CS433 Programming Assignment 1


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Priority Queue of Processes
Overall Goal
The goal of this assignment is to help you review C/C++ data structures and familiarize you with Unix/Linux programming.
You should carefully read the programming policies and submission guidelines before start.
In this assignment you need to implement some commonly used data structures in operating systems, including:
• PCB : Process control block (PCB) is a data structure representing a process in the system. A process should have
at least an ID and a state (i.e. NEW, READY, RUNNING, WAITING or TERMINATED). It may also have other
attributes, such as Program Counter, CPU Registers, scheduling information (e.g. priority), Memory-management
information and I/O status information etc.
• PCB Table: An array(list) of PCB elements. It contains all processes currently in the system.
• ReadyQueue: This is a queue of processes that are in the READY state to be scheduled to run. It needs to be a
priority queue such that the process with the highest priority can be selected next. It should support at least following
insertProc: add the PCB of a process into the ready queue.
removeHighestProc: remove and return the PCB with the highest priority from the queue
size: return the number of elements in the queue
displayQueue: Display the IDs and priorities of processes in the queue.
You have the freedom of choosing the data structure, for example linked-list, array, binary tree or heap, used for implementing
the Ready_Queue. However, you cannot directly use any exsiting priority queue data structure, for example the one from
STL. The choice of your implementation is critical for the performance of your program. In the report you should discuss
your choice of data structure, the time complexity of your implementation, and how the timing results match with your
Required Output
Read and follow the programming policies and submission guidelines.
You need to write a driver(main) program to test your data structures as follows. As a good program structure, the main
program should be in a separate le from the classes. Your program should rst print your name when it starts.
1. In the rst test, you make a pcb_table of 20 entries with PCB ID from 1 to 20. Assume the priority values range from
1 to 50, where the lower value means the higher priority, i.e. priority = 1 means the highest prority and 50 means the
lowest. Assume in this test the process of PID i have its initial priority = i, i.e. the lower PID means higher priority.
When you add a process to the ReadyQueue you should change its state in the pcb_table to READY; you should
change its state to RUNNING if you remove a process from the ReadyQueue. Create a ReadyQueue q1. Then do the
following tests.
(a) add processes 5, 1, 8, 11 to q1. Display the content of q1
(b) remove the process with the highest priority from q1 and display q1.
(c) remove the process with the highest priority from q1 and display q1
(d) Insert processes 3, 7, 2, 12, 9 to q1
(e) One by one remove the process with the highest priority from the queue q1 and display it after each removal.
2. The second test evaluates the performance of your implementation. Use the ReadyQueue q1 and the pcb_table from
the rst test. First randomly select 10 process from the pcb_table and add them into q1, but assign each process a
random initial priority between 1 and 50. Then You need to repeat the following steps 1,000,000 times and measure
the total time of running the loop.
(a) remove one process with the highest priority from q1 using the removeHighestProc function. If there are more
than one processes with the highest priority, it’s your design option to choose which one. For example, you may
choose one randomly or the one that was inserted into the queue the earliest. Notice only processes currently in
the queue can be removed.
(b) Decrement the priority values of the processes still in q1. This is called aging and would increase the priority of
the processes in the ReadyQueue so that they will evently be selected. Note that the priority value should be >=
(c) Randomly select one process from the pcb_table that isn’t currently in q1 and insert it into q1 using the insertProc
function, with a random initial priority value between 1 and 50.
Measure the total time of running the 1,000,000 iterations and print out the nal content of the ReadyQueue (don’t
print in each of the iteration). Hint: You may use the UNIX gettimeofday function to measure the time. type man
gettimeofday in a Unix shell to get more information or look it up online.
The timing results of your program should be measured on the class server. You may run your program a few times and take
the average. In the report, you should present and discuss your timing results.
Useful Things to Start
You must provide your source code and Makele so that I can compile you program with the make command. I provide you
a dummy test.c le and a Makele for students who haven’t used Makele before. You can download them as a zip le
from the class website or copy them form directory /cs433/example on the cs433.cs.csusm.edu server. You should modify the
makele for your own project. Read the Unix programming tools doc and links to additional resources for more information.
Use -g compilation ag for g++ when debugging your program and -O or -O2 to generate optimized code for timing
test 2. The group that implements test2 correctly and has the fastest time will get 10 points extra credit.