CS403: Programming Languages Assignment 2


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1. Define a function named loop that takes a procedure and a list containing a lower bound (inclusive) and an upper bound
(exclusive). The loop function should repeatedly execute the procedure, supplying a single argument from the list of
integers derived from the given bounds.
For example, the call:
(loop (lambda (x) (inspect x)) ‘(0 5))
should produce the following output:
x is 0
x is 1
x is 2
x is 3
x is 4
2. Currying is the process of providing one or more of the arguments to a function. The result of currying is a new function
that accepts some or all of the remaining, unspecified arguments. Define a function, named curry, that curries the given
function. As an example, the following pairs of expressions should evaluate to the same result:
(f a b c)
((curry f a) b c)
(g v w x y z)
(((curry g v w ) x) y z)
Note that curry is variadic and that the syntax of variadic functions in Scam is different than that of Scheme.
An easy way to implement curry is to use the apply function, which, when given a function and a list of arguments,
calls the given function with the given arguments. The two calls below are equivalent:
(+ 1 2 3 4)
(apply + (list 1 2 3 4))
You can determine the number of arguments a function expects by asking for the length of its formal parameter list:
(length (get ‘parameters f))
Your curry function will only be tested with functions taking a fixed number of arguments.
3. Define a function named infix →prefix that takes a quoted arithmetic infix expression involving numbers, variables, and
operators and transforms the expression into a prefix expression. The operators are +, -, *, /, and ^ where ^ represents
the exponentiation operator. The precedence of the operators increases in the order given. Thus + has the lowest
precedence while ^ has the highest precedence. As an example,
(infix->prefix ‘(2 + 3 * x ^ 5 + a))
would return the list
(+ 2 (+ (* 3 (^ x 5)) a))
(+ (+ 2 (* 3 (^ x 5))) a)
or something mathematically equivalent. Implement all operators as left-associative, except exponentiation, which
should be right associative. You do not need to handle parenthesized expressions in the infix form.
You must implement the classic solution to this problem, an approach which utilizes a stack and a queue (or two stacks).
Your queue, if you need one, is allowed to use linear time for enqueuing.
4. Define a function named no-locals which takes a source code list representing a function definition and returns a source
code list representing an equivalent definition with local defines replaced by a lambda. For example,
(define (nsq a)
(define x (+ a 1))
(define y (- a 1))
(* x y)
should evaluate to the list:
(define (nsq a)
((lambda (x y) (* x y))
(+ a 1)
(- a 1)
You may assume that all local defines are at the beginning of the function body and that they do not refer to each
5. In the lambda calculus, functions are restricted to having a single argument. Define a function named convert that
takes a lambda of possibly many arguments, as a source code list, and returns a source code list of a nested function
that takes the arguments one at a time.
For example,
(convert (quote (lambda (a b) (+ a b))))
should evaluate to the list:
(lambda (a) (lambda (b) (+ a b)))
If one were to instantiate the source code, as in:
(define plus
(convert (quote (lambda (a b) (+ a b))))
then the expression:
((plus 3) 4)
should return 7.
Remember, there may be any number of formal parameters and any number of body expressions in the the source code
6. Define a function, named reverse*, that reverses the top level of a list as well as any nested sublists, recursively. For
(reverse* ‘(1 (2 (3 (4 5))) 6))
should evaluate to:
(6 (((5 4) 3) 2) 1)
Your solution should implement iterative recursive loops.
To make this task easier, you only need to handle lists with numbers. Any nested lists will be right-associative (as
shown in the example). You may assume any library function is iterative; they may not be, but they could be rewritten
to be iterative.
7. Do exercise 2.37, defining matrix-*-vector, transpose, and matrix-*-matrix, along with any other support functions.
Unlike the exercise, store the matrix in column-major format (as is done in Fortran). In column-major format, the
example matrix would be represented as ((1 4 6) (2 5 7) (3 6 8) (4 6 9)).
You must follow the style of the book and you must minimize your use of the transpose operation.
8. Consider this node constructor and tree displayer:
(define (node value left right)
(define (display) (print value))
(define (displayTree root indent)
(if (valid? root)
(displayTree (root’right) (string+ indent ” “))
(print indent)
(displayTree (root’left) (string+ indent ” “))
Define an insertInTree function that takes a binary search tree and a value and returns a new binary search tree that
includes that value. Example:
(define t0 (node 5 nil nil))
(define t1 (insertInTree t0 2))
(define t2 (insertInTree t1 8))
(displayTree t2 ” “)
The last command would display the tree sideways:
9. Define a series of functions, named big+, big-, and big*, to support the addition, subtraction, and multiplication of
arbitrary sized integers, respectively. Each integer will be expressed as a list of digits. For example, the integer 4918039
would be represented as the list (4 9 1 8 0 3 9). Use Karatsuba’s divide and conquer method for your multiplication
function. Your functions need not be variadic; binary operation is sufficient.
Hint: it will make your life easier if you reverse your big integers while doing your computations. Consider this addition:
(big+ ‘(4 5 8 9) ‘(3 0 2))
The big+ function would internally reverse the augend and addend to (9 8 5 4) and (2 0 3), respectively, before doing
the addition. After computing the sum (1 9 8 4), it would return the reverse of the result, yielding (4 8 9 1).
Negative numbers should be represented by a leading minus sign. For example, the number -4918039 would be represented by the list (- 4 9 1 8 0 3 9). Note: the minus sign is the symbol generated by (quote -), not the built-in
subtraction function.
10. Integrate your big+, big-, and big* functions into Scam’s normal arithmetic functions. Do this by saving the old
functions, as in:
(define old+ +)
and then redefining new ones, as in:
(define (+ a b)

The new functions should call the old functions, if appropriate. Furthermore, if the operation processing two regular
integers will cause an overflow or underflow, the regular integers should be first converted to big integers. Conversely,
if a big integer result fits into a regular integer, the big integer should be converted to a regular integer. For easy of
testing, assume an regular integer ranges from −2
15 to 2
15 − 1. Examples:
(+ 234 5) ;yields a regular int
(+ ‘(2 3 4) 5) ;yields a regular int
(+ 234 ‘(5)) ;yields a regular int
(+ 32767 32767) ;yields a big int
(* 10000 4) ;yields a big int
(- ‘(4 0 0 0 0) ‘(1 0 0 0 0)) ;yields a regular int
Your functions cannot refer to any regular integers outside the assumed range.
Assignment submission
Submitting the assignment The entire assignment should be contained in a single file named assign2.scm. Any explanatory
text should be in the form of Scam comments, which begin with a semicolon. The file should load into the Scam interpreter
cleanly. The last line of your file should be:
(println “assignment 2 loaded!”)
If you do not see the message ”assignment 2 loaded” when executing your file with the Scam interpreter, then there is an error
somewhere that needs to be fixed. If your file does not load properly (i.e. I do not see the message), you will receive no credit
for your work. To submit your assignment, delete extraneous files from your working directory. Then, while in your working
directory, type the command:
submit proglan lusth assign2
The submit program will bundle up all the files in your current directory and ship them to me. Thus it is very important
that only the files related to the assignment are in your directory (you may submit test cases and test scripts). This includes
subdirectories as well since all the files in any subdirectories will also be shipped to me, so be careful. You may submit as
many times as you want before the deadline; new submissions replace old submissions.