frame number of the page. For each memory reference, nd out its page number
and whether this page is in the main memory. If the memory reference is a write, this page is marked dirty. If this
page is not in the main memory, a page fault is generated and this page is loaded into the main memory. However, if
the main memory is full, a victim page must be selected and evicted according a page replacement algorithm. Your
simulation is to compare dierent page replacement algorithms. Notice you may need to keep track of additional
information such as last page access time for the LRU (least recently used) algorithm.
Required Output
• All programs should print your name as a minimum when they rst start.
• Beyond that, this program should collect and print the following statistics for dierent algorithms:
 The total number of memory references.
 The total number of page faults.
 The total number of ushes, i.e., cases when the victim page was dirty.
 The total time it took the simulator to produce the results.
• In addition to a program printout, the results of algorithm should be analyzed and written in the reprot. You
should thoroughly test your program with several dierent page sizes (256 – 8192 bytes) and physical memory
sizes (e.g. 4 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB), analyze the data and summarize results and conclusions in the
Extra Credits
(up to 10 points) Implement additional page replacement algorithms, e.g the optimal algorithm and Enhanced
Second-Chance (pg 378 of the textbook), and compare them to the algorithms in the simulation.