CS403: Programming Languages Assignment 1


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1. Explain why if and my-if (defined below) can behave differently for equivalent, legal inputs. Here is an example of
equivalent calls to if and my-if that behave exactly the same, in terms of output:
(define x 2)
(define a (readInt))
(inspect (if (= a 0) x (/ a x)))
(inspect (my-if (= a 0) x (/ a x)))
where my-if is defined as
(define (my-if a b c)
(if (true? a)
In particular, give a concrete example in which the behavior is different. You will need to come up with specific cases
that show this difference.
Your run function should present this example and should explain precisely why the behavior is different.
2. Define a function, named zeno_cost, that computes the price of a ticket for Zeno’s Airlines given the distance d of the
flight in stadia, the cost c of the first half of the trip in drachma, and a factor f for computing the cost of the rest of
the trip. The total cost of a ticket is computed as follows: c drachma for the first half of the trip and c × f drachma for
the first half of the remaining half. Of the part of the trip that still remains, the first half of that is c × f × f drachma.
Indeed, the first half of the remaining portion is always f times the cost of the previous portion.
If the distance to be traveled is less than or equal to a daktylos (there are 9,600 daktylos to 1 stadion), then the cost of
traveling that distance a fixed cost of 7 drachma. Otherwise, if the cost of traveling half the distance to be traveled is
less than or equal to a hemiobol (one-twelfth of a drachma), the cost of traveling the two halves is one hemibool.
Your zeno_cost function should implement a recursive process. Expect real or integer numbers as arguments. Return
the cost (a real number) in drachma.
3. The Mandelbrot set (for examples, see http://www.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/miscellaneous/mandel/mandel.html is a
set of planar points, a point (x,y) being in the set if the following iteration never diverges to infinity:
r = r × r − s × s + x
s = 2 × r × s + y
with r and s both starting out at 0.0. While we can’t iterate forever to check for divergence, there is a simple condition
which predicts divergence: if r × r + s × s > 4 is ever true, either r or s will tend to diverge to infinity. Processing
of a point continues until divergence is detected or until some threshold number of iterations has been reached. If the
threshold is reached, the point is considered to be in the Mandelbrot set. Obviously, the higher the threshold, the higher
the confidence that the point actually is in the set. The points not in the Mandelbrot set can be categorized as to their
resistance to divergence. These points are often colorized, a point colored black if it is in the set, red if it is very resistant
to divergence, blue if it immediately diverges, and somewhere in between red and blue for intermediate resistance.
Define a function, named mandelbrot-iter, that takes a threshold as its single argument. and returns another function
that can be used to test whether or not a point is in the Mandelbrot set using the given threshold. The returned function
takes two arguments, the x-coordinate, and the y-coordinate of the point to be tested and it returns the resistance (i.e.,
the number of iterations until the divergence test succeeds). The return value should be 0 if the point described by the
x- and y-coordinates is in the Mandelbrot set (i.e., reaches the threshold). You should test for divergence before you
test for reaching the threshold.
Example usage:
(define mandelbrot-tester (mandelbrot-iter 100))
(if (= (mandelbrot-tester 2 3) 0)
(print “point (2,3) is in the Mandelbrot set!\n”)
(print “point (2,3) is not in the Mandelbrot set.\n”)
In the above example, the threshold for determining whether or not a number is in the Mandelbrot set is 100.
4. Define a function named root3 which uses a binary search algorithm to find the cube root a given number. Your
function should return the current approximation when the current approximation is indistinguishable from the previous
approximation. Your function need only work for non-negative numbers.
5. Define a function, named crazyTriangle, that prints out n levels of Pascal’s triangle, but with a twist. The leftmost and
rightmost numbers at each level are not necessarily ones, as with Pascal’s triangle, but are given as the first and second
arguments. The third argument is the number of levels to be printed. The output produced by (crazyTriangle 1 1 6)
would be Pascal’s triangle:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
The output produced by (crazyTriangle 1 2 6) would be
1 2
1 3 2
1 4 5 2
1 5 9 7 2
1 6 14 16 9 2
Note that the apex is always the first argument.
Your function must print one level to a line with lower levels above upper levels. Your levels need to be centered around
the apex (but don’t worry if the triangle skews rightward with multi-digit numbers). Your function must also minimize
any redundant computations and should not overflow an integer while computing a triangle entry (unless the entry itself
6. Currying is the process of providing the arguments to a function at different points in time. The result of currying a
function is a new function that accepts the last of the remaining, unspecified arguments. Define a function, named oppy,
that curries a mathematical expression of two binary operators. As an example, these two expressions should evaluate
to the same result:
(+ x (* y z))
(((((oppy +) x) *) y) z)
Note that y and z could be instantiated far later than x. Your implementation will only be tested on expressions of the
form given above.
7. The function w, described below, implements Shank’s transform:
w(f, i) = f(i) if i is zero
w(f, i) = S(f,i+1)×S(f,i−1)−S(f,i)
S(f,i+1)−2×S(f,i)+S(f,i−1) otherwise
where the function S implements summation:
S(f, n) = ∑n
Implement w and S using an iterative process with no redundant computations.
8. The ancient Egyptians were perhaps the first people on earth to come up with the idea of binary arithmetic when they
developed their method of multiplication. The Egyptian Multiplication method is a tabular calculation that lends itself
to a straightforward computer implementation. The table starts out with a 1 in column a, the multiplicand in column
b and the multiplier in column c. Columns a and c are successively doubled until the value in column a is greater than
the value in column b. For example, to multiply 1960 by 56, we generate the following table:
a b c
1 56 1960
2 56 3920
4 56 7840
8 56 15680
16 56 31360
32 56 62720
64 56 125440
At this point, we add a fourth column initialized to zero and apply the following algorithm. If the number in column a is
less than or equal to that of column b, we add column c to column d and subtract column a from column b. Otherwise,
we leave the values in b and d unchanged. In either case, we halve (integer division) the values in both columns a and
c. We stop when column b becomes zero. At this point, the answer resides in column d.
a b c d
64 56 125440 0
32 56 62720 0
16 24 31360 62720
8 8 15680 94080
4 0 7840 109760
Define a function named egypt* that takes two arguments, the multiplicand and the multiplier and returns the product.
Example call:
(egypt* 56 1960) ;multiply 56 by 1960 (with no multiplication)
(halve 56) ;divide 56 by 2 (with no division)
Your method should implement an iterative process for both egypt* and halve. You may not use either multiplication
or division in your solution. The halve function must run in sub-linear time.
9. Consider this infinite fraction:
1 +
1 +
2 +
1 +
2 +
1 + …
Define a function called mystery that when given an integer argument n, computes the value of this equation to n terms.
For example, if n is 0, the function should return 1. For n equal to 1, it should return 1 +
or 2. For n equal to 2,
it should return 1 +
1 +
or 5
. The return value should be cast to a real number. Your function should compute its
value using a recursive process.
Your run function should give the value of the equation with an infinite number of terms.
10. The famous Indian mathematician, Ramanujan, asked a question that no one else seemed to be able to solve: what is
the value of:

1 + 2 ·

1 + 3 ·

1 + 4 ·

1 + 5 ·

1 + …
carried out to infinity? Instead of answering this question, Ramanujan, gave a solution to the more general problem,
the value of:
vuut1 + x ·

1 + (x + 1) ·

1 + (x + 2) ·

1 + (x + 3) ·

1 + …
carried out to infinity. Define a function, named ramanujan, which takes as its two arguments the depth of a rational
approximation to the above nested expression (as before) and the value of x. For example, if the depth is 0 and x is 3,
ramanujan should return 0. If the depth is 1 and x is 3, ramanujan should return the value of √
1 + 3 If the depth is 2
and x is 3, the return value should be the value of √
1 + 3 ·

1 + 4 Your function should implement a recursive process.
Define a second function, named iramanujan, with the same semantics but implementing an iterative process.
Your run function should give the value of the above expression in terms of x.
Assignment submission
The entire assignment should be contained in a single file named assign1.scm. Any explanatory text should be in the form of
Scam comments, which begin with a semicolon. The file should load into the Scam interpreter cleanly. The last line of your
file should be:
(println “assignment 1 loaded!”)
If you do not see the message ”assignment 1 loaded” when executing your file with the Scam interpreter, then there is an error
somewhere that needs to be fixed. If your file does not load properly (i.e. I do not see the message), you will receive no credit
for your work.
To submit assignments, you need to install the submit system:
• linux and cygwin instructions
• mac instructions
Now delete extraneous files from your working directory. Finally, while in your working directory, type the command:
submit proglan lusth assign1
The submit program will bundle up all the files in your current directory and ship them to me. Thus it is very important
that only the files related to the assignment are in your directory (you may submit test cases and test scripts). This includes
subdirectories as well since all the files in any subdirectories will also be shipped to me, so be careful. You may submit as
many times as you want before the deadline; new submissions replace old submissions.